Evolution of Slime to Peak

Chapter 83 3 || Learning More Spells

Chapter 83 3 || Learning More Spells

Allen stood again, however this time, the sun had set. The sky dyed orange, and clouds disappeared. A figure of the moon could be seen slowly appearing in the sky and some brightest stars twinkled alone in the huge sky.

Since the library hadn't any light source, the brightness in the library decreased. Librarian, a middle-aged man with an average figure, who looked a little grumpy stood stretching his arms.

He looked outside through a window and realized that it's been a little late. The time to close the library has arrived, so he looked here and there, searching if there are any students left or not.

His eyes examined the library and found Allen standing.

'Oh, this student was reading until now!'

He walked toward Allen hoping to converse with him, but before he could reach him, Allen rushed out of the library.

'D-Did he just run from me?'

Dumbfounded, the librarian couldn't help but look at Allen's shadow which disappeared as he took a turn.

'I will talk with him next time, then.'

He decided and also left the library. But he couldn't chase Allen since he had to lock the library door. The library is one of the most valuable assets of the Academy. Books whose value is even greater than that of a country are safely guarded here.

Thousands of magic formations are engraved, and after the librarian left the library, the whole magic formation activated. And even if a fly enters the library accidentally, not even a second would be wasted, before the fly shreds into parts.

On the other hand, Allen ran under the bright moon. The darkness covered the whole sky, beautiful stars twinkled radiating their glow.

Allen had a wide smile formed on his face, that made him look a bit creepy. Nevertheless, he was so happy and excited, that he lost his sense of time.

He could keep his calm even in the most unexpected situation, but can't hold his joy and excitement when it is something beneficial to him.

Naturally, when he could finally increase his strength, how could he not be happy. In this cruel world, only the strong will survive.

Reaching the ground at the back of the academy, Allen grasps his breath. Huffing and puffing, he bent down and put his hands on his knees.

He took a deep breath and focused on the ground again.


He chanted feeling the mana and forming it into a pattern. It didn't take more than 10 seconds for his hands to glow, forming a connection between him and his surrounding.

He had got used to telekinesis, so he could cast it with more ease than previously. Not everyone has a huge amount of mana, heck it could be even considered infinite, but he thought he can't jump to that conclusion.

But if everyone could cast magic as many times they want, even an idiot would get used to casting the magic with ease. And Allen was somewhat called genius, how he wouldn't have grasped the path of the mana.

He raise his hands first, and particles of dust flowed. He tried separating grains of sand, but it wasn't as easy as floating a huge amount of sand together.

He had to carefully spread the mana into the grain of sand, so it could hold the grain of sand.

Allen successfully grasps a grain of sand. When he was about to move it from the group, he failed and lost his overall control. The sand fell to the ground again, without producing any sound.

"Hah! I have still a long way to go."

Allen's voice was full of vitality, he wasn't depressed like earlier. He had finally found a way to change his fate.

"Now for the other part..."

Allen changed his position. He jumped from the ground and landed on the grass. He closed his eyes and visualize his mana path.

Carefully, he draws the mana out through his mana vein from the mana heart. The mana flowed through the vein, and he carefully path out the mana. After two minutes, the mana reached his palm.


Allen shouted. Heat generated from his palm, and the temperature increased. A small fire appeared and floated on Allen's palm.

He felt the connection between him and the fire. Using his mana again, but just drawing out, he controlled the fire.

He fires out the fire on the ground, and a small explosion occurred.


With a sound that reverberates around the forest, the fire on the ground quickly extinguishes without leaving a trail. Since there wasn't any fire conducting material and no material that would catch fire, the fire didn't get to spread itself on the sand that was continuously extinguishing it.

"Phew, succeed!"




A gust of wind flowed around Allen's palm. The wind compressed together and formed a ball. He fired the ball at the tree, specifically towards the leaves area. He had already learned his lesson casting Telekinesis.

If his power capacity exceed his imagination and was powerful enough to destroy the tree making it fall down. Allen couldn't imagine how much hard for him to clean the mess.

Even if he has telekinesis, it is still a tier 1. He naturally couldn't just hold the tree. The current strength of telekinesis is just somewhat. And the tree in this forest weighs even more than ten elephants.

