Exorcism Through Climax With a Single Strike!

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Mei the Information Broker

Chapter 21: Mei the Information Broker

"Are my boobs, big?"

The first one trembled and said, "They’re not, big?" So I hit them.

"Are my boobs, big?"

The second one said, "Y, yeah." So I opened my coat and asked,

"What about now?"

Their eyes wandered. So I hit them.

The fifth one, the tenth one–I hit them, I hit a lot of them.

Each time I beat up someone who thought that I had small breasts, boobs felt like they were getting a little bigger. Ehe.

However, I wondered why each time my boobs grew larger, they seemed to feel emptier and emptier?

I wondered why, no matter how many times I beat them up, the number of people in Shinonome who thought I had small breasts did not get any smaller?

"Are my boobs, big?"

So I decided that I needed to beat up a lot more of them, and thoroughly, these people who thought I had small breasts. josei


"We tried taking some more jobs after that but there was no way we could find another beautiful evil spirit to exorcise so conveniently. Soya’s also so useless, everything’s a mess right now honestly."

It was an afternoon on the weekend.

When Kaede came to my dorm room for a routine checkup to examine the condition of my hands’ seals, I ended up spilling out all my complaints that had accumulated over the past few days. Of course, I was careful to leave out the part where Soya threatened me using the erotic dream I had had about Kaede.


"With that being said, Soya absolutely refuses to give up on this journey to success of hers. Wouldn’t it be great if there was work somewhere that let us conveniently and safely accumulate achievements?"


But Kaede seemed grumpy as she held my hand silently, not giving me a single response.

Just when I started wondering if she was stressed out because of her busy work schedule, Kaede finished the routine checkup with a cold and heavy murderous look in her eyes.

"That’s what you get for joining a party full of girls and acting all flippant about it. Tch… you even used the ability that you were apparently so reluctant to use. Did you get smitten by that girl from the Soya Family?"

She spat out the first sentence and then quietly spoke the rest with a mutter that sounded like an insidious evil spirit’s. I couldn’t quite hear what she was saying but her clicking her tongue was too scary so I didn’t feel like asking her to repeat herself.

She transformed into a boy, just as she did when she came to my room, and then without a single glance at me left the room after slamming the door with a bang!

"Why is Kaede so irritable today?"

I was worried since being so serious and stressed-out made you more susceptible to "turning into a monster"… but she wasn’t the type that honestly spoke her feelings so what could I do?

As the heiress of Kuzunoha the Fox Spirit Family, she was very good at changing her appearance. She would shape-shift whenever she came to my place despite it not being an easy technique to use. With an ability like that, I was sure that she was relieving her stress in some place I didn’t know about by pretending to be someone else.

…well, there was no point in me pondering these things by myself.

For the time being, I decided to relieve my stress my way by taking a nap to recover from the fatigue of work. A few minutes later.

–Ring! Ring! Ring!

I received a phone call.

The name displayed on the screen was Tachikawa Mei.

I had nicknamed her "The Information Broker" in my head and she was a third-year middle school student at the School for Exorcists

When I picked up the phone, a languid voice could be heard on the other end.

"Ah, oniisan-senpai. Long time no see–."

"What’s the matter? I’m a little tired right now and was planning to sleep for the rest of the day."

"Fufufu. I heard that you’ve been tired after joining quite a troublesome party, oniisan-senpai."

As expected of an information broker. Despite being us being in different grades and school buildings, news reached her quickly.

"So I have some good news for you, oniisan-senpai. There’s a yummy job available."

As if she were acting out the role of a villain, Mei said those words in a mischievous tone, and continued,

"Let’s meet in person and talk. I’ll be waiting for you at the park near Kisaragi Station. See you soon."

She then hung up the phone.

It was only about two months ago that I came to know Tachikawa Mei.

At around the time when I was about to graduate from middle school, I happened to help out Mei when she was being hit on by some delinquents in front of a coffee shop near her school. Incidentally, I was forced to use climax exorcism at that time since I was too outnumbered. It was something I wanted to forget ever happened.

Since then, I continued to occasionally keep in touch with Mei who was one year my junior.

It was essentially a give-and-take relationship. Whenever there was information I wanted, I would agree to do things like buying her a parfait or accompanying her on a shopping trip in exchange.

"I wonder what she’ll ask me to do today…?"

Although I had more money now thanks to the few requests my team had completed, I was sure that the favor she would request in exchange was not going to be a cheap one given that I was going to be introduced to a good job.

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