Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 180

Chapter 180: Starlight

"I can tell you are interested in running entertainment dungeons, but you should know that I am not the guy in charge. No matter what idea you pitch, I wouldn't be able to make it happen with out te bosses OK." Tim Kelly said as the flew through the air on the flying carpet.

"Alright, I would like to talk to your boss as some point then."

"Sure, sure, that will not be a problem. You have already helped me out so much."

"Where are you headed to anyway."

"We were making our way to Destol before we were attacked."


"It is one of the possible places we are going to set up our headquarters. Have you ever heard of it? Have you been there?"

"I have heard of it." Lucan said, giving the man a strange look. "It is a long distance to Destol, surely it would be better to go to any of the nearby cities and teleport there."

"Originally, I wanted to go through the wilderness to get there, but it turned out to be much more dangerous than I thought." Tim said. "I had the idea of scouting out possible set locations and I wanted to familiarize myself with the environment."

Lucan just nodded.

"We plan to start shooting television shows and movies inside of Evolution as well. Nobody s sure how it going to go yet. We are all excited to see the special effects we dreamed of come to life, but nobody knows how it will turn out."

Tim Kelly kept talking about Starlight Entertainment and their plans for the future. He informed Lucan that the other big entertainment companies were also making their move into Evolution.

Lucan couldn't help but wonder if Gilbuzz knew about this. The devil had approached him at the perfect time to release an entertainment dungeon. Was Gilbuzz aware that these entertainment giants were coming into the game? Had he seen them starting up their business and wanted a piece of them?

It was all too coincidental. The horned devil had even altered their deal to allow Lucan to leave early. And the result was that he bumped into an entertainment executive. It could just be a string of random coincidences, but Lucan considered the chances of that to be fairly low.

"Ah, a city!" Tim Kelly exclaimed while jumping up and pointing into the distance, nearly falling off the carpet in the process.

"Mmm, I see it. I will drop you off when we get close. You can teleport to Destol from there."

"You have to come with me Mr. Quilldrake. You saved my but back, let me treat you."

"It is alright, I have things I need to do."

"Come on. I am sure my boss will want to meet you, and you have to give me a chance to return the favor." Tim Kelly moved closer to Lucan and nudged him with his elbow. "We were thinking about getting into other types of entertainment." *Wink* *Wink* *Nudge* *Nudge* "The mature kind of entertainment."

"I am married." Lucan said flatly.

Tim glossed over his previous statements. "Let me at least treat you to a meal. Please, come to Destol with me."

Lucan thought about it and decided to go. Silent was there and that was his main reason for going. He could go back to looking for a pocket dimension any time. Besides, he would need a bit of luck to find one. Maybe after spending a bit of time with Silent, he would get lucky.

"Okay, I will go." He said, landing his flying carpet, outside the city.

They quickly walked through the crowded streets and set eyes on the teleporter. With a flash, they appeared in Destol.

They arrived in a grand city. Destol wasn't as big as Vertshadow but it had more people than Shadowsweep and Lucan's fortress combined. It was about the same size as Avalon.

Tim Kelly led them through the city to a moderate sized Inn. Starlight hadn't purchased and land yet and didn't own property. Currently they were renting the top two floors of the Inn as a temporary workspace. But the daily rental fees were starting to add up. They needed to set a permanent location for their company soon.

Lucan followed Tim to the top floor and into a room that was being used as an office.

A young man around Lucan's age sat behind a desk, shuffling through several papers when they walked in. He was communicating with the assistant at his side.

"Damn it, they really won't budge. See if you can offer her anything to sweeten the deal. Some of our B list male celebrities are already in the city getting used to things, see if you can't offer er a night with one of them to get us a break in price. If that doesn't work, you can let her take several of them back to her place."josei

"Yes boss, right away." Said the assistant before scurrying out of the room.

The man behind the desk looked up an saw Tim.

"What the hell happened?!" The boss roared. "Those people we paid for protection all died and now they are even demanding double death pay and they are claiming the environment we took them to was a guaranteed death trap. Are you going to pay form them?! Why did I let you go on your stupid sightseeing journey?"

"Boss, it really wasn't my fault. Several drow showed up from nowhere and attacked us. But you shouldn't pay those bastards anything. At the first sign of danger, those jerks abandoned me and fled for their lives. They should get nothing. The only reason I was able to make it out unscatched was because of this gu-."

"I don't want to hear it. Annabel will be arriving shortly, go to the teleporter to wait for her and then escort her hear. She is our first A list celebrity to arrive, make sure you don't screw this up Tim."

"Sure, but boss, this is-."

"GO! You have already caused enough problems. Do your duty and do it well."

Tim Kelly nodded and quickly left the room to do as he was ordered.

The boss went back to his paperwork. After a minute he realized he wasn't alone. Looking up from the desk, he could see Lucan staring at him.

"What are you looking at? What are you doing here? Who are you?"

"I am-."

"Ah, you must be one of those people that the intern office sent over."

Lucan shook his head while taking a seat in one of the chairs against the wall.

The boss looked Lucan over and was surprised to see that he wasn't from the intern office.


"I know, you must be one of the people our investor sent over. Good, good, we need competent people, now more than ever."

Every time Lucan tried to open his mouth to correct the man, he was interrupted. After the second time, he decided to no longer try to correct the boss. What was the point if her wouldn't even let him talk?

Lucan wondered how this man got any business done when his employees were barely able to speak to him.

"Boss, not good." The assistant said, running back into the room.

"What?! What happened?!"

"I passed along the offer like you said, but she got mad, real mad. She is on here way over now. What do we do? What do we do?!?!"

"Hmpf, why are you so afraid, let me handle things. When she gets her, let her up."

"There is no need." Said a familiar voice.

The assistants shadow transformed into a person. Silent took shape in the office with her dagger against the assistant's neck.

The boss seemed unfazed. He looked towards Silent. "If you read our proposal, you should know that we will earn money soon, we just don't have the necessary capital at the moment to purchase land and a building. We are only asking that you give us some time, so we can establish ourselves properly. You will get your money in due time, we just don't have it now."

"No money, no sale." Silent said.

"Come now, we can work something out. I can lend you five A list celebrities for a few days. You can play with them to your hearts content. They will all leave you satisfied. If that isn't your taste, I have a few young ladies that are looking to make it big and are eager to please."

"You insult me." Silent said, digging her blade into the assistance neck until a trail of blood started to drip down.

"Fine, fine." The boss said standing up. "I guess I can't hold back. I will accompany you for the night. That should make it worth your while."

"Disgusting! Do you know who I am?"

"Of course. You are the Lady of this land, I will surely make concessions, aren't I offering myself up. There are hundreds of thousands of women out there who would sleep with me to make their dreams come true. I am giving you a good offer."

"You are pathetic. I am the wife of the Baron who control these lands. You don't deserve to even look at me. Keep speaking nonsense and I will have you and all your employees killed over and over until you decided to leave this place for good."

"Hmpf, who cares if you are married. No man can compare to me. Give me one night and you will forget about that worthless zero you are attached to. With a beauty like you, you could go far in the entertainment circle, I could make you a star. Even if your husband was standing in front of me, I would tell him to get lost."

"Oh really, you want me to get lost?"



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