Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

A milky aura came out of the spear in his hands. I inspected him with the manual.

Name : Hong Jung-ho

Equipment : Sharp Spear (3) , Chain Armor (3)

Skill : Aura (3)

It was equipment and skill that wasn’t very special in any way. In fact, he had a skill that didn’t match the weapon.

The aura looked quite intimidating but the actual power would probably only be about half.

I lightly held up my hands to indicate that I had no intention to fight.

“I came because I have someone to meet.”

“A person to meet? You can’t be a spy right?”

Hong Jung-ho shouted while glaring at me.

Dude. Would a spy really just walk up front like this logically.

His expression crumpled up as if such thoughts appeared on my expression.

“Even if you aren’t a spy you can’t pass through here. This place is in the middle of a war. We can’t accept outsiders.”

“I have a person I promised with so are you willing to have a phone call with them directly?”

I took out my phone and pressed some numbers. I called lieutenant Son Aram and passed it to him.

“If you do anything fishy then I will immediately kill you so don’t move.”

“You sure have a lot of concerns.”

I immediately retreated after passing the smartphone to him.

Hong Jung-ho seemed to receive the call with a doubtful expression but then suddenly became polite.

Son Aram appeared while panting. As it had been a while since I saw her, her white skin had become rather dark.

It was obvious since she would be in the sun the entire day but she really should have used some sunscreen.

“There was no need to run here so desperately though.”

“It was just in case something happened. Either way, if you told me that you were headed this way then I would have been waiting here.”

I shrugged my shoulders. I originally had no intention of calling here. I was going to sneak in and kidnap Han Jung-ho but thinking about it, I didn’t have a method of kidnapping him without getting caught.

I had to find where he was and if I went here and there then I would receive a lot of attention after all. In the end, it was best to get help from Son Aram.

I entered the government team’s base smoothly.

It was an area that was lower than the surrounding and the forest was thick. It wasn’t a good place since it was difficult to patrol but thinking about the number of people there have, there was no place better than this.

“So you’re saying that this person called Han Jung-ho is suspicious?”


“However, that person, he has experience fighting the Chungho Group. I don’t think he would be suspicious though.”

Son Aram had also seen Han Jung-ho before. But she wouldn’t have that bad of an image of Ezekiel. We had fought with Chungho Group, not Ezekiel after all.

I calmly explained the things that guy had done.

Like how he had unreasonably swarmed low level hunters to cause a large number of casualties or how he attacked us after being blinded by the item etc.

“Simply put, he is a person that would do anything as long as it brings him money.”

“That is so in my opinion. And from his point of view, this work is not something that would earn him a lot.”

Once this battle was over, the reward would be proportional to the number of Chungho Group members killed.

Also, I knew that there was the additional down payment as well.

However, for Ezekiel that earned a fair amount managing a raid team, it would only be seen as chump change.

What would a guy like feel lacking to be here while receiving that much. Even going as far as to plant his subordinates.

“It is certainly suspicious. However, even if Sang-min’s words are true, how are you planning on finding out the truth?”

“I am planning on using the simplest method.”

“No way…… It’s not an illegal method, right?”

“It could be seen as illegal I suppose.”

I scratched my cheek. Son Aram let out a deep sigh.

“I’m not sure if you forgot but I’m a police.”

“If you get dismissed then come look for me. I will give you more than your current salary.”

The yearly salary of a police government official was only about several 10m.josei

On top of that, she was a newbie who had barely been working for a few years so it would less than that. Since she was a Police University graduate she would be good at office work and to make a raid team properly function having an office worker or two wouldn’t be a bad idea.

“I’m not doing this work for money.”

“Then what are you doing it for?”

“It’s to uphold social justice.”

Is she saying this seriously? Looking at her expression, it didn’t seem to be a joke.

“I know that I might look like an idiot. However, it’s the truth. I can’t handle looking at people live normally after commiting a crime you see.”

“Well, I like such people too.”

“…… Yes?”

Son Aram’s pupils became bigger.

Ah. Did I say something that might be misunderstood?

“It’s not in that meaning, there’s not many people that are like lieutenant Son in this kind of world after all. They usually think that chasing after money is the best after all. Including me.”

“The way people think are all different after all. Either way, if it’s something illegal then it would be difficult for me to help.”

“Even if everybody here can be in danger if that guy isn’t caught?”

“That is…….”

“In the first place, splitting into three teams is a problem. Did it not happen due to Han Jung-ho’s opinion by any chance?”

“That…… I do not know to that degree. However, since he had faced the Chungho Group before and possesses quite a bit of ability, he was probably able to give his opinion.”

“Then he is more suspicious.”

The number of people in team 1 that was holding the center was 1,500. It was merely half the number of Chungho Group that numbered 3,000.

The reason they were split into three teams in the first place was because the government’s confidence had backed it.

The confidence that they could take care of a disorderly group of 3,000 Chinese hunters with even just half their number.

However, in my eyes, it was merely overconfidence.

For one thing, the Chungho Group wasn’t a disorderly mob.

They had a distinct command system and each one of them had loyalty strong enough to throw away their lives.

I felt that they couldn’t be called a hunter organization but more like a military group or even had a strong command system like a command and discipline of a triad.

If it was like that, then on the contrary, this side was the disorderly mob.

Also, it was not certain that they numbered 3,000.

