Evolution of Slime to Peak

Chapter 77 I Will Never Miss Quest!

Chapter 77 I Will Never Miss Quest!

Roel stood and rubbed his eyes. Finding himself in an unfamiliar place made him raise his guard to the maximum.

Even when the air blew by his face, he jolted and took a fighting stance.

The floor, wall, ceiling, everything was built with polished stone. The hallway looked long, he couldn't see the end of it.

Just as when he was getting familiarized with the surrounding, the ground shook.


When Roel turned back, his eye widened. Without waiting for a breath, he ran.

He ran with all of his might.

Behind him, a huge boulder that touched the ceiling rolled down. It chased Roel. Roel's mind blanked out.

He used all of his energy just to run. Run, run and just run.

He remembered about the free points. He didn't know what it was, but the + sign on the stats, he guessed that it could be used on stats.

"2 points on stamina!!"

He shouted.

As he did, a ding sound echoed, and his body got filled with energy. Despite the energy, his legs ached. All of his leg muscles tensed up.

But, he felt less tired.

Running, and running, Roel didn't even look back. The sound of the boulder was enough to remind him to run.

A second felt like an eternity, he saw the end of the hallway. He reached the intersection, and turned right without thinking.

Just as he did, the sound of boulder rolling stopped. He looked back. There was nothing. After making sure, nothing was following him, Roel breathe a sigh of relief and sat on the floor gasping for breath.

A ripple formed in the space revealed a screen that rubbed salt to his pain.

[Survive in Trap Dungeon for 90 minutes]

[Remaining Time: 85 minutes]

"Ohm sh*t!!"

Roel cursed!


Boulder chased him. Arrows graze his cheeks, and spikes nearly skewer him. A horde of rats chased him, spiders trapped him on their web.

Roel felt despair, he was in a pinch.

He nearly escaped death every time.

After what felt like centuries, the time expired.


[Congralution for completing the Penalty Quest]


- Total Recovery

- +1 Stamina

- +1 Agility

- +1 Intelligence

"Ha! Ha!!!!"

Roel clenched his fist and put it on his chest. His chest ached, and his heart throbbed heavily like it could leap out any moment.

Roel widened his with a terrified expression on his face. If one would see his experession, they would say, he saw a ghost.

Roel's life was on the brink of extinction many times, he didn't know if it was luck or just him getting played by the system, he survived every time.

"I-I never, want to experience that again."

Panting, Roel said seriously. Fear filled his entire heart just remembering the dungeon. He felt a chill on his spine.


He announced.



Level up (Daily Quest)

- Run 1km (0/1000)

- 10 Push up (0/10)

- 10 Squats (0/10)

- 10 Jumps (0/10)

- Punch air 10 times (0/10)

​ - Kick air 10 times (0/10)

- Swing sword 10 times (0/10)

(Remaining Time: 24:00:00)

[Quest difficulty will increase over time]

Dungeon Entry

- Enter Dungeon (0/1)

(Remaining Time: 24:00:00)

[Rewards will be given after quest completion]

Just as the quest window flashed, Roel nodded. Another notification rang in Roel's ear.

[Use Points]

[Quest Completed]


- +2 Stats Points

"I receive two free points..."

After looking at his stats carefully, Roel decided to use these points on mana. Mana is used for skills, so in the future when he receives skill, he could have mana.

If he receives skill and didn't have any mana, how could he use it? Won't that be a waste, he would have to wait until he gets another point.



[Level: 1]

[Exp: 0/100]

[Strength: 14]

[Defense: 8]

[Agility: 6]

[Stamina: 13]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Perception: 2]

[Mana: 2]

(Stats Points: 0)

[Free points: 0]

An unfamiliar feeling surrounded Roel. His heart calmed down, his blood flowed peacefully. He hadn't felt this calm in his entire life.

It was because mana has created a foundation in his body. His brain tingled, and he got something new.



[Level: 1]

[Exp: 0/100]

[Mana: 20]

[Strength: 14]

[Defense: 8]

[Agility: 6]

[Stamina: 13]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Perception: 2]

[Mana: 2]

[M.A: 1]

[M.D: 1]

(Stats Points: 0)

[Free points: 0]

New Stats!!

Roel exclaimed inwardly. He didn't create a single noise, so as not to disturb his fellow homeless person.

Roel clenched his fist and a smile formed on his face. He buried his traumatic memory deep inside his heart and locked it. He would never remember this event. Penalty Quest, he would avoid it forever!

With a determination, Roel clicked on the 'Enter Dungeon' button.

