Exorcism Through Climax With a Single Strike!

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Kneecaps

Chapter 27: Kneecaps

The woman’s presence alone was already enough to make Karasuma lose her nerve. She didn’t even try to use her binding technique and had instead hurriedly chanted three times the supposedly magic phrase: big boobs.


However. The woman did not move even slightly when she heard Karasuma’s big boobs chant.


"What about now…?"

She opened the front of her red coat and asked in a whisper.


What lay there was such a vast plain that made the feeling of pity that floated into the air feel almost tangible.

Underneath the coat was a thin undergarment. She wore it like a short dress and on her feet were shoes and socks that looked familiar. Her slender, beautiful, feminine limbs which stretched out possessed an undeniable charm. However, in this case, they only emphasized the loneliness of her bosom, which had no bulge whatsoever.

Despite having a beautiful body that would have been praised for being slender, she took the initiative to ask, "Are my boobs, big?", making others couldn’t help but feel pity for her.

Karasuma had claimed that even small breasts were soft and this woman was showing us what the exception looked like. A sheer precipice. The woman who runs away from boobs in front of me was no longer on the level of just being small-breasted.

Karasuma seemed to feel the same way I did and with her face distorted in pity, continued to desperately shout out, "Big boobs! Big boobs! Big boobs!" as if she were screaming for her life."

It was then that I felt the air swell up around the woman.

"Karasuma! Watch out!"

With my hand that was no longer human, I thrust Karasuma away.


The woman’s fist struck my right hand and along with it, cleaved in half the telephone pole behind Karasuma.


There was not much pain in my right hand. However, my body had been blown away by her fist and I ended up tumbling and rolling over and over again on the ground.


The pole collapsed and as it pulled the wires across it down with it, they were also torn away.

All the lights from the surrounding houses disappeared at once and only some streetlights with a separate power source dimly illuminated the area.

"What is this, this is… impossible. It was third-ranked just a few days ago, how could the monstrification have progressed so quickly?"

As I got up, enduring the pain all over my body, I looked back to see if Karasuma was okay.

"A, awawawawa–"

Karasuma had slumped to the ground and was sobbing as the woman closed in on her with clenched fists.

"You fool! Hurry up and run Karasuma!"

"E-eben ib you dell me dat… m-my wegs w-won’d…"

"This wimp!"

I stared hard at the woman who had turned her back to me. I thought that if there was a pleasure point on her backside, I could try to seize this opportunity. However, there was no glowing spot on her back.

Goddamn it, at this rate, Karasuma was going to be crushed!

The woman who runs away from boobs in front of me was no longer the same as the one in the past.

If a person made of flesh and blood were to be hit by her, they were not going to get away with just injuries.

"Shit, this is stupid, but it’s the only way!"

Since she hadn’t been affected by the big boobs chant, I didn’t know if this would actually work to drive back the woman… however, I immediately rearranged myself for my plan and shouted with all my might to get the woman’s attention. The words of life and death. josei

"Hey! You over there with the flat-chest!"


The woman who runs away from boobs stopped moving.

Karasuma turned pale with an "oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot he’s dead" look on her face.

The next moment.

"What did you just say?"

Creak. The woman turned her head towards me.

"What did you say to me? What did you say to me? What did you say to me? What did you say to me? Hm? Hm? Hm? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?"


The woman came rushing towards me, screaming like a beast from her mouth. In addition to her tremendous physical ability, her body which had little air resistance exhibited incredible speed.


I met her attack by sitting down and hugging my knees.

To be more prices, my knees were folded up inside my shirt and the kneecaps that poked out from my shirt looked like cleavage, so I had responded to her attack with my own big boobs.

"W, what the heeeeeellllll!?"

The woman who rushed at me avoided me–no, she avoided my fake boobs and then rammed into the wall behind me, raising a strange scream.

"Did it work!? Did it work!?"

As soon as I turned around with a shout of joy, the woman slowly and unsteadily stood up from the pile of rubble.

"Y, y, youuuu–"

Bloodshot eyes peeked out from the gap between her mask and hat, looking down at me.

The emotion that resided in them was the desire to kill.

The fist that had shattered a telephone pole was raised high in the air.

Darn it! Was it a false rumor after all, that the woman who runs away from boobs ran away from big ones?

Or were my fake boobs just not very effective!?

Whatever the reason was, I had no more cards up my sleeve for driving away this woman.

I squeezed my eyes shut, prepared to die in the bullshit position of sitting while hugging my knees with fake kneecap boobs sticking out of my shirt.

That’s when.


With my eyes still closed, I heard a deafening scream, the saddest scream I’d ever heard in my life.

Wh, what?

When I fearfully opened my eyes, I found that the miserable monster who had come up and asked "Are my boobs, big?" was no longer there.

"Hey you two! Are you guys okay!?"

Instead, it was a girl with familiar big boobs that came running towards us.

"I heard a loud noise and rushed over to see… but why did she come only when I wasn’t around!?"

"Soya…? Why are you–"

"I was coming back to see if I could meet up with you guys for the night patrol since I had finished the checkup for my demon eyes early!"

Soya kneeled next to me and applied talismans used for external wounds all over my body.

Although clumsily done, I could still certainly feel their effect as the pain receded slightly.

"I’m sorry. I should have given you guys a couple of shikigamis… they would have been useless though, without me being there myself."

Soya looked at my injuries and the damage around me, and her face clouded over.

"But wasn’t she estimated to be second to third-ranked? We still haven’t been able to narrow down who turned into the monster’s core… if we don’t find out who it is soon, how much damage will be done…?"

Soya said with a serious expression on her face, her usual cheerfulness gone.

It was rare to see Soya with such an admirable attitude. It would have been fine to let her keep up that attitude for a little longer but Soya’s gloominess made me feel uncomfortable. So I pointed down at her feet and said.

"No, I found a clue to who the monster’s core is."


"The shoes and socks that the woman who runs away from boobs was wearing… they were the school-specified ones at Shinonome High School."

Navy blue socks and black loafers.

When encountering the woman who runs away from boobs, her strange questions and intimidating aura caused everyone to only pay attention to her breasts, her upper body. That was probably why no one had noticed yet.

"Noticing things like that in that situation… what, do you have a foot fetish or something? And pretty hardcore too."

"…as of expected of you Furuya-kun. You’re always checking out calves, aren’t you?"

Karasuma lay sprawled on the ground nearby as she made an unnecessary remark and Soya, who knew some things due to her demon eyes, also added her own comment while slightly drawing away from me. I had finally gotten us a clue so what was up with this atmosphere?

"It doesn’t matter whether or not I have a foot fetish! I was just calm enough to observe the woman when she was questioning Karasuma!"

I tried to get us back on topic with an "in any case", then continued,

"There’s no doubt about it. The woman who runs away from boobs is definitely a flat-chested girl who goes to Shinonome High School."

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