Evolution of Slime to Peak

Chapter 79 Boss

Chapter 79 Boss


[Congralution on leveling up]

[Level up Reward]

- +2 Stats Points

- +1 Skill Point

- Box (Unknown)

- Improved Skill Interface

"Hmm... Aren't these rewards slightly worse than the previous one?"

Roel murmured while putting his all stats point on mana.

And put one skill point on Slash. While the skill point didn't increase its level, he still saw quite change on the slash.


Roel opened his eyes finding himself on the floor.

"I returned?"

The floor he was sleeping on wasn't the same cold floor as in the dungeon, it was warm. A place where Roel is familiar, the place where he always sleeps.

The place for homeless people like him.

He stood and looked around. The sun was going to rise from the east. Stretching his arms, Roel decided to go to the park.

While walking there, he opened up his system interface and was greeted with the hore of notification windows.


[Obtain 2000 Exp from killing Boss Slime]


[Gained Slime Beater Title]


[Gained First Time Dungeon Beating Achivement]

[Slime Beater: +50 Damage on slime, +20 Penetration on Slime, -10 Damage from Slime]

[First Time Dungeon Beating: +2 Attack, +2 Stamina, +1 Mana]



[Level: 3]

[Exp: 2250/5000]

[Mana: 40 +10]

[Strength: 15]

[Defense: 8]

[Agility: 6]

[Stamina: 13 +2]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Perception: 2]

[Mana: 4 +1]

[M.A: 1]

[M.D: 1]

(Stats Points: 0)


Active Skills:

(Dash -3), (Slash -2)

Passive Skills:

- None

(Skills Points: 0)

[Free points: 0]


[Title: Player (Currently Equipped)]

[Achivenemt: First Time Dungeon Beating (Currently Equipped)


"Damn, these rewards looked generous." As his fell scanned this notification, a message box with a pic gift wrapped in a beautiful package came into his view.

As he clicked on that gift, the gift disappeared.


[Dungeon Conquering Reward]

- Fireball (Active Skill)

- Mana Restore (Passive Skill)

- +1 Free Point



[Defeat Boss (1/1)]

[Quest Completed]


- +3 Mana


[Conquer the Dungeon (1/1)]


- Dungeon Pass (1/day)

- Minimap (Only for this dungeon)

- Dragger Upgrade Pass

"Dragger update pass?" Roel tilted his head looking at the update pass, while dungeon pass looked tempting too, but dragger was his weapon.

[Dungeon Update Pass x1]

[Do you want to use Update Pass - (Yes) / (No)]





[Sucessfully Updated]


Rank: Ordinary

Status: Upgraded

Effect: +3 Strength, +2 Penetration, +1 M.D

Type: Weapon

Rarity: E

"Hmm, this seems nice!"

Roel brimmed with joy looking at the window. He looked at his daily quest and his smile froze.


Level up (Daily Quest)

- Run 1km (0/1000)

- 10 Push up (0/10)

- 10 Squats (0/10)

- 10 Jumps (0/10)

- Punch air 10 times (0/10)

- Kick air 10 times (0/10)

- Swing sword 10 times (0/10)

(Remaining Time: 00:29:50)

[Quest difficulty will increase over time]

"Sh*t! I don't have time!"

He instantly ran to his sleeping place. Most of the homeless people have already packed out, so only Roel was left there.

He took a deep breath and ran.

While he already ran here, his running now increased the meter.

-Run 1Km (100/1000)


-Run 1Km (900/1000_



After hearing the ding, he didn't stop and started pushing up.

[+1 Push up]


[+1 Push up]


-10 Push up (10/10)


After that, squats.


Then Jump, then punch the air, and finally kick the air.


After hearing the final ding sound, Roel lay on the ground gasping for breath.

"Ha! Ha! Finally, completed!"

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, he checked the reward.


Level up (Daily Quest)

- Run 1km (1000/1000)

- 10 Push up (10/10)

- 10 Squats (10/10)

- 10 Jumps (10/10)

- Punch air 10 times (10/10)

- Kick air 10 times (10/10)

- Swing sword 10 times (10/10)

[Quest Completed]


- +1 Stamina

- +1 Strength

- +1 Agility

- +1 Defense

- Rush (Passive Skill)

"New skill?"

Roel titled his head, he gained three skills today!

Isn't this a happy event?...

As he was thinking, he looked at himself. Seeing the clothes that are still in one piece, he sighed. He walked toward the bus station.

After boarding the bus, he set his destination "The Hunter Building"


The bus drove toward the new place. A place where many people could be seen walking. Unlike the previous place where Roel was where there weren't that many people, in this place the street was bustling and hustling.

Roel wasn't familiar with this type of city, so he felt a little uncomfortable.

In the horde of people, many people wore combat suits. A suit that looked flexible and cool. There were all digitalized.

