Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

“I am known as Storm Blade An Gyu-bum. A level 8 hunter.”

It seems that it was true that people get calm instead if they become too surprised.

He didn’t look any different from when he was contemplating whether he should kill me or not. The smile on his face was the exact same as the one in my memory.

Well, not even half a year passed since then so how much could be possibly change.

Either way, this guy was in alternative service work as well?

Level 8 on top that. What the hell did he eat in that time.

Name : An Gyu-bum

Equipment : Sword of Judgement (8) , Black String Armor (5) , Resilience Gaiters (7)

Skill : Martial Arts of Death (8)

His equipment and skills were no joke. There was no way he could have leveled up by hunting so he must have used a lot of personal money.

How much money did their household have I wonder. If the equipment and skill was converted to money then it would add up to about 100t.

To be able to invest so much money on their child, they either had to be the owner of a large company or an incredible hunter.

Eum Young-hyeon opened his mouth.

“I am called Eum Young-hyeon. I’m a bit lacking but I’m leading team 2. How is the situation going right now?”

“Team 3 and team 1 are currently isolated. There were too many enemies so we couldn’t even fight properly. I have also barely escaped.”

It was completely different from our information. He was probably making things up as he wanted. It was possible to know the specifics from Son Aram later.

So I hope she’s alive.

Eum Young-hyeon nodded his head.

“Is that so. Since you must be tired coming all the way here, go rest for a bit and then we’ll talk about rescuing team 3.”

“Let’s do so then. Is there a place we can rest?”

“We have put up some tents outside the wooden fence as sudden as it was. They are few in number so it will be a bit tight but it’s an emergency situation.”

There were about 50 tents at the place Eum Young-hyeon pointed at.

An Gyu-bum’s eyebrow twitched.

“It’s too few.”

“Our side has decreased it by as much as we can so the situation is the same. Please understand even if it’s a bit uncomfortable.”

“How much do you need?”


Eum Young-hyeon’s expression crumpled up a bit. An Gyu-bum opened his mouth again.

“I’m asking how much it is for each tent. It’s too difficult for people like us to sleep in such a narrow place you see.”

“That’s not something that’s sold. That’s why endure it even if it’s a uncomfortable.”

“Hah. Truely an old fogger that doesn’t understand words.”

An Gyu-bum unfolded his arms and talked with an arrogant tone.

I couldn’t stay still and took a step forward.

“Do it moderately. Everyone is enduring the discomfort.”

The guys standing next to An Gyu-bum held their swords against me.

“What is this all about?”

“He is not a person that the likes of you can talk to.”

The one holding the sword towards me said.

It was a female hunter called Jeon Min-jeong. Level was 6. Age seemed to be in the middle of the 20s.

Seeing how she was sending some pretty sharp force to me it seems she wasn’t raised with just the level of the items.

“Now now. All of you stop. There’s no need to fight among allies here. I will try my best to send more tents.”

Eum Young-hyeon quickly mediated.

Why was he being so soft?

“General Eum.”

“This is the time to have even one more helping hand. There is no need to have a conflict about small matters.”

“It seems you’re finally understanding words. Then I will trust you and leave.”

A dark smile was plastered on An Gyu-bum’s face.

He turned to leave with his group when he suddenly seemed to remember something and look at me.

“Was it Jung Sang-min?”


He was remembering my name?

I thought he didn’t recognize me.

“You remember me?”

“You can be proud. I remember you quite well you see.”

He was a pretty amazing guy. How overblown did his ego have to be to say such things.

“I will send you an additional 20 tents.”

“It’s lacking with just that though.”

“More than that is impossible. The people on this side will need a place to sleep as well.”

As Eum Young-hyeon came out strong, An Gyu-bum stepped back as if there was no choice. Of course, he didn’t forget to say a few more words.

“You could have just slept on the floor.”

Then what about you guy? I was going to rush in while saying so but Eum Young-hyeon held me back.

I couldn’t endure and opened my mouth.

“Why are you being so good to them?”

“Don’t speak nonsense. It’s good to be good to each other.”

“They’re just children though.”

“This bastard saying thoughtless remarks!”

Jeon Min-jeong pointed her sword at me again.

An Gyu-bum lightly restrained her and opened his mouth.

“Why is he being good to us you say?”

“I understand that you guys have a lot of money. But this is a battlefield. We are all exhausted. There is no reason for you guys to get preferential treatment.”

“How much support fund do you think the government team is getting. From who do you think all that is coming from?”

“What do you……?”

“What they eat, what they wear, and what they are sleeping in is all from the money from us.”

“Don’t mess around. That’s from the government…….”

“How much do you think the government has to be able to pay for several thousand hunters? You are all only here to support us. In simple words, you’re all people that have been hired to be our hands and feet.”

“What nonsense.”

“You think I’m lying. Then ask yourself. That guy is quite high up so he should know what he should.”

I turned my head to look at Eum Young-hyeon. Looking at his expression, I didn’t hear the answer to know.

An Gyu-bum lightly tapped my cheek and opened his mouth.

“If you want to even receive a single penny then don’t spout bullshit and do as you’re told.”

“Sorry but.”

