Ex-Husband's Regret

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Chapter 0324


The date was nothing but perfect. If I had my way, it wouldn’t have ended. Every moment I spent with her was heaven, and I wish I’d done this sooner,

I honestly don’t know why I never gave myself a chance to be happy with Ava. It bugs me that we could have been happy all these years if only I’d let go of Emma.

The love I had for Emma was young love; it wouldn’t have lasted. The moment it was tested, it crumbled. What I feel for Ava is more mature, stronger, and deeper than what I thought love was at seventeen years of age.

I’m starting to believe that Gabe was right. Love doesn’t develop out of the blues, Just like he said, I think deep down I loved Ava; I just let the guilt of hurting Emma consume me. I held on to Emma because I felt I needed control, and marrying Ava and being with her felt like something out of my control.

I also believed that allowing my feelings for Ava to grow would be akin to betraying the love I had for Emma. What I didn’t realize then was that that love had died long ago.

Sighing, I take off my clothes before heading to the shower.

I don’t know how long I can fucking keep this up. Ava was slowly killing me. Slowly crumbling my resolve. I didn’t want to touch her until she knew everything, and until I knew her love for me was set on stone.

Each day, though, it’s getting harder and harder to remain true to my resolve. Every time we kissed, every time she touched me, every fucking time I woke up with her ass cradling my dick, was pure


It’s not once or twice; I almost just said fuck it and took her the way I wanted. What stops me is the knowledge that if I do that before she knows everything and before her love for me is rekindled, then she’ll end up hating me. I couldn’t risk that. I wouldn’t be able to take it.

Pushing thoughts of the uncertain future aside, I focus on the present matter. My dick was painfully hard. I’ve had more hand action these past few months than I’ve had in my teenage years.

Taking my swollen shaft in my hand, I close my eyes and imagine Ava in the sexy dress she’d won tonight. I imagine myself tearing it from her as her delicious body comes into view.

She didn’t have a bra, and as my mouth sucked and licked her nipples, my hands went to her panties. I dip my hand inside to find her wet and ready for me.

“Fuck,” groan as I enter one finger and then another.

She moans as I finger–fuck her, begging me not to stop. Her juices drip down my fingers, coating my hand in the process. I rub her clit, and watch as her head falls backward. Her face transforms into a look of pure pleasure, and a small smile plays on her lips.

I pump harder, loving the way she moans my name. Each sound drives pleasure into me. She climaxes, her walls clenching my fingers in a tight fist. Watching her cum pushes me over the edge, making me climax alongside her.

I pull my fingers out and lick her cum from them. She watches me with wide eyes, seductive yet innocent at the same time,

I climb on top of her and kiss her until we’re both fucking breathless. Pulling away, I look at her because I wanted to see her reaction when I entered her. I align my dick with her entrance, the

anticipation making me feel like an eager teenager. I was just about to enter her when a small scream pulls me from my fantasy.

I turn towards the door, and my heart stops. Not caring, I rush towards her. Ava was slumped against the door, looking like she was in a world of pain.

“Ava?” I call her, but I don’t get an answer.

Snatching a towel, I wrap it quickly around my waist before focusing on her. Her eyes were closed; she had tears running down her face, and what broke my heart was the look of pain. that marred her beautiful face.

“What’s wrong, darling?” I ask,

I place my hand on her shoulder to shake her when she reacts violently.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” she screams, scrambling away from me.

I stare at her in shock. What the hell happened? She was okay a moment ago, but now she didn’t want me to fucking touch her.


“Don’t come near you, jerk!” Her eyes are full of bitterness and hate, reminding me of how she was before she was shot.

My heart stops as fear that she’s remembered everything crashes into me.

“Tell me what’s wrong, Ava; I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong,” I plead with her.

More tears continue falling down her face. Pain and hurt shadow her eyes. It literally breaks my fucking heart to see her like this.

“I had a memory,” she begins before she starts laughing like she’s insane. “You know, I wanted to fuck you; I wanted to sleep with you; I even talked myself into talking to you about it because I wanted you so much. When I saw you jerking off in the shower, I wanted to join you. I even imagined myself giving you a blow job while you cummed on my chest.”

I frown, but stay quiet. Something told me that something had happened. That I wasn’t going to like what she had to say next.

“Here, I was horny for you, craving you, when my mind had to remind me of something that you said,” she hiccups. “You want to know what it was?”

I didn’t, because I knew it would destroy the small progress we had made, but I nodded none the less.

“You tried being a decent fuck, but you weren’t even good at that. Every time I was inside you, it’s Emma I wanted,” she tells me, her voice catching. “Does it ring a bell?”

My heart completely shatters because I remember the words very clearly. The words that I flung at her because I wanted to hurt her for hurting Emma.

“The funny thing is, here I was horny for you when, in reality, you don’t really want me. I’m nothing but a slut to be used as a substitute. Why did you sleep with me if you didn’t want me, Rowan? You could have gone and gotten yourself a mistress; it would have hurt, but I would have preferred that to being used to satiate your desire for Emma.”

The pain in her voice is my undoing. I knew those words would come back to bite me in the ass, but when I yelled them at her, I was so pissed that it didn’t hit me that I’d said them until it was too late and I couldn’t take them back.

“It isn’t like that?” I murmured, not able to look into her eyes. I was ashamed of saying those words. I still am.

“Then how was it? Weren’t those your words? Weren’t you the one who said them? Not once did I point a gun at your head and force you to sleep with me. Hell, when we got married, I didn’t expect us to have a sexual relationship, and I told you that. You’re the one who always came to me. You’re the one that sought me out. If you knew that you didn’t want me, then why sleep with me? Why use me? Why degrade me like that? You should have just left me alone, Rowan.‘

She moans as I finger fuck her, begging me not to stop Her juices drip down my fingers, coating my hand in the process. I rub her clit, and watch as her head falls backward. Her face transforms into a look of pure pleasure, and a small smile plays on her lips.

1 pump harder, loving the way she moans my name. Each sound drives pleasure into me. She climaxes, her walls clenching my fingers in a tight fist. Watching her cum pushes me over the edge, making me climax alongside her.

I pull my fingers out and lick her cum from them. She watches me with wide eyes, seductive yet innocent at the same time,

I climb on top of her and kiss her until we’re both fucking breathless. Pulling away, I look at her because I wanted to see her reaction when I entered her. I align my dick with her entrance, the anticipation making me feel like an eager teenager, I was just about to enter her when at small scream pulls me from my fantasy.

I turn towards the door, and my heart stops. Not caring, I rush towards her. Ava was slumped against the door, looking like she was in a world of pain.

“Ava?” I call her, but I don’t get an answer.

Snatching a towel, I wrap it quickly around my waist before focusing on her. Her eyes were closed; she had tears running down her face, and what broke my heart was the look of pain that marred her beautiful face.

“What’s wrong, darling?” I ask,

I place my hand on her shoulder to shake her when she reacts violently.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” she screams, scrambling away from me.

I stare at her in shock. What the hell happened? She was okay a moment ago, but now she didn’t want me to fucking touch her.


“Don’t come near you, jerk!” Her eyes are full of bitterness and hate, reminding me of how she was before she was shot.

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