Raidorl Seiken Senki

Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Visitors in the middle of the night.

Chapter 80: Visitors in the middle of the night.

Translated by SoundOfDestiny

Edited by Zil

After working late into the night on paperwork, Raydor finally returned to the room in the viscount’s house that he uses as his bedroom.

As soon as he entered the room, he threw off his clothes and jumped into bed.

“I’ve been an adventurer for too long. It’s been a while since I’ve done any brain work. ……”

When he was a prince living in the palace, he was surrounded by tutors and studied hard, but those memories are long gone.

Today, Raidorl was a mere swordsman and adventurer.


It would have been much easier to hunt demons in the wilderness or in the jungle than to sit at a desk and do paperwork.

“…… Really, if we don’t get some civil servants on board soon, we’re going to die of overwork. Oh, my God. I’ve beaten the empire’s holy sword holder, and I can’t beat a desk job.”

He closed his heavy eyelids, muttering to himself.

Tomorrow he has to start his political work again in the morning. If he doesn’t get some rest, he’s really going to break down.

Against the temptation to sleep, he closed his eyes.

He was tired from his unaccustomed desk job. Within ten minutes of getting into bed, Raidorl had sunk into a deep sleep.

“The number……”

A few moments after Raidorl fell asleep, the doorknob of the room moved slowly and the door opened with a squeak.


The room is dimly lit, with moonlight streaming in through the windows, and figures are coming in and out of the room.

The person who enters the room turns her head from side to side and eventually finds Raidorl on the bed.


The figure lets out a small laugh.

Then she walks towards the end of the bed.


Raidorl, wrapped in his bedding, also felt the presence of people and let out a slight whimper.

But he does not wake up.

His eyelids remain downcast, as if the exhaustion that has built up in him has reduced his sense of urgency.

Raidorl is still asleep when a mysterious figure turns the covers and creeps into his bed.

The person who had invaded the bed slid under the covers and crawled from Raidorl’s feet to his waist and then to his chest. She then crawled up to his chest.

“Hmm …………Neimilia?”

At this point, Raidorl finally says the maid’s name in a sleepy voice.

The reason why Raidorl, who is supposed to be an expert swordsman, has allowed the intruder to sleep in his bed is because he has a maid who usually attacks him in his sleep.

The maid’s routine had made him less wary of anyone who came into his room and crawled into his bed.

“Hmmm …… it’s so humiliating to be called another woman’s name. Husband.”


At the sound of an unfamiliar voice, Raidorl finally realised that something was wrong.

He grabbed the duvet with his right hand, ripped it off and threw it away.

“Oh no! This is such an embarrassment……!”

“You are ……?”

The figure of the crook who had invaded the bed was revealed. Raidorl’s eyes widened and he gulped.

The person who was straddling Raydor was a naked woman without a stitch of clothing.

The unfamiliar woman’s blonde hair hung in waves over Raidorl’s chest, and she ran her fingers over his thick chest plate.

“Your body is so strong and well toned. I’m in love with you.”

“…… Who are you?”

The woman who stroked his skin, Raidorl asked briefly.

The woman in front of him was definitely someone he had never met before. josei

For a moment, he suspected that someone had sent an assassin, but the woman was unarmed and unskilled.

If it had been an assassin, he would have cut it down with his sword, but he did not know what to do against the figure in front of him.

The woman gave him a bewitching smile and stuck out her tongue mischievously.

“It doesn’t matter now who I am. I am a woman. You are a man. And what better way to do that than to introduce yourself here in our love nest called…… bed?”

“Ugh, ……?”

The woman starts to licks Raidorl’s chest.

She even drops a kiss as she does on the lips of her beloved man.

“You have the body of a truly beautiful and accomplished gentleman.The body of a hero…….”


“Let’s make love together, My dear husband.”

The woman turns her wet eyes towards Raydor.

Raidorl’s face is reflected in her golden eyes, which shine in the night like a cat’s.

“……………… Is that so?”

After a few moments of hesitation, Raidorl raised his fist.

He then drove his fist into the woman’s head.


The woman screamed like an animal whose tail had been stepped on and rolled off the bed.

Raidorl got up and sat down on the bed, looking down at the woman’s “too small naked body”.

“So……what’s this game you’re playing, Gakincho?”

(TL:Gakincho more or less equal of saying Brat)

“”Woo…… can’t you see my charm……”

“No, with that poor body?”

The woman who had been called a “brat” rubbed her head with tears in her eyes.

The woman who had fallen out of bed and was sitting on the floor must have been a woman, but in all likelihood she was a child.

She was small, barely reaching Raydor’s waist. Her torso was like a cylinder, completely uneven. Perhaps even younger than Sven.

“……I don’t have any taste for lusting after kids, come back in 10 years.”


“Your Highness! What’s going on?”

Footsteps echoed from the corridor and the door to the room was opened from the outside.

Darren Garst and his security guards rushed into the room, aware of the unusual situation.

Darren breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Raidorl sitting on the bed, unharmed, and then froze at the sight of the naked little girl sitting on the floor.


“Darren froze for a moment, but then he gave a wry smile.

“…… I’m sorry, your highness. It seems I have interrupted you. Please, continue to enjoy it.”

“Wait, wait, wait! You’ve definitely got it all wrong!”

“Don’t worry. I’m aware that noblemen and royalty have a taste for such things.”

“You’ve got it all wrong! Don’t you dare close the door!”

Darren was about to leave the room with a rather warm smile on his face, but Raydor hurriedly stopped him.

(TL:Bruh darren haha)

As they were talking, Sven came out from behind Daren.

“What’s all the fuss ………… at this time of night, I can’t sleep.”

Sven, neatly dressed in his pyjamas, rubbed his sleepy eyes and peered into the room.

He opened his eyes to see a little girl sitting on the floor rubbing her head.

“Ha……? Shirley …… Shirley Elladin! Why are you here?”

“……Oh? Sven. You’re alive?”

The young girl tilted her head, teary-eyed with pain, as Sven shouted through his sleepiness.

“Elladin ……?”

The name of the house sounded familiar and Raidorl looked at the little girl quizzically.

Darren and his men also stare at the naked young girl.

With all the eyes in the room on her, Shirley Elladin, daughter of Baron Elladin, a young girl ……, awkwardly pulled the sheet over her body to hide it.

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