Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 233

Chapter 233: Opening A Restaurant

"That was a good practice everyone. I can say that each of you has improved several degrees with todays practice. Keep on working on it in your spare time and maybe one day you will be as good as me." Lucan said to Tim and the ten others who had spent all afternoon practicing their illusion magic.

"I can see the merit in illusions, but I don't think you are right Tim. There is no way that illusion will become the corner stone of filming in Evolution. We can still do almost everything with actors and other spells, but I admit that they will definitely help fill in the gaps." Hank said.

"Pah, what do you know." Tim said in a joking manor as he slapped Hanks back. "If we are at the level of third graders, the Lucan is a collage graduate with a doctorate. If any of you can get close to his level, Starlight won't hesitate to shell out the big bucks for your services."

"Hmm, we will see." Hank said, still unconvinced.

"He, he, Lucan, before you go, do you mind showing them what you are capable of. The others have only heard me boast about what illusions can do but haven't witnessed it themselves."

"Eh, sure. As long as it is only a minute or two."

Lucan turned towards the empty studio and began to wave his wand. A castle throne room appeared. Delicate stained glass pictures filled the windows while candle lit chandeliers hung from the ceiling with their flames flickering. Lucan walked up the long lavish rug that ran across the illusionary stone floor towards the raised platform where a majestic throne was place. He turned and took a seat on it. With another wave of his wand, the shadows coalesced as several attendants took form. A beauty with silents image came to his side and handed him a goblet of wine that he casually sipped while towns folk came in through a fake door and bowed before him.

Suddenly there was a crash as several of the stained-glass windows shattered sending countless glass shards bouncing across the floor while assassin dressed in all black jumped into the room. Through the broken windows the others could see the starts flickering in the sky as clouds slowly passed. A gust of wind came through the windows, ruffling the banners that lined the hall as the assassins rushed towards the throne.

Several guards jumped out and began to attack the assassin with long halberds. They manage to cut down all the assassins but one who charged towards Lucan. With a dagger drawn the assassin dived towards the throne, but another guard blocked his path and blocked the dagger with his chest. Silent severed his head before he could go any further.

Blood sprayed out as the head bounced down the steps towards the center of the hall while the guard fell to the ground and slowly bled out. The blood slowly trickled down the stairs and stained the rug as the citizens and servants in the hall cowered to the side, hoping to not get drawn into the conflict.

Lucan stepped down from the throne and approached the severed head. He reached down and picked it up before tearing away the face mask that hid his the assassin's identity. The face revealed belonged to Hank.

Lucan tossed the head to Hank who was standing at the side. The player was so wrapped up in the illusion that he didn't hesitate to try and catch the head.

"Do you see?" Lucan asked. "Illusions can be truly powerful if you are capable enough. In a place like the film industry their worth is even greater."

He waved his arm and the studio returned to being an empty warehouse. The others, including Hank were in awe.


"Wow, indeed. And when you get truly good, you will be able to leave others wondering what is fake and what is real. For instance, am I even here?"

Then Lucan faded away like an illusion being dismissed.

He chuckled to himself as he walked through the ethereal realm. In fact, he had been with them the whole time. It was only a moment ago that he used ethereal dive to fade into the ethereal realm. He ran to where the street was and returned to the shadow realm. But maybe the people in the warehouse would wonder if he had been an illusion the entire time.

Checking the time in the interface, Silent should be done with her meetings. Not wanting to waste any more time he went straight towards the governor's mansion where she had based herself.

Heading to the study in the mansion, Lucan knocked on the door.

"Come in." Silent said as Lucan entered the room.

She gave him a warm smile before turning to the woman next to her. "Just make sure everything is running smoothly and contact me if anything comes up."

"Yes madam, you can count on me." Said the women.

Silent nodded and walked towards Lucan and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Who might this be?" Lucan asked.

"This is Matilda. She is one of my acolytes and is helping me out here. She is my version of Alasan."

"Ah, good, good. Then you will have more time to play with me." Lucan said while whisking her out of the room.

"Yep. I won't have to be tied to the desk the whole time now."

"How have things been going?"

"Today was busy and I am guessing the next few days will be as well, but with Matilda I won't have to be present all the time. This morning is started to auction off some of the properties that you had bought before Baramore moved over. It is crazy, they are selling at ten to fifteen times the price that you bought them for. And it expected to bee even more tomorrow and the next day. Thankfully I only auctioned off the smaller properties today. Our profits are going to be huge. We will have to either upgrade our vault here or transport some of the gold to our castle. I don't think we will have enough room to store It all."

"Ha, ha, those are the good kind of problems too have."

"Come on, let's go. Your uncle opened a restaurant in his building today. I want to have a taste."

"Sure, he didn't even tell me about it. Let's go check it out."

Silent led the way to the area of Destol that had four looming skyscrapers. They entered the ground floor of the building that Bo Hekin had invested in and took a magical lift to the fifth floor.

Lucan and Silent were caught off guard because the restaurant they entered lacked the fantasy feel that pervaded throughout Evolution. It was the same as walking into a modern five-star restaurant.

Bo who was instructing his staff immediately saw Lucan and went to greet him.

"Ha, ha, what do you think? Nice isn't it?"

"It looks great." Silent said.

"And crowded." Lucan added.

"It is amazing right. The high-class NPCs of Destol have been greatly intrigued and many of them signed up for our membership card. If business stay like this, the restaurant alone will bring in a good profit. Now come, I saved a seat for us."

Bo led Lucan and Silent to a table where a woman was sitting by herself. When the woman saw them she immediately hopped up. Braxy-puh, Jenna, come give aunty a hug."

"Aunt Marie?" He asked while he was being hugged at the waste.

"Who else would it be? Do you like my character? I may still be small put I took the fighter class, if you don't watch out a while beat you up." She said with a smile.

Lucan returned the smile and nodded while seeing that she was only level seven. But he wasn't going to say anything about his aunt not being able to beat him up in a million years. If he did that, she would surely find him outside of the game.

Lucan, Silent and his aunt and uncle enjoyed a top-notch meal that tasted even better than it would have in the real world.

"Braxy, this place is great, I really should have come to play earlier. You should see the penthouse your Uncle has built on the top floor. It is amazing and has a perfect view."

"You don't need to brag to them Marie. Our daughter-in-law runs this whole city, their penthouse is even nicer than ours."

Marie stuck out her tongue towards her husband but didn't say anything else.josei

They continued to chat and laugh while drinking coffee and eating dessert. It was only when the meal started to wind down that Lucan noticed Silent had a strange expression on her face.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Heaven just messaged me. It looks like New Avalon might be in danger."

"What is going on?" Lucan asked. While he was speaking he received a report from one of his acolytes in the city.

A beast tide of over ten thousand beast was seen in the dark forest heading directly towards the city. While New Avalon had the population to deal with such an attack, they hadn't had any time to erect any wall or set up defensive measurements. If the beasts reach the city, there would be many deaths.

After explaining the situation to his aunt and uncle, Lucan and Silent prepared ot head over and take a look.

"Beast tide, sounds interesting. Take me with you." Marie demanded.

"I don't think that-."

"Quit whining, if I die so what? It is not like I die in real life."

"It is fine." Silent said to Lucan. "Sure, we would love to have you accompany us Aunt Marie."

"He, he, great. Let me grab my greatsword and then we can go." She said before running off towards her and Uncle Bo's penthouse.

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