Evolution of Slime to Peak

Chapter 62 15 - Understanding My System Better

Chapter 62 15 - Understanding My System Better


After waking up, the first thing I do is summon, my status. As I look at it, I found many differences, yeah, a whole lot of.


-LifeForce: (102 (+))

-Strength: (100 ) (+))

-Mana: (108) (+))

-Stamina: (112) (+))

[Skill(s): [(Necromancy - Skill Set (+)], (Fireball), (Appraisal), (Magic Arrows), (Heal), (Berserk), (Energy Defense), (Body Enchantment), (Light Speed)]

[Equipment List: (Equipment Set) (Sword), (Mage Gloves)]

This much is normal. Expect the plus sign on the stats, but I will let it slip for now. The extra things come now.

[Shared Skills: (Sharp Claws), (Light Body), (Mana Barrier), (Mana Reserve), (Small Regeneration), (Easier Body Control),]

[Not Shared but can be shared skills: (Dark Flame), (Dark Mana Hands), (Mana Barrier), (Small Float), (Hands of the Death), (Life Curse), (Energy Drain), (Small Fear)]

[Dungeon: (Dungeon Of Skeletons (+))]

[Servants: (1 - Halo)]

That much is here, but I don't understand half of it. Ok, I understand what shared skill is but what is this not shared but can be shared skills? Huh...? Is this asking me permission to be added to the sharable skills category or something like that?

Ok, this must be normal stuff. Let's go into deeper stuff.


-Skill Set

-Summoned Inventory - Link, -SkillShare, -Familiar Language, - Class Authority, -Servant Binding, -exchange

-Consist of both Active and Passive

-Summons Quantity: 3650

-Summons Ranks: Soldiers

-Intelligence - Can provide this to 20 monsters, any rank

"Hmm... What should I do?"

I agonize. I am just a normal person, as you can see, no, I was a normal person.

I may be the world's strongest now, (of course, I am not.).

I should first create a schedule.

Let's first sell my hundreds of unused skills that will never be used by me. Second, I will first populate my dungeon, since this seemed to be very helpful when I am in trouble.

Summons may be good, but I should also get my monsters that can be used sometimes, or anyway, they may be used in the future. Who knows?

Third, I should dominate A and S rank dungeon as fast as possible. And I should also need to increase my summon's intelligence.

And get to know more functions.

Finally, after that, I will increase my summons to 10,000 numbers and create 10 groups.

So much to do.

Anyway, if I just lay around, nothing will happen.

"First, let's get some money, so I can run anywhere if I messed up."

I mean, those guys chief or something like that isn't the problem here. If they know then guilds and other factions should also know sooner or later.

And, I can't just fight them all. I mean, I can just kill them all if I need to, but why waste blood for now?

If every guild and faction joined together to attack me, I somehow kill all of them then wouldn't I be the biggest monster?

So, for now, I need to create backup plans, and you know backup plans are equal to money. Money and everything are done.

I can also use the exchange, but I can't just send them anywhere I want, they will just get labeled as monsters and get killed.

So, I need money, Money to shut people, money to order people. And I will also get many servants as possible for now. But only those who are trustworthy. Even if they are bonded in contract, who knows who will do what?

Before I even notice, I arrived at the Hunter Association.

I quickly enter the building and sell my skills at one of the skills shops. Thank god, they didn't ask for the origin of those bundle of skills.

And I gained 100M+ money. I would have jumped with joy if this situation wouldn't come. I don't even know why am I in a rush, but I feel something troublesome will happen in the future.

As I exited the building, many gazes fell on me. Why? I don't know and I don't have time to care about that.

I hurriedly exited the building and landed on a rank F dungeon again.

First, let's increase intelligence.

And with that, I started to increase my summon. And I chose...

[Are you sure, you want to increase the intelligence of the summon 'Fly']


[Giving Intelligence to the fly]


[Process completed]


-LifeForce: (30)

-Strength: (41 )

-Mana: (15)

-Stamina: (60)

[Skill(s): None]

[Position: Commander (Change)]

[Groups to handle: None (Create Group)]

[Trait: Can complete a set of orders and make others follow too]

[Intelligence Left: 19]


I let out a long sigh, but inside my heart, I was jumping with joy. Why? I don't have to defeat the dungeon myself anymore!

With that, I started distributing intelligence.

[Wolf, Goblin, Skeleton Monster]

These three were my commanders. Wolf, has a wolf and boss wolf likewise, the goblin has a soldier, archer, and boss goblin. And Skeletons have C, D, and B rank monsters respectively.

And I finished my intelligence distribution.

I have now created 10 groups with 365 monsters in each, And 1 commander and 1 sub-commander.josei

I feel like a king creating his army.

Anyway, finally after 3 hours of long work, I returned to my hotel and lay down. So, why did I even go to the dungeon?

Just to create groups and commanders! Which I could have done sleeping! What was wrong with my brain?