Even the boulder he created using his telekinesis, didn't exceed the weight of an elephant. And his telekinesis could only hold anything up to the weight of one elephant.

So, he didn't even want to think of clearing the mess he has created. And if people found out, it would only bring more trouble.

Presently, the wind ball reached the branches of the tree at incredible speed, and blast as it touched the branch.

The wind force created from the blast was strong enough for the branch to break off and fall down. A huge amount of leaves near the branches flowed into the sky due to the wind blast.

"With this much strength, I could make ordinary humans fly in the sky with just one blast. At most, even an elephant would fly with this much force..."

After that, it was the turn of the energy blast to be tested.


Wasting 3 minutes just to path out the mana, Allen targeted the ground again.

Blue energy formed in Allen's palm. It looked like electricity waiting to zap anything. The ball of energy got thrown on the sand at low speed. And as it touches the ground...


An explosion bigger than of pyroblast happened on the ground. The sand that touched the energy got thrown far away, and the force of the explosion clear the sand around 30m area.

A small pit formed on the ground, with the sand turning dark near the pit.

Allen's eyes widen looking at the mess. He frowned but immediately used telekinesis to gather the sand that exited the ground due to the force of the explosion.

He covered the black sand with other sands. After five minutes, the ground looked the same as before like nothing has happened to it.

"Yes! I am now capable of going to the Monster Forest!"

After One Week-

Covered with huge mighty trees, the beast and monsters roamed freely in the forest. With the name Monster Forest, one could already comprehend its meaning.

Monster Forest - A forest covered with huge dense trees. Dangerous monsters roam freely as the forest is their house. The rank of this monster on weakest is Tier 2 and the strongest is unknown.

No one has ever discovered all of the forests. Heck, no one could even dare to say they had even covered 10% of this forest.

Since the outer layer of this forest where Tier 2 to Tier 5 monsters roam is 1000 Km. And no one could even know how much area the inner layer cover. The monster forest is a world of its own.

Only the outer layer of this forest exists in this world, the inner layer is a completely different world. The person who has taken a step inside this forest never dares to deny the fact that the forest has its own world.

At the entrance of the forest, a figure stood staring at the forest with full confidence. His white silver hair moved slightly with the wind. He had a small smile formed on his face, and his eyes were full of excitement.

The figure was of a young boy who is no one but Allen. He had a big backpack that reached up to his butt, and as he moved the bag jumped slightly. But due to its weight, it didn't jump too much, making it easier for Allen to walk.

Sweat formed on his face. He swiped his head with his hand and entered the forest.

Allen was not a fool, he had come here with preparation. While spitting some blood, he exhausted his saving and bought 2 healing pills. He didn't buy a mana pill, he had a little bit of confidence in his mana.

He also took a knife and some monster-cutting weapons to take out cores and skin, and other useful things to sell after killing it.

Because killing monsters gives a huge amount of money, since their value is so much in the market. Many hunters of the different classes come here regularly to kill monsters hoping not to meet dangerous monsters that sometimes leave the inner area of the forest and stumble upon the outer layer.

"Whew! Finally reached the monster forest."

Allen smiled brightly while breathing heavily. It was his dream to explore the monster forest since one could gain some blessing here if they are lucky.

Even if not for blessing, they could huge amount of money if they just find rare and valuable minerals or plants.

Allen walked inside the forest. Just as he stepped inside, he raised his guard immediately. He attentively listen to the forest, concentrate on the road, and was prepared to cast the spell immediately if he encounter any monster.

Since he practiced magic spells for one week straight, he found out that his mana was never-ending.

Even after casting spells for 12 hours straight, he didn't feel a slight bit tired. Because of that, he didn't even need to form a mana pattern. His mana has already gotten used to the mana pattern of those spells he has learned.

Now, it will only take 1 second for him to cast a spell. Not all mages could achieve this amazing feat.

Allen walked while looking here and there. he examined his surroundings and observed the environment.josei

Everywhere his vision went, he could only see trees that are so tall that he have to lay on the grass and then look up to see the end of the tree.

The smallest tree in this forest would be 250m, while the tallest even crossed 3000m.


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