Exorcism Through Climax With a Single Strike!

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Disabled Soya Misaki

Chapter 29: Disabled Soya Misaki

"What do you mean, she’s collapsed?"

I had arrived at Shinonome High School and was now running alongside Karasuma who was in her pantsuit to the infirmary where Soya was staying. josei

"Even if you ask me what I meant, it’s exactly what I told you on the phone. She overused her spirit vision ability. You know, the thing that happens when you run out of spirit energy."

While answering me, Karasuma opened the door to the infirmary.

"Oh hey, Furuya. I’m glad to see you’re all right."

Soya, lying on a bed, waved to me while speaking in a lethargic voice.

She looked relatively healthy for someone who had collapsed but seemed to have trouble putting any strength into her limbs.

As Karasuma had said, she had the typical appearance of an exorcist who had completely depleted their spirit power.

"Haha, I had been going around looking at girls’ bust sizes with my demon eyes, prioritizing the classes that were currently having lectures. However, after about six classes, I kind of reached my limit…"

Soya scratched her head awkwardly.

"Your limit…? I thought your demon eyes were cursed to bring up that kind of information automatically."

If she were to run out of spirit power every time her demon eyes activated, she wouldn’t be able to live a normal life.

"Yeah, I usually don’t use them consciously. For example, even though I’ve run out of spirit power now, my demon eyes are still showing information about you guys on their own."

Soya focused her eyes on the empty space around Karasuma and me.

…It felt odd. Although I usually wasn’t conscious of it, it was uncomfortable to know that I was actually being looked at.

"If that’s the case, how did you run out of spirit energy?"

"Well, about that… I think it’s probably related to how I have to strain my eyes to see the girls’ sizes."

"You did tell me yesterday that you had to strain your eyes… but does that mean that you can’t see their breast sizes unless you concentrate on them?"

Upon hearing my words, Soya directed her gaze at Karasuma.

"Mm. What is it, Miss Misaki? I can give you all the information you need directly, you don’t have to use your demon eyes!"

Unlike me, Karasuma remained unfazed in the face of Soya’s ability. Well, as long as her ears weren’t being molested, she was a pervert who acted true and honest to her desires.

Soya completely ignored Karasuma and said,

"Yeah, seems like I really can’t see their size unless I put some effort into it."

"What’s up with that…? Breast size seems like something you should be able to see by default, doesn’t it?"

"Err, it’s probably because breast size has more to do with physical information than sexual information."

She did seem to have a point… however, what a useless curse. When you needed it most, it wouldn’t work. Despite that, it was always revealing secrets that people didn’t want others to know.

…But, well, I supposed breast size also counted as information that people didn’t want others to know. Especially someone like the woman who runs away from boobs.

"I’ve tried sealing or weakening the power of my eyes before but rarely ever tried strengthening them so I never knew that this ability used so much spirit power. Ugh, damn it! I thought that these eyes finally had the chance to be useful for once!"

Soya floundered frustratedly on her bed.

"Well, you still managed to use your demon eyes on six classes and made a list of potential candidates for the woman who runs away from boobs right? The professional exorcist team will probably have a lot less work to do now thanks to you. So you can just wait for your spirit power to recover before trying again."

I tried telling her that but Soya pursed her lips as she muttered, "Mmm, that’s true but…"

"You risked your life to get us this clue, Furuya-kun… besides I don’t think that I will ever have the opportunity to use my demon eyes to help solve a case like this ever again so I want to find this fifth-ranked monster as soon as possible! I want to finally get some achievements for once! Ah, damn it! My chance finally came but now it’s slipping away–!"

Soya moaned while grumbling without even bothering to hide her personal desires.

"Now that things have come to this, I might have to use my family’s forbidden spirit energy stimulant… it does have a side effect that makes your mind spin a bit though."

"Idiot. Don’t overstretch yourself."

I didn’t know how much of this forbidden stimulant was true but I didn’t want Soya’s mind spinning any more than it already was.

That said, it certainly was a bummer that Soya’s ability was not unlimited.

The professional team that was being dispatched seemed to have a pretty good track record but… Would they be able to pick out the monster woman from among the countless female students at Shinonome High School before the next victim appeared…?

"Fufufu, don’t be so glum you two."

Karasuma told us with her personal desires written all over her face.

"I’ve just come up with a genius idea. There is a way to find out the size of a girl’s breasts without resorting to psychic powers."

"Really!? What’s that!?"

Soya eagerly looked at Karasuma from her bed.

Karasuma paused for dramatic effect then,

"Ask the school to disclose their physical measurements!"

She pointed to the weighing scales and stadiometers that lined the infirmary.

"We’re currently in an emergency situation with a fifth-ranked monster running rampant. Now that we have discovered that Miss Misaki’s ability has its limitations, this is a great opportunity to silence the normally privacy-conscious administration and devour the information that the school’s youthful maidens are keeping secret with our authority as exorcists! Come, Furuya! Let’s go to the staff room and demand them to disclose the bust size of all the girls at Shinonome High School! This what they call making use of a privileged position!"

Soya coldly stared at Karasuma who had opened the infirmary’s door with a slam and invited me to join her as an accomplice.

"…um, Aoi-chan. There aren’t any schools out there that measure the bust sizes of girls anymore these days."


Karasuma let out a voice with a stupid look on her face.

"Or rather, even the School for Exorcists doesn’t take those kinds of measurements. I don’t care about Furuya-kun not knowing but you’re a girl Aoi-chan. You should know at least this much."

"W, well then, why don’t we get the school to cooperate and do some emergency body measurements! Of course, I’ll work like a horse as the person in charge of taking measurements! Don’t worry, I’ll wear diapers so you don’t have to worry about me getting wet!"

How could this girl be so honest about her desires?

"Look, if we did something like that on a large scale to find the small-breasted girls, the woman who runs away from boobs is probably going to go berserk. Moreover, in a crowded school building."

"…ugh, what a cruel world we live in. Is there no god…!"

Karasuma was so devastated that she crawled into an empty infirmary bed and began sulking herself to sleep.

"Hey idiot, wake up."

I forcefully woke her up and dragged her out of the bed.

Now that Soya’s demon eyes were temporarily out of order, we needed to reconsider what we were going to say when we met up with the veteran team of exorcists that was going to be sent over.

"Oh right, before I forget, these were gifted to us from a junior colleague of mine. Soya… you might not need it but I’ll give you one anyway just in case."

I handed Mei’s shape-shifting talismans to them after giving a quick explanation on how they were used then left the infirmary, dragging Karasuma with me.

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