Exorcism Through Climax With a Single Strike!

Volume 2, 15

Volume 2, 15: Techno breaker

Volume 2, Chapter 15: Techno breaker

“Nagumo! It’s Harugahara!”


“Can you carry me till Harugahara?”

“…I see, leave it to me! There’s no problem for me to carry around two people faster than a car or train!”

Nagumo, who quickly understood my purpose, thumped her padded chest.

“Then, hurry up and take me and Kaede to Harugahara f-“

“Wait, you must go to Harugahara alone first.”

Kaede, who said this with a cold voice, passed by me and knelt on the place Sakura had been earlier.

“There’s something I need to do there”

She took what looked like a brush from my two teammates, who were standing roughly aside, and began to draw a magic formation around the fading miasma.

“For me to go alone…isn’t it better for more fighting power to be there?”

“You also felt that, right? The miasma which repelled our attacks completely”

A bead of sweat ran down Kaede’s cheek.

Both her voice and her expression were colder than before. But the atmosphere she wore was even more urgent than ever.

“It’s not just a Rank 5 or Rank 6 evil spirit. That’s the sign of demonic race”


Kaede continued to speak quickly as if she was speaking to herself and the surrounding, as I was flabbergasted when the name of the existence top in the spiritual hierarchy suddenly popped out. Her hands drawing the magic patterns were even swifter than her speech.

“Moreover, It’s probably an influential figure who has an international bounty on it’s head. As a member of Kuzunoha, there’s no way I could miss this sign, it’s my duty to save this miasma so that someone like Kuzunoha can trace back the demon through. Gold fox! Silver fox!” (T/N : Kin kitsune/Gin kitsune, name in Japanese)

Kaede sharply instructed her two teammates who were supporting her in creating the magic pattern.

“Immediately request for the urgent dispatch of Twelve heavenly masters. Speed is of the essence. It doesn’t matter who you are, as long as you can come as soon as possible. Although I’m not sure about her fighting power, Nagisa should still be at the association. At least pull her out.”

[ We understand ]

After making sure her teammates have departed, Kaede tunes to look at me.

“So hurry up and go to that little girl, even if it’s just you! Go to her!”

“!… I understand”

As if pulled back by Kaede’s uncharacteristically raspy voice, I took Nagumo’s hand.

“Please Nagumo!”

“Ok! Hold tightly!”

While Being careful to not poke at pleasure points of Nagumo’s whom I could see through my inhumans eye’s, I entrusted my body to her supple back.

“Let’s see, if I’m not Harugahara should I go in this direction…”


It wasn’t a lukewarm roller coaster but an abrupt acceleration. It’s the kind of floating feeling that turns your insides upside down.

The scenery flowed swiftly by.

The shock of landing on the ground, even though Nagumo was catching most of it, still pierced through my body.

Within a few minutes, I was groggy as Nagumo moved across houses, rivers, and highways with a physical ability that was beyond human.

“But still, I didn’t really understand”

Nagumo muttered, confirming the direction with her smartphone while moving.

“Wasn’t Fumidori Sakura Loli maker? Is it possible for one person to have evil spirits?”

This was a natural question for Nagumo, who had only just arrived in the world of spiritual abilities, or in other words, the world of the Exorcist.

“Although I can’t say much as my studies is insufficient but Loli maker is probably not a random evil spirit but a evil spirit of marking system”

“Marking system?”

“Yes. You see, how it’s often in ghost stories. Like a few days after you saw them, you will either die or you will be kidnapped. You know, the ones that harm you in time.”

“Ah, yes. They are, those sly evil spirits”

In the past, headless knights, dullahan were said to predict death. The most recent example of this is the eight-foot tall man that has been seen in some rural areas. It’s a bizarre phenomenon that is the result of shota-kon.

“Lolicon maker wasn’t attacking lolicon but it was attacking those who were marked by loliconisation mark. The sluggish procedure makes it a powerful monster for its class.”

Perhaps because it’s true identity was revealed, it turned Sakura herself into a lolicon slayer… probably until now, it was attacking people away from the host Sakura who is lolicon slayer as well as lolicon maker. As an extremely rare, remote-controlled monstrosity.

It’s probably because of this nature that the association response was considerably late and missed the chance to attack it… it’s as if this evil spirit was specifically designed to do that.

In addition to that, normally when a person is swallowed by the evil Spirit, the person would act crazy both in figure and speech just like the Nagumo time but Sakura didn’t show any sign of it. The existence of the demon that Kaede had mentioned was no ordinary monster.

This is why Kaede urged me to hurry up, I think.

The more I thought about the situation calmly, the more I couldn’t help but worry about what had happened to Sakura.

“How long is it to Harugahara?”

I asked Nagumo impatiently even though I was in a situation being carried on the back.

She smiled triumphantly and said, “Just a few more seconds” and pointed to the front with her eyes.

“I can see it, Harugahara”


“Woah…..what the h**l is this”

The platform of Harugahara station. Nagumo, who landed on the roof, leaked out a dumbfounded voice.

The platform of Harugahara station is on the second floor, from where you can see the main street between various commercial facilities.

Harugahara, which is a pedestrian paradise on holidays and a busy place even on weekdays in the evenings like now, had fallen into a tremendous mess.

“Onii-san?? onee-san?? let’s play??”

“Please Lift me high in the sky??”. (Note – most likely how you play with children, lifting them toward the sky.)

A large army of little girls dressed in red, blue and yellow one-piece dresses walked around with the exact same faces and the exact same smiles on their faces.

“They are cute?? lolis are cute??”