A combat Suit is a defensive suit that has different functions from heating the body, cooling the body, or even boosting the healing.

They are one of the advanced suits that humanity created to defend against monsters. It is quite expensive, and the price varies from model to model.

It is said that an expensive combat suit can even let you fly.

While Roel was poor and living in a low-level city, he hadn't seen many advanced combat suits.

Roel shook his head and walked toward the hunter building. A big building that had more than 500 floors.

A huge stylish H logo hung in the middle of the building.

Roel felt nervous, it was his first time in this stylish building. He had never even imagined in his dream that he would get the chance to be a hunter.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped inside the building and started his hunter license procedure.



Active Skill

Level: 2 (SP (1/5)]

Mana Requirement: 5 per use

Effect: Increase damage by 20%, Additional Penetration 5%

Effect in number: +20 Damage, +5 Penetration

"Hmm, this is quite improved, I guess."

Roel shrugged seeing the status. He looked up at the boss door.

He was nervous, he didn't know if the boss will be really powerful than golden slime. Taking a deep and long breath, Roel strengthen his resolve.

Pushing the door slightly, a creaking sound echoed.

As the door opened, an empty space came to Roel's view. On the end of the room, ten slime jumped up and down.

And two golden slime at the opposite side doing their own thing.

On the middle of these two group of slime, a big slime five times bigger than the normal slime stood.

It looked gigantic, but fortunately, it wasn't golden. It had normal blue skin, and Roel felt quite relieved.

As he walked inside, his steps reverberated attracting the attention of those slimes. Without any hesitation, they crawled toward Roel.

Roel also took a fighting stance, and rushed at the normal slime. He didn't want to fight with golden and big slime along with these annoying small slimes.

Jumping, he avoided the big slime and jumped across the small slimes. He landed behind the normal slime and swung his dragger.

A swing of his dragger and one slime killed. The slime took some time to turn, so before they could turn to face Roel, they were all killed.

It wasn't that hard for Roel to kill normal slime, he has become pro slime killer.

After killing the ten slime, he gained 50 exp. Afterthat, he rushed toward the big slime, running beside him. He avoided the big slime and hit the golden slime.


Of course, his dragger collided with the golden slime. As the dragger collided, the golden slime as pushed back.

Anotehr golden slime jumped at Roel but he dodged it and used slash.

His hand swayed and a wound formed on slime's skin. Small amount of sticky substance fell on floor and a small wound appeared on the golden slime's skin.

But it instantly got repaired, Roel smiled and used Slash again.

With three slash repeatedly, he clutched the stone of golden slime and destroyed it. Anoter golden smile jumped at him but he dodged it.

However, his dodge was anticipated by the big slime who jumped right after Roel dodged.

"Oh sh*t!"

Roel cursed and barely moved forward. He nearly escaped the big slime's weight, but with the force of big slime's jump, Roel was thrown five meter away.

While his arms scratched the floor, it was million times better than to get squashed by the big slime.

Roel sighed and charged at the golden slime. Using swing, he killed it in some seconds. But again, the big slime charged at him.

Its speed was much better than normal smiles, it graze Roel's arms. His arm bleed.


Greeting his teeth, he endured the pain.

He looked at his pannel, to check his mana.

[Mana: 30]

He still had 30 mana left which was sufficient to use Slash for 6 more times and dash 3 times. Calming down, Roel glared at the big slime.

He didn't act rashly. As the big slime jumped at Roel, he used dash and dodged its attack. He jumped not to get pushed by the force.

After getting behind of the big slime, he used slashed, and strike his dragger at the big slime's skin.


Roel crushed, as how much he cut the slime, only some scratches were seen. Even these scratches were instantly repaired giving more trouble to Roel.

He didn't waver, he still jumped back and thought of a solution. Only 10 mana left, so he need to use it decisively.

A plan surfaced on his mind, and he again used the same trick.

He got behind the big slime, and use slash two times.

His mana were all deleted, and a sense of exhaustion piled on his body. But he gritted his teeth to the point where his jaw hurt.

And barely managed to stay awake.

After slashing two times, he threw the dragger and put his hand on the wound that was created by the dragger.


Screaming, he used all of his strength opening the wound. His strength barely allowed him to create a space for his head to go in.

Without caring, he put his head inside and felt squished. Putting his hand inside, he forced his eyes to be open.

He found the stone and grabbed it. Using all of his force he took it out.

"Ha! Ha!"

Brathing raggedly, Roel threw the core on the ground with full force.

Due to lack of oxygen, his surrounding blurred and his mind went blank. Even after breathing, the symptoms weren't cured and he felt more sleepy.

But herelaxed his muscle and laid on the ground after seeing the boss melting.



Many notifications rang in his ear, but he was too tired to notice them. His vision blackened and he fell asleep.


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