I strongly held An Gyu-bum’s hand.

“I don’t get money from here you see.”



“You dare!”

A spear came from Jeon Min-jeong who was standing nearby.

I let go of An Gyu-bum’s hand and swung the Bloody Sword to deflect her spear. (Kyle: No idea why it’s suddenly a spear.)


She kept in her moan as she retreated. The level 7 Bloody Sword was powerful even without covering it with Aura Blade.

An Gyu-bum was considerably flustered.

“What happened? I remember you being a porter?”

“The world is good today you see. I became a hunter fortunately.”

“Fortunately? The skill book you took that time……?”

“You really have good memory. That’s right. I got all the way here thanks to that.”

“Kuk. It’s only a level 0 skill book!”

An Gyu-bum took out his sword. It was a level 8 sword. It was scary that bloodthirst was pouring out of it but I didn’t think the current me would lose.

However, there was a thought that caught me.

Wouldn’t the other hunters be affected if I smashed this guy here?

The reason these people were here was because of the extra pay but wouldn’t they be unable to get even that?

Since they stamped the contract by the law so they will have to pay up. But if they gave this and that excuse then it wasn’t difficult for them to delay it.

I did think would they really do such a thing but it was possible. The more money one had the more they didn’t the smallest things and take revenge after all.

I normally wouldn’t contemplate on such things. However, I quite liked General Eum and the team 2 he led. Enough to think for their good.


Eum Young-hyeong interfered with good timing. However, An Gyu-bum didn’t look like he was going to stop.

Instead, he swung his sword to intimidate him.

“Old man. Don’t interfere. I will kill that porter today…….”


Eum Young-hyeon bitchslapped the guy’s cheek. He hit him so hard that his entire body shook greatly.

Wow. Amazing.


“I was already pissed off that a young bastard was speaking informally…… A deserter should act like a deserter and return after seeing the situation, why are you acting high handed?”

As the person suddenly completely changed, the ones behind An Gyu-bum got very flustered.

They all had faces saying ‘huh, this isn’t it though……’.

Even if they looked strong they were only in the middle of their 20s.

They had no choice but to flinch if a guy like General Eum came out strong.

However, there was a guy that wasn’t like that as well.

It was An Gyu-bum whose cheek had gotten red.

“Old man…… it seems you want to die?”



Looking at General Eum who slapped him without a hint of hesitation felt extremely refreshing. To the point that I started thinking if it was okay to do so. However, it was true that it was refreshing.



What was surprising was that he who was a level 7 hunter was completely overwhelming the level 8 An Gyu-bum. As expected, level wasn’t everything in a fight. No matter how good your equipment was, it was of no use if you couldn’t hit the opponent.

After An Gyu-bum had gotten hit a few more times like that, he grinded his teeth and glared at him.

“…… I won’t forget this.”

“Do so.”

At this point, wasn’t he a being that could be respected?

In the end, An Gyu-bum’s group had no choice but to retreat while dejected. I was a bit worried about the future.

“Is it okay?”josei

“You created this situation so why are you saying that to me?”

“The one that hit him wasn’t me but you General Eum.”

“If I didn’t hit him then you would have no?”

“That is so.”

“It would be bad to block the future of a young friend already. It’s better for me to take it all on.”

To be honest, it wasn’t kindness that wasn’t necessary for me.

However, I was quite moved that someone that wasn’t really related to me had risked a danger for me.

“You don’t need to look at me with such a hot gaze. It was the same for me that I didn’t like those guys. I was only concerned about whether the other hunters could properly receive their payment. Well, since such a thing happened it’s difficult to say whether any will come out though.”

“It’s fine to get that much by destroying the Chungho Group. But I’m not sure if those guys will willingly cooperate.”

An operation guidance came down from above.

While the National Defense Department was asking for a negotiation they will contact the Chungho Group to stall for time. In that time, team 2 and the deserters will cooperate to rescue the isolated allies.

If that is too difficult, rescue team 3 as first priority.

Also that additional support would be difficult.

Han Joon-suk who heard that let out a sigh.

“It’s difficult.”

The estimated number of the Chungho Groups current force was about 5,000. It meant that we had to somehow rescue the isolated ones with only the troops here.

The ones isolated were a total of 2,500.

This side’s troops were a short of that at around 2,000 but if we worked together then it wasn’t something impossible.

But unless the Chungho Group were idiots, they would have put an eye on us. If it looked like we were going to attack then of course the negotiations would be gone.

In the end, there was no choice but for a small group of elites to move for this operation. The majority would be left here while a group of strong hunters would open up an escape for the isolated allies.

It was a dangerous operation.

Manager Kim opened his mouth.

“Is there a reason for us to do this?”

“There is lieutenant Son Aram in team 1.”

“…… Even so. Can’t you at least keep me out? I won’t have much to do as a crowd controller.”

“Old man. We’re one team. If we live then we live together, and if we die then we die together.”

Soo-ah put a hand on Manager Kim’s shoulder.

“Hey. I have a child.”

“If Manager dies then I will take good care of you.”

“Urg. You would do very well.”

“You don’t need to worry so much. Even if the operation fails, there is a method to get out safely.”

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