“Let’s give them candy”

“It’s should be shoulder car”

The large number of Lolicon makers were indiscriminately? touching.

The general public regardless of age and s*x were playing with mass produced lolis and Lolicon makers showing expression of bliss. A lot of crazy smiles were blooming on the main street.

“Everyone! It’s not safe here, so hurry up and take refuge s- Damn those lolicons! They put little girls before their own safety and won’t listen to me!”

“If there are more lolicons, it will be hard to handle them! Let’s begin with exorcising Lolicon makers-“

“Are you going to attack those girls!?!? However-‘

“Get serious and harden your heart! They aren’t real young girls but evil spirits! Besides, if we don’t eliminate Lolicon makers, we won’t be able to get rid of the lolicon slayer!”

It was probably to avoid touching Lolicon makers.

A group of Master Exorcists were huddled together off of the main Street and were expanding the barrier while some of them were racking their brains and I could see that they were having a hard time dealing with the situation.

Beyond their line of sight were,

“Lolicons…should be…destroyed…”

“There it is! It’s sakura!”

A hundred meters straight down the main street from the station.

In the middle of the scramble intersection where it intersected with the other main street, I saw a huge, shiny black figure. It was Sakura, turned lolicon slayer.

That huge body was so conspicuous that it was clearly visible even from the station platform. Perhaps because it had taken in its host, Sakura, it’s body was even bigger than when it attacked me. At least two times.

The area around the lolicon slayer was also in a terrible state.

Same as the main street, lots of younger girls and the general public turned lolicon were frolicking around, the scene looked like a festival held in lolicon’s paradise.

And then, towards the Lolicon people,


The long sword carried by the lolicon slayer flashes sideways.


Just as I thought the general populace would be mowed down by the longsword as they don’t seem to be in the state they could escape looking at how they were absorbed in young girls.


Lolicon slayer’s sword flipped as if it had bumped into something wall-like.

<<Part 2>>

Looking closely, I can see that a semicircle barrier had developed around the lolicon slayer, narrowly blocking his attack.

An outstanding Exorcist has set up a solid barrier from some distance.


Thump Thump thump

Lolicon slayer’s continuous attack easily creates fissure in the barrier. Barrier continues to repair each time but…..how long can the spiritual power of a magician last with that?

“Nagumo! Can you get all the way up there in one go?”

“The shortest way would be to approach the buildings and drop like missiles from the roof of the nearest building.”

“Then please, do that!”

“Hey, you should have shown that kind of guts in training!”

While saying this, it was when Nagumo charged the power in both of her legs.



The power from Nagumo’s body slips out, and we both begin to fall down from the platform’s roof-are we both going to die?

“Ugh, No power comes out, when big b***s sways a lot…”

During the fall, in my vision where time slowed down like a running lantern. I could see multiple big b***s in the crowd turned into a lolicon. The fruits are swaying every time they play with young girls.

(This guy ability is more like big b***s detector than a superhuman)

Dammit! Since it turned out like that, there’s no other way but to put my inhumans hand in front to minimize the damage…just then something appeared in the mid air.



Suddenly a strange force was exerted in mid air, stopping the fall of my and Nagumo.

The one who helped us was four girls deformed in two heads. They were Soya’s shikigamis imitating four gods.

However the power of Soya’s shikigami was insufficient, so it carried us as if gliding to the top of the arcade building.

“You’re here! Furuya-kun!”

Right after we landed on the opposite side of the sign on the arcade building.

Soya, who was wearing the school uniform, rushed to us along with some other Exorcists. Power from Nagumo’s body once again slips out as Soya’s big b***s together with her trademark ribbon sways.

“Ugh, it seems like I can only cooperate until here…”

Nagumo muttered regretfully.

Well she can’t let herself be exposed and surrounded by the big b***s in the crowd of lolicons after all…

Well, it’s a considerably hard blow for Nagumo to withdraw here but it’s enough for her to bring me to Harugahara in a few minutes.

“Oh, no. You came all this way with Furuya-kun, but if Mutsumi-chan is like this, there’s not much point…”



I started to question Soya in order to grasp the current situation, who had begun to take care of Nagumo.

“You’re here means the special team dispatched to search and protect for loliconisation people is here in Harugahara, right?”

The ones who called for the lolicon to evacuate, the ones who set up a barrier around the Lolicon slayers, and the ones who are with Soya now are probably the special Exorcists team.

“Yes, that’s right but we all are divided due to out real of Lolicon makers”

Soya looked down the main street from the shadow of the signboard and looked at the crowd of lolicons with a lost look on her face.

“And because the people who were in charge of the special team were unlucky enough to be at the point where the outburst of the lolicon maker occurred, the chain of command has collapsed as well. By the way, the one rubbing cheeks with the lolicon maker there is the former captain.”


I couldn’t help but leak out such a voice looking at the direction Soya pointed.

In the middle of the crowd, although quite distant, a conspicuous old man wearing clothes that are clearly not ordinary was playing with a young girl.

It’s terrific to see a stern old man in his forties rubbing his cheek against a little girl and stretching out his nose. If only that part was cut out and reported, the association would have to be dismantled.

However, it’s not time for me to care about such things.

“Soya, I have a request”

While looking at the Lolicon maker and the two headed shikigami,

“Whether you do it through pulling your family connection or by grasping the weakness through succubus eyes, anyway is fine. Just order all the present Exorcists to do it.”

The shoulder of Exorcists behind Soya jumped in fright.

“I want you all to work together to send me to Sakura.”

“By Sakura you mean…perhaps that Lolicon slayer?”

I