It was a considerable problem that they were treating that uncertain information as a fact while their numbers couldn’t be grasped.

It was information that I had obtained but I didn’t know what they were thinking by just completely trusting that information.

The last thing was the asymmetry in information.

Our path and number of hunters, and the level of our side was completely open to them.

However, there was almost nothing known about the Chungho Group.

Anyone could tell even without hearing the saying that you would win if you know the enemy and know yourself that this situation was problematic to a severe degree.

Why was the government team so confident in victory even so.

The reason was simple.

Because we’re the strongest.

It was well known that Korea had the strongest level of hunters in the world.

For example, in our country, a level 3 hunter was only called so once they had a full set of weapon and armor and skill.

However, other countries used the highest level equipment of a hunter as their standard.

In such a standard I was a level 10 hunter. However, there was no way that was true. I would only be treated as a novice with a level 10 skill.

There was also a large gap created by the way equipment was used and the knowhow of hunting monsters.

Either way, it was a fact that Korea was at the forefront in hunter related things.

However, that didn’t apply in the same way in a fight of humans against humans.

I said this before but no matter what level people were, they would die if they were stabbed with a knife.

Unless one was completely covered in armor there would be a gap and even a level 10 hunter would die after getting hit by a level 1 arrow.

I could feel Son Aram’s expression getting increasingly uneasy hearing my explanation. Thinking that she had almost yielded, I gave one last push.

In the first place, Han Jung-ho is a criminal. Just that there is no evidence. I have actually been attacked too. Are you telling me that you will put the lives of 1,500, no, 5,000 people at risk to protect such a guy?”

“…… Please follow me.”

Son Aram let out a deep sigh and started walking.

After passing by a place with several hundred tents, we arrived at a rather large tent at the very edge of the area.

“Is this the place?”

“Yes. It isn’t maintenance time so he should be inside.”

After saying so, she opened the entranced and entered inside. After following in after her, I found that the inside was larger than I thought it was from outside.

It was a space enough for ten people to sleep in.

However, Han Jung-ho couldn’t be seen.

She asked a brown haired hunter who was lying down in a doubtful tone.

“Where is Han team leader?”

“He went out about 30 minutes ago. He went out saying that there was a team meeting.”

“That can’t be. The meeting ended one hour ago.”

Son Aram shook her head.

I got a bad feeling about this.

I thought that they were only communicating through the phone but aren’t they directly contacting at a closer place than I thought?


It was at that moment. With a great explosion, the ground shook as if there was an earthquake.

After that came a shout from several thousand people at once.

“It’s an ambush!”

“Everybody grab your gear!”

The hunters in the tents hurriedly got up and grabbed their weapon and armor.

The ones that had to wear plate type armor were desperately trying to wear it but it took quite some time to wear it.

“Wh, what in the world……?”

Son Aram’s wide eyes looked at me. I let out a deep sigh and shook my head.

“It seems I came too late.”

Going out, there was fire burning everywhere.

The tents were the type that burned well so it seems they were all burning due to the long range fire magic.

Although they wouldn’t die because they’re hunters, we definitely took a strong first blow.

“Pay attention! Figure out the enemy’s location first!”

“They are coming from all directions!”

“Damn it! What are the patrol units doing? Block the ones that you can see for now! Move by the manual!”

It seems the command was working well even in this chaos.

Either way, they were hunters that were familiar with raids. They had been through emergencies more than anyone and if they were people that would run away from just this much then they wouldn’t have come here in the first place.

I was thinking that they would be able to hold on if I helped out a bit.

It was at that moment.


A gunshot echoed. That was the beginning.

With a thundering noise bullets flew from every direction.

It was a weapon that still proved powerful in interpersonal battle.

No matter how fast and powerful arrows were, there was nothing better than this weapon.

I turned my head to look at Son Aram.

Name : Son Aram

Equipment : Officer Armor (3) (Allows user to change into ether form for 10 minutes. Cannot attack in any way.)

Skill : None.

She was at least wearing level 3 armor. It had a good option for survivability too.

However, I didn’t have the conviction to be able to break through the blockade through this hail of bullets while keeping her safe. Even if it was armor it didn’t cover her entire body after all.

I was wondering what to do when I remember the Milworm. Of course, all five of them were with Han Joon-suk right now but if I didn’t have them then I just had to make them.

I took out the Pure Gold Ring and a level 3 item from the manual.

“What are you trying to do?”

“Let’s hide in the tent for now.”

I took her and went back into the tent. I immediately summoned a Milworm in there.

A giant insect with a body length of 10 meters suddenly popped out of the ground.


Lieutenant Son got surprised and hugged me.

I had no idea how she could still smell good after camping outside for over two weeks.

I calmed her down and made the Milworm dig the ground.

As it was a monster that moved around in the ground in the first place, it did not have a problem creating a tunnel good enough to hide her.

“You just have to slowly follow the road this guy makes.”

“Wh, what about Sang-min?”


I lightly smiled instead of answering.

There was no need to talk about brutal things.

Han Jung-ho and Chungho Group. I did not know how these two were connected. However, I did know that everything was related to that guy.

It was something that happened because I let him live.

If I had just killed him back then, such a problem wouldn’t have arised. That’s why I thought that I should take responsibility.

No, even if it wasn’t such a grandiose reason.

Han Jung-ho that bastard.

I didn’t like him you see.

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