Raidorl Seiken Senki

Chapter 214

Chapter 214: Fernigesh mountain range

Chapter 214: Fernigesh mountain range

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by SoundDestiny

Fernigesh mountain range.

The mountain range, which is made up of cloud-high mountains, divides the western part of the continent from north to south and forms the border between the Zain and Athena kingdoms.

The mountain range is said to be inhabited by the black dragon Fernigesh, but only for a few months…..ago, the mountains suddenly moved and a large road appeared. josei

The witch of the Earth, Osman, used her supernatural magic to move the mountain range in order to send an army of undead into the Kingdom of Zain.

Once again, it was an incident that made the human aware of the horror of the 『The Six Witches of Doom』…..This one incident caused damage, perhaps unintentionally by the Osman.

[Was it caused by the cracking of the mountain range?] The black dragon Fernigesh, which lived there and its dependents, the sub-dragons, came down from the mountains and began to attack human settlements.

Due to undead attacks, most of the people who once lived in the area have fled to the east.

But….those who had failed to escape and were hiding in forests and other places. A small number of them remained because they happened to be ignored during the undead invasion.

Sub-dragons with black scales are now attacking such people, and reports of damage have been coming to Raidorl.

The people affected even had security soldiers on the lookout for the undead, which would have hampered a reverse invasion of the Kingdom of Athena.

In order to march on the Kingdom of Athena and defeat the witch Osman, they would inevitably have to pass through the new Fernigesh mountain range.

If they are attacked by Fernigesh or its sub-dragons, who are their dependents, during the march, they will suffer tremendous damage and wear out their troops before they can fight the undead. In the worst case, they could be pinched by the undead from the front and the dragons from the rear.

“That’s why it’s inevitable that we’ll have to defeat…. Fernigesh the Black Dragon and his dependents, the sub-dragons. Let’s get this done before we are ready to invade Athena.”

Raidorl said, looking up at the Fernigesh mountain range towering overhead.

On his waist is the holy sword Dáinsleif. The jet-black sword was shaking in its sheath, perhaps in excitement before the big battle.

“Dragons are『army-killing』 monsters. No matter how many troops we have, the body count will only increase. What we need is not a headcount. We need a strong man with the ability to fight a thousand battles.”

“So you mean the holders of the Holy Sword…like us.”

Neferte nodded at Raidorl’s words.

They had reached the foot of the Fernigesh mountain range and were now about to tackle the mountain range.

In addition to the two men, there are other locals who have bought their services to guide them through the mountains. Of course, they are not combatants and therefore not a force to be reckoned with.

Raidorl, holder of the holy sword Dáinsleif of the 『Curse』.

Neferte, holder of the holy sword Mistilteinn of 『Water』.

Two royal families. The purpose of the two sword-bearers’ visit to this land was to defeat the black dragon Fernigesh and the sub-dragons.

It was a very risky situation for Raidorl,since he was the head of the army and regent of a kingdom, and Neferte, the crown prince, even if he was an outcast, to take on a dangerous dragon by themselves.

Still, there is no alternative, so there is no choice.

If they were to challenge dragons and sub-dragons, even if they were leading an army, they would inevitably be destroyed. It was better to choose someone who would be better than wasting troops.

“The black dragon Fernigesh should be living in a cave in the middle of the….mountain. I believe the sub-dragons also have their strongholds in the area.”

It was the man who was the guide, who modestly said.

He was an old man of over seventy. His head was covered with grey hair, but his back was straight and his body was firm.

He was a hale and hearty old man who seemed to be accustomed to climbing mountains on a regular basis.

“I’m sorry. I’ve entrusted you to guide us to a dangerous place.”

“It’s okay, Your Highness. I gave up my life once anyway. Use me as you wish.”

The old man laughed cheerfully at Raidorl’s exertions.

During the undead attack, the old man had accepted death without fleeing his native village, saying that he was an old man anyway.

He was very close to having the undead pour into his village, but he was saved by Raidorl, who fought off the Knights of the Apocalypse and survived.

The old man, who had apparently been a hunter for generations, had been to the Ferniguesch mountain range many times and knew the mountain structure inside out.

“However, the mountains have moved and the road is blocked here and there. I don’t know how far I can serve as a guide…..”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s a lot better than us novice climbing on our own.”

“I’m counting on you. Please take care of us.”

The old man bows his head in honour at being asked to do so by two royals, Raidorl and Neferte.

“Well then,…we will enter the mountains at once. Follow me, and be careful where you step. If you lose your footing, you will slide headlong down the mountain.”

The old man moves through the trees with steady steps and continues along the animal trail.

Raidorl and Neferte followed his back so as not to fall behind, and entered the Fernigesh mountain range, the lair of the dragons.

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