Ex Husband Goes Money Comes

Ex-Husband Goes Money Comes By Yvone Zabielski Chapter 206

Ex-Husband Goes Money Comes By Yvone Zabielski Chapter 206

Ex-Husband Goes Money Comes By Yvone Zabielski Chapter 206

Chapter 206 Was He Seriously Injured?

Orlando knew it, but why did he pretend to be jealous when Viola deliberately mentioned Russell a few days ago?

Was he playing with her on purpose? What a bad guy!

Viola was so angry that she calmed her emotions and continued to read.

“Dear Viola, when you read this letter, I might have left you forever. This is the last thing I volunteered t o do for you. Don‘t feel guilty. Don‘t blame yourself. I don‘t know if my death can make you cry for me. I hope you will cry, but I am also afraid of it because I don‘t want t o see you sad. Forget it, don‘t cry. Be a happy and worry–free princess of the McGraw family.”

Just as she read this, Viola‘s tears started to flow uncontrollably.

She wiped away her tears and tried to regain her senses. After calming down, she continued reading.

“I met the right person at the wrong time.

When you rescued me from the car 13 years ago, I was deeply attracted by your clear and bright eyes and uncontrollably fell in love with you, who was only 10 years old.

Anaya claimed that it was her who saved me and I believed her. For that, I‘m always regretful.

Even if I never touched her, even if she is dead, I still cannot forgive myself.

What I regret the most is that when you were brought into the Caffrey family, I didn‘t recognize you. In f act, during the three years of our marriage, I did not cherish you. When I wanted to remedy it, you no lo nger loved me.

But it doesn‘t matter. Even if you treat me as a pet and a servant, I am satisfied that I can see you in th e villa every day.

Ever since I found out that I fell in love with you, I have become sensitive and timid.

Your casual sinile to me is like a lighthouse. Your sweet words make me so happy that I won‘t be able t o sleep for several days.

When you read up here, you must be happy, right?

Chapter 206 as He Seously iniure

The man who used to be insufferably arrogant is now thinking about you all the time, and he is like a hu mble dog begging for your love.

That‘s right, I am afraid of losing you, so I don‘t dare to ask for more love from you, but I‘m hoping that you will leave even a tiny bit of a place for me in your heart.

I know I hurt you too deeply before, and I am not worthy of your forgiveness.

You saved me and I still owe you a life. This debt cannot be repaid, so I can only repay it with my life.

What you‘ve said is right. I am a bad guy.

I hope that you will forget me and find a good man in the future to love you, cherish you, and pity you, b ut I hope that you will remember me forever.

Between the two, I thought for a long time, painful and contradictory.

In the end, I selfishly close to dedicate my life so that you will never forget me for the rest of your life.

In the future, you have to eat well. Drink less coffee and tea. Spend less time on business. Wear more clothes when it is cold.

Goodbye, my…”

The last word seemed to have been blurred by tears, but one could vaguely tell that it was the word ‘lov e‘.

Viola knew his handwriting. His writing was always neat and beautiful.

However, there were many crooked words written in this letter. Many words were blurred by tears.

What kind of mood was Orlando in when he wrote this letter?

His hands were so shaky that he couldn‘t even hold a pen.

He must be very sad and regretful.

Viola cried so hard that she was about to suffocate. She slid down from the recliner and knelt on the gr ound. She clutched her chest tightly, unable to calm down that feeling of grief and despair.

Chapter 206 Was He Seriously injured?


Why did Viola love Orlando?

Viola still remembered it very clearly. After she lost her memory, she was brought into the Caffrey family by Nash, but all the Caffrey family members did not like her.

Only Orlando smiled at hier and said, “That‘s good. I am getting a sister. In the future, this is your liome. We are all your family.”

Althougli that smile was very shallow, it was like the sun in winter. It reflected into her heart, making her deeply infatuated with the warmth this man gave her.

Orlando originally had a very good attitude toward her, so why did he start to treat Viola coldly?

It started when Nash announced that Viola would marry Orlando…

Viola shook her head helplessly. Between them, it really was the wrong time.

Hot tears rolled down her cheeks and stained the words in the letter.

She wiped it off with her hand. Her gaze followed lier fingertips, falling on the sentence “you will never f orget me for the rest of your life“.

“Orlando! You are a bastard!”

Orlando did it.

Viola would never forget Orlando for the rest of her life.

He was a fool…

Viola had said that saving him 13 years ago was just a false kindness to her and she did

not care about it at all.

However, Orlando remembered it his entire life. Because of this kindness, he jumped off Crane Bridge t o save her after being poisoned. He even used his body to shield the strong corrosive medicine for her in Color World.

This time, in order to help her get rid of that black–clothed man, he dedicated his life.

Orlando saved Viola again and again.

He no longer owed her.

Chapter 206 Was He Seriously injured?


She owed him!

Now that he was gone, how could Viola repay him…

Tears silently flowed out, and the last bit of sense was burned away by this letter.

Viola was so heartbroken.

It hurt so much that tears were overflowing, and her limbs were trembling uncontrollably.

Viola finally couldn‘t hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

The floor was cold and emotionless, but she felt nothing but heartache as if her senses had been lost.

However, in the midst of her tears, she vaguely saw something red under the bed.

That red was very glaring.

What was hidden under his bed?

Viola wiped away her tears and took a few deep breaths before getting close to the edge of the bed and

It was a blood–stained shirt, and it was only when slie got close that she noticed that there was a heavy bloody smell on the clothes.

The blood had completely dried up, but the color was fresh. It should be recently…

When did this happen?

The large patches of blood on the shirt stung her eyes.

Viola frowned. With so much blood, it was obviously not from the injury caused by the burn on his back.

How could Orlando be so heavily injured?

Viola carefully went througlı what happened recently. It seemed that only the day she brought Jennifer b

Now that Viola thought about it, it was quite weird.

Chapter 206 was He Seriously injured?


She called Toby and said, “Contact Todd and tell him that I want to see him! I want to see him now! Go!”

Toby was frightened by her roar. When Toby turned around and ran, he almost fell.

Half an hour later, Todd arrived.

When Todd entered, Viola was sitting on Orlando‘s lounge chair. Her eyes were blank and she was in a

Viola held Orlando‘s bloody shirt in her hands. The tears on her face had already dried, but her red and swollen ey

Todd lowered his head and asked sadly, “What‘s going on, Ms. Zumthor?”

Viola looked at the bloody shirt in her hands and sobbed. “Did you meet someone from the Secret Burea construction site? Was he seriously injured?”

Todd did not answer.

“Tell me the truth. It won’t change anything. I just want to know.”

Todd sighed before he began to speak, “We didn‘t meet anyone from the Secret Bureau of Investigation

“Then why was he injured?” Viola frowned.

“In fact…”

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