Raidorl Seiken Senki

Chapter 62

Chapter 62: The adversary and the boy

Chapter 62: The adversary and the boy

Translated by SoundOfDestiny

Edited by Zil

“No, I will not surrender!”

The eastern part of the Kingdom of Zain. Viscount Bobald Ulfert, a local nobleman with his estate in one of these corners, shouted at the knight standing in front of him.

A young female knight in armour stands in front of Ulfert, shaking his fat belly and ranting, a look of disgust on his face.

She is a member of the Royal Army of Zain, Saara Raifet.

The female knight, who is also Darren’s second-in-command, glared coldly at Ulfert, who was spitting and shouting.

(TL:who is also Darren’s fiancee)

“With all due respect, Viscount. In time an army will be sent here to conquer you. Wouldn’t it be better for the King’s reputation if you surrendered and surrendered your lands before that happened?”

The purpose of Sarra’s visit to the city, ahead of Darren and Raidorl, was to advise Viscount Ulfert to surrender to the Empire.

However, Viscount Ulfert’s face turns red and he shouts angrily at her, almost giving her an ultimatum.

“Shut up, shut up! What can that young man do? If the king hadn’t allowed the empire to invade, I wouldn’t have betrayed him in the first place! Why should I be punished? If you really want me to surrender, then bring me the king’s letter saying that and this whole affair will be dropped!”

Saara frowned at this self-serving argument.

It is true that it was the fault of the Royal Army that the border fortress of Balmes was destroyed. It could be said that it was a mistake of King Granard.

But in the first place, the reason why Viscount Ulfert and other border nobles were given territories in this land was to repel invasions from enemy countries.

What is the matter with those who have abandoned the role given to them by their ancestors, and instead have turned to the enemy to fight?

“”It’s only a matter of time before the city is overrun. Darren Garst and His Highness Raidorl Zain, the heroes who defeated the empire, are already on their way to take you from the capital. It is only a matter of time before this city is destroyed. Will you still not surrender?”

“Raidorl? Hmph, what can that outcast prince do!”

Viscount Ulfert sniffs derisively at Saara’s words.

The rumours of Raidorl had already reached the Viscount’s ears, after the battle at Blaine Fortress.

However, he did not believe for a moment that his great strength and his mythical fighting style were true.

“This town is impregnable! It has thick walls, plenty of food, and no one, not even a holy sword wielder, can defeat it!”

“And …… this town was originally part of a kingdom. And with the people as shields, they can’t do anything!”

Ulfert was being iroganant and looked down on the female knight.

The enemy country, the Alsatian Empire, may mercilessly burn the town, but if it is the kingdom side, Raidorl,? it should not be possible to attack so violently.

This was the reason why Ulfert was so determined.

“……Why couldn’t he have shown that resilience when the Empire attacked?”

Saara gave up trying to persuade the man in front of her and sighed deeply.

Negotiations had broken down. This arrogant man, who was only interested in his position, would never be persuaded.

Perhaps he will not admit his mistake until the very end. He will continue to shout that he is not wrong until the moment his head is cut off.

“The next time we meet, it will be on the battlefield. Please be prepared.”

“If he guarantees me my lands, my fortune and my life, I’ll serve your kingdom again! I’ll make him a nobleman again! Make sure you tell him that!

“Excuse me…..”

There was nothing more to say.

Leaving the Viscount with his face contorted in arrogance, Saara left the house.

“Persuasion has failed. This will make this town a battleground……”

Saara looks out over the city, which is ruled by Viscount Ulfert, with a sense of melancholy.

As a soldier in the Royal Army, she is more than ready to fight the enemy.

“But should we fight against those who were on our side?”

“Besides, somewhere in this town lurks a torchbearer set by His Majesty Granard. They will set fire to the town as soon as His Highness Raydor attacks it, won’t they? Is there nothing we can do to save the people of this town?”

“What should I tell Darren……and how sorry I am that I have not lived up to his highness’ expectations ……?”

“Hello, miss. May I have a word with you?”


She was about to leave the town on her horse, when she heard a voice on her back and turned around.

She straddled her horse and stared behind her in alarm ……,but there was no one behind her.

“Don’t tell me, a…… ghost?”

“No, over here.”

“Is …… ah?”

When she looked down further, she saw a small, stocky boy.

He is dressed in simple but noble quality clothing. He is a member of the Viscount Ulfert family, perhaps?

“Well, you are ……”

Saara’s face, which had been tightened in alarm, relaxed and she asked the boy.

The boy put his hand to his chest and bowed with a polite gesture.

“I’m sorry to surprise you, I’m Sven Arbeil, third son of Ronald Arbeil, the Earl of Arbeil.

“H…… Arbeil?”

Saara’s eyes widened when she heard the boy’s name. josei

The female knight was speechless, her eyes black with confusion at the name of the family of the Earls of Arbeil, which had been destroyed by the Empire.

“If I may, I would like to see His Royal Highness Raidorl Zain. The future of this town is within his hands.”

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