Exorcism Through Climax With a Single Strike!

Volume 2, 3

Volume 2, 3: Transfer Student

Volume 2, Chapter 3: Transfer Student

It was the day after we received a warning from the school.

"There’s something I need to talk to you about during your regular checkup this afternoon. I’m sure your team is still pretty busy even if you guys are about to be demoted so let me know what time is convenient for you."

Just before morning homeroom. I received a text message from my childhood friend, Kaede Kuzunoha, who was one grade above me.

After forming their teams, the high school students of the School for Exorcists would begin completing requests outside the school. However, this was considered afternoon training. The students had normal classes and classroom lectures on exorcism techniques in the morning so they had morning homeroom just like any other school.

That’s why I was currently typing a message in reply to the childhood friend who managed my climax exorcism’s seal since our class’ teacher hadn’t arrived yet.

(Note: Homeroom is apparently the short time before classes begin in Japan. Found out here in the "Daily schedule" section.)

"Hey, Furuya, have you heard about it? Our class is going to get a new student today. And the student’s a girl!"

A boy sitting next to me talked excitedly. He was Kobayashi, the guy whose fetish for 100% breast milk juice was discovered by Soya’s demon eyes.

For a while after the woman who runs away from boobs incident, Kobayashi had been asking me various things like, "Weren’t you expelled for sexually harassing the monster of Shinonome?" However, he was behaving the same way he used to now that the rumors had died down.

"Isn’t it unusual for there to be a new student at this time of year? After all, the teams have all already been decided."

"A-ah, right."

While giving Koyabashi some perfunctory responses, I began to have a bad premonition about this new student.

Although it was true that she told me it was likely for her to be transferred to the School for Exorcists, I hadn’t heard anything from her since then. In the first place, there were various problems with her and me being in the same class after I gave her that kind of exorcism. I completely forgot to complete my message to Kaede as worried about our class’s new arrival. Eventually,

"Go back to your seats everyone. I know it’s a bit sudden but a new student is transferring to class D today."

Our teacher said those words as soon as he entered the classroom followed by a girl wearing the School for Exorcists uniform.


Kobayashi and the rest of the boys cheered. Among them, Karasuma was the most excited as she exclaimed, "Miss Boobs!? That’s you, isn’t it, Miss Boobs!"

I looked up while feeling resigned–my bad premonition was right.

"Hi, I’m Nagumo Mutsumi. Due to various circumstances, I’m actually an amateur as an exorcist so I might have to inconvenience you guys a bit but… please take care of me from today."

Perhaps feeling a little pressured by the boys’ excitement, Nagumo slightly trembled as she bowed her head.

As usual, you could see how well-trained her body was just from her single bow. Her dignified expression also fit her ponytail very well.

The woman who runs away from boobs which my team had exorcised two weeks ago–or rather, the monster’s host body–stood nervously in front of the teacher’s lectern. They looked a little smaller than when she had visited my hospital room but it seemed like her big boob disguise pads were still in place.

"Whoa, finally, a proper pretty girl in this class… and with big boobs."

"Thank you, God… thank you…"

The boys reverently looked up at the sky beyond our classroom’s ceiling. Ignorance was bliss, as they say.

"Hey, what’s with that nonchalant look on your face, Furuya? Are you used to seeing beautiful girls due to Misaki-chan and Kuzunoha-sama?"

100% breast milk juice Kobayashi poked my shoulder. However, it seemed like the beautiful girl’s arrival was more important than his misplaced hate for me as he looked appreciatively at Nagumo.

"No, it’s nothing like that–"

Just when I was dismissing Kobayashi’s words,


"Uwaah, I did it again! …sorry, I’m still having some trouble controlling myself."

A spot on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom caved in. Nagumo who had been writing her name on the board hurriedly withdrew her hand then, SCREECH! This time, the whiteboard came clean off the wall.


The classroom that had been filled with excitement about the beauty’s transfer suddenly fell silent.

"Ah–, right, there’s no need to hide it so I’ll go ahead and let you know. She used to be the host of Shinonome’s Monster A. Her residual monstrification ended up being rather strong so our school decided to take her in. Well, please consider this kind of aftercare as part of your job and do your best to get along with her. She’ll also be living in our school’s women’s dormitory so you girls please take care of her there as well."

Despite the classroom’s board breaking so spectacularly, the teacher continued to introduce Nagumo without a care in the world.

Although the students were initially taken aback by Nagumo’s monstrous strength, their interest eventually became directed elsewhere. It seemed like this kind of thing was just an everyday occurrence to them.

"Hey, she’s Shinonome’s monster?"

"Ah, Furuya used exorcism as an excuse to sexually harass her, if I recall correctly…"

"What? So, if the rumors are true, Furuya did… that, to the nipples of such a beautiful big-breasted girl…?"

Whisper, whisper, whisper. I felt indignant gazes being directed at me from all over the classroom. Kobayashi threw his eraser shavings at me. A guy nearby asked Karasuma for the truth and she immediately began babbling, "Yup! I’m also so jealous that he got to do that!"

Wait… wait, wait, wait, wait!

Just when the rumors about me being a sexually harassing exorcist were beginning to die down, they had to be reignited now!?

"Well then, Nagumo’s seat will be over there."

Damn it, who purposely transferred Nagumo into my class…? As I was feeling devastated, the teacher assigned Nagumo her seat. Fortunately, it was a seat far away from me. It was nothing more than a mere consolation but I was relieved since this was better than me having to sit next to her.

"Hey. Long time no see, Furuya."