I sent 10 groups to the 10 dungeons. I can get as far away as I can from my summons. I can even call them now and they can just teleport here.

If I want, I can even watch the battle.

Without anything to do, I slept for a whole day and also ate food. And just by that my whole day went.

[Result - Many were injured, no deaths]

[Many humans have seen the summons]

[10,000+ monster has been added to a summons, which consists of F, E, D, C, and B rank respectively.]

I turned on the TV.

Much news of my summons was on the TV.

I thought of publicizing myself, but I am not that strong, so I need to be strong to the point that even if I want to change the world nobody can object.

So, just laying won't work. So, I just laid for a whole week with my summons running wild. I had to retreat many summonses because many hunters were hunting my summons. But I get good results.

[100,000+ summons obtained]

That was an easy kill. Maybe even overkill.

Now, this much is enough. With this enough force, for now, I can even go to an A-rank dungeon and sleep there.

So, you may guess, I did just what I told.

My whole total 80% of the summons were into the different dungeons, not to kill but to kidnap monsters. My commanders could just teleport into the dungeon, they require mana. But mana wasn't a problem.

Thousands of mana potions that cost 1 million+ dollars were on my watch. So, whenever mana deficiency comes up, I just drink the potion.

[100 monsters added into dungeon]

I look at the notification.

But my gaze went out, and I look at the battle while sleeping.

I also took out popcorn to enjoy myself as much as I could. I even took out a video recording and record the battle.

So, if I have to say the state of the battle. 1000 B rank monster for one A-rank monster.

Yes, a total of 10 monsters were attacking my summons but they were outnumbered. Because my 1000 B-rank summons only battles with 1 A-rank monster.

And so, even with their skills and strength, my army won without any problem. Some 10 or 20 monsters were sacrificed but I got a good outcome.

Since I had 100,000+ summons, I had to divide them into 20 groups. 10 groups will kidnap monsters and 10 will slaughter them.

Every group had its commander.

And I am the commander of this group since no commander is here.

My stats cross B rank and I just stepped on A-rank as the A-rank became my summons. I also gained additional skills, but what to say.

[Shared Skills: 100+]

I don't even have to lift anything else.

After 2 hours of battle, my group got 100 kills and I gained 500 A-rank monsters. Since, I also used skills in some battles, because I can't just stay still, some battles didn't get any casualties.

And 1 hour later, no casualties, 100 extra A-rank summons and I am in front of the boss room.


The whole land shook as the door opened.

Inside was a monster similar to my size. Yes, it was a humanoid monster. It didn't have a face and was made up full of magic. Humans called this monster, Shadow Demon.


The humanoid monster smiled creepily and charged at us. Its speed was too fast, that my eyes couldn't keep up with it.

My monsters also charged at him.

Bang! Boom! Bang!

Even with my overwhelming forces, the humanoid monster didn't flinch. It seemed to be having a hard time, but it didn't get many injuries. And most of my summons were getting injured, and some even died.

Without having a choice, I took out four mana bottles. Gulped down one, cast berserk and body enchantment to my summons.

I drank the potion continuously as my mana drained.

My total mana wasn't enough to cast my spells to the total number of my summons present here. I had to drink 10 mana bottles, and my body finally calmed down.

And my mana which was flowing constantly to my summons stopped. But, I again took 5 mana bottles and cast.

"Light Speed"

And as I cast, my body ached again, but I calmed it down gulping bottles of mana potions.

And finally, my summons with their eyes red and their body emitting a blue aura charged at the humanoid monster.

It couldn't keep up with its speed and strength and as a result, it died.

Since it took a whole day to beat the A-rank dungeon, I return to my room and lay down.

My whole body ached, and my brain stopped working. My blood rushed at a great speed, my heart thumped heavily and sweat dripped continuously.

This was my backlash of drinking way too many mana potions. Because it is me, I only get this much pain, if it was a normal magician, they would have exploded.

And after a whole day of rest, my body returned to being healthy. No pain, no gain!

Tun! Tun!

My phone rang, and I answered the call.

"Are you sure about this?!"

The voice was of a middle-aged man and I know that voice. It is the voice of the chief of hunter association.


I answered.

He sighed and...

"Ok, I have prepared everything, with this our debt is paid."

"Yes, yes."

And I sprint to the area where many reporters with their cameras and mic were presented.


(3rd person view)

They had a nervous face, and they were waiting forever.

"So, our ladies and gentlemen. As we said, the man who controls the monsters in the dungeon has appeared!"

A man who was standing on the stage excitedly said that.

His words caused a huge uproar. Every reporter stood, since it was a live recording, every human who was watching this also watch the tv or their phone attentively.

They were also waiting, waiting for the man who caused the huge uproar in the dungeon.


Alan, landed on the stage, with a smile on his face.

All reporters started to shout their questions to Alan, but Alan didn't speak but just smiled. And as he opened his mouth to speak, every reporter became silent.


He said and spoke in a serious tone.

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