[Transferring to Dungeon]

[Dungeon Level 1 - Slime Dungeon]

[Prepare for combat, defense, and escape]

A bright light shone. Roel vision disoriteted. His surroundings blurred, and he again found himself on the polished stone.

Roel: "..."

Fecking sh*t!!!

Roel cursed and his traumatic memory flashed again.

****** **** ****** *********

Walking slowly, Roel didn't miss anything. Be it the torch that is on the walls, or the small holes where rats and mouse lives.

Roel being a careful guy didn't lose his cool and was at guard.

In the long hallway, a window flashed twinkling.

[Dungeon Quest]

[Kill 1 Slime (0/1)]

[Kill 10 Slime (0/10)]

[Kill 100 Slime (0/10)]

[Defeat Boss (0/1)]

[Conquer the Dungeon 1 time (0/1)]

[Conquer the Dungeon 10 times (0/10)]

*No Time Limit

Looking at the window, Roel sighed. As the name of the dungeon, he is in, the monster here won't be different than slimes, or so Roel thinks.

While he was walking, a sound echoed in the quiet hallway.


The sound of something sticking to the ground was heard, and a shadow surfaced on the wall. Roel took a fighting stance.

A single blue sticky substance came into Roel's view.

The slime a size of a basketball moved toward Roel rubbing the ground.

"Is that a... slime? Why is it so slow?"

Roel didn't know if he should laugh or cry, the speed of the slime was so slow. And it looks weak. While Roel felt superiority and confidence that he could beat the slime, the sound of slime disappeared.

When Roel looked front, he saw a blue slimy thing coming at his face. Getting caught off-guard, Roel got hit on the face.

He fell on his butt and rubbed his nose. "ow! Ow!" His feeling of superiority went into the dump. Roel instantly stood and took a stance.

The slime jumped again, but Roel dodged it. He kicked the slime, but his feet got stuck on the slime's skin.

The area where the foot entered recovered itself and trapped Roel's leg.


Cursing, Roel used his strength to pull the leg. Barely, he could pull off his leg and step back. Before the slime recovered, he caught the sight of a small stone in the center.

A plan instantly surfaced in his mind, and he guessed. "It must be its life source!"

He may be wrong, but trying is worth it. He doesn't have any other idea except that. If he just punched, kicked, and got stuck, neither he will kill the slime, nor he will get his quest complete.

Fortunately, the quest had no time limit, that's where Roel breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking at the slime, Roel dodged its incoming attack. He caught the slime and tear its skin until a stone came into his hand.

He picked the stone and tried to crush it. But it was strong, his mere hand strength couldn't even put a crack on it.

He raised his hand and threw the stone at the wall so hard. Colliding with the wall, the stone shattered.

And the sticky thing dissolved into the liquid. Roel saw that, and he relaxed.


[Obtained 5 experiences from killing slime]

"Whew! One slime makes me this tired." Looking at the notification, he murmured. Still, he was amazed by the exp function. But 5 exp is too little.

He couldn't imagine what if a horde of them greeted them.

"I just hope, slime comes one by one."

As he wished it, he saw the shadow of another slime. Then another shadow, again...

One by one like an army, the horde of slime crawled toward Roel. The slime horde reached from one wall side to another wall side blocking any way to move forward.

"Feck! Me and my stupid mouth! Oh, god, I jinxed it!"

Roel yelled at himself before dashing down the hallway. If he was in a school, a teacher may block him.

But in the quiet hallway, no one disturbed him. He ran with his full strength.

He looked back and found he had lost the slimes.

Sighing, he heaved a breath of relief. "Thank god, they are slow."

Roel prayed to god. "Please God, just help me survive!"

Like his word have been heard by the god, a window flashed.


[Kill 1 Slime (1/1)]

[Quest Completed]


- Dash (Active Skill)

- +2 Skill Point


Roel felt happiness like a beggar who just got food. Like a normal person who won the lottery with prize money of millions.


Active Skill

Required Mana: 10 per minute

Effects: Increase speed by 25%]

"My speed will increase that much!"

He had gained two skill points, so he decided to add them to the skill.


[Dash leveled up]

[Increase speed by 50%]

A grin appeared on his face as he stare at the screen so much that his eyeballs may pop out. But this skill also has given me a surprise.

"Is this skill like an awakening skill?" He asked himself.

From what he knows, only after awakening, a skill is obtained, after that, one needs to get a 'Skill Book'. While he didn't know what the hell this system is. But he concluded what it is, it is far from his imagination and he never could guess.

"Well, let's complete other quests too."

He mumbled and started walking in the quiet eerie hallway.


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