For some reason, instead of walking directly to her seat, Nagumo took a detour as she walked in front of me and called out to me in a friendly manner.

Stop! How could Nagumo not notice it!? All the eyes in the classroom were focusing on me with frightening intensity!

"Why are you acting so indifferent? I didn’t want to feel lonely so I even went to the trouble of asking them to assign me to your class, you know?"

It was you!? You’re the one who transferred yourself into my class!?

But well, I supposed it was only natural for Nagumo who knew nothing about being an exorcist to be transferred into class D!

"C, come on, you should go to your seat. We’re still in the middle of homeroom after all."

While slightly averting my face away from Nagumo, I lightly waved my hand towards her to drive her away. The next moment–


Nagumo suddenly jerked as she raised a strange voice.

"Eh? N, Nagumo?"

W, what was wrong with her? My fingertip only grazed her arm a bit, didn’t it?

I looked up at her in surprise and realized that her face was flushed. Her eyes were looking down at my silver crucifix bracelet sealed hands with a strangely passionate moist gaze.

As they roamed hungrily over my hands, she seemed to be remembering something as her healthy thighs rubbed restlessly against each other.

"R, right. There’s no need to rush, there’s plenty of time…"

After muttering something ambiguous, Nagumo walked unsteadily to her seat.

…what happened? I had a feeling that this was worse than the bad premonition I felt earlier.

"…hey, Furuya."

As I remained stiffened in place, feeling disturbed by Nagumo, 100% breast milk juice Kobayashi placed a hand on my shoulder. What are you doing Kobayashi? Don’t you know that push pins aren’t something you should be holding in your palm when you touch someone?

"Let me give you some advice as a friend. I seriously think the time has come for you to buy yourself some curse reflecting talismans."

"And yet you’re going to be the first one that will try to curse me, aren’t you?"


His eyes weren’t smiling.

I somehow managed to get through my classroom’s tricky situation that morning and was planning to escape from the classroom the moment the bell rang. However, before I could do so–

"Wait, Furuya."

Class D’s homeroom teacher prevented my escape.

He even went to the trouble of using a talisman to bind me to my chair.

"Thank you very much, sensei!"

The boys of class D who had been waiting for the end of class to torture me bowed their heads in unison. Don’t you guys have exorcism work to do this afternoon?

"Ah, no, you’re misunderstanding something here. I just want to ask Furuya to do me a small favor."

The teacher then threw a talisman at all of the standing boys, forcibly stopping their movements. As expected of a pro, the class D students couldn’t defend against him at all.

The boys were shouting things like, "You’re trampling on the feelings of the students!" and "You’re not qualified to be a teacher!" but the teacher completely ignored them.

"Um, so, what do you want me to do for you?"

I ignored the commotion from the boys and asked the teacher. After taking a brief glance at Nagumo, he spoke,

"It’s not much. I want you to accompany Nagumo to her supplementary lessons."

…what? Supplementary lessons?

"Although she’s mainly here so we can perform aftercare on her residual monstrification, she’s still a student of our school. She has to study to become an exorcist. I was going to ask her to use her afternoon training time for supplementary lessons and I think you should take them with her. Just accompany her whenever you don’t have work to do." josei

No, no, no, no.

"Why me?

After sensing that suspicious glint in Nagumo’s eyes earlier, I couldn’t help resisting the teacher’s request.

"Why? Not only are you at the bottom of the class, your whole team is on the verge of losing your temporary licenses. Why don’t you use this opportunity to improve yourself? You and Nagumo already know each other from the Shinonome city incident so you’re the best person to accompany her."

Ugh, all reasonable arguments that were hard to refute! …No, wait a minute?

"Then it doesn’t have to be me, it can be Karasuma! She’d be more than happy to–"

I looked at Karasuma who had become strangely quiet since Nagumo’s transfer into the class.

"It’s no good, no good at all… Miss Nagumo isn’t a monster anymore… I shouldn’t use my light rope bondage and light swamp bondage on her… aah, but my heart’s cock can still remember that day and it’s getting hard… urgh."

Karasuma breathed raggedly as she struggled to control herself. She was no good. As a human being.

"Well then, I hope we’ll get along together, Furuya-kun."

Before I knew it, Nagumo had come up next to me with a cheerful smile.


I decided to go to Kaede after I was finished with the supplementary class and resignedly began typing the rest of my reply to her after being released from the talisman.

"And as for you guys."

Nagumo spun around to face the class D boys who were exerting silent pressure on me.

With her back straight and her hands on her hips, she looked so dignified that it was hard to believe it was her first day at our school.

"I don’t know why you’re prying into our business. I was under Furuya’s care at my previous school so it’s only natural for us to get along well. It’s not like Furuya’s going to be my only friend so speak out properly if you want to get to know me better."

It felt a little off but it seemed like she was trying to help me out. The boys who were directing their bloodlust at me widened their eyes.

"Anego…" (Note: Anego = elder sister)

"I want to be dominated by her…" (Note: Phrase is 尻に敷いてほしい. Dictionaries tell me it means a wife dominating her husband. It literally seems to mean dominate someone’s butt.)

"No, I’d rather dominate those boobs."

"What exactly does that mean?"

The boys were instantly persuaded by her.

…Well, maybe a little stupidity was fine for exorcists who fought against evil spirits and monsters.

"So, I’m counting on you to accompany me starting from today, Furuya-senpai.

…Hmm. Perhaps the suspicious light I saw in Nagumo’s eyes during homeroom was just my imagination?

I wondered if that was the case as I looked at the clear smile on Nagumo’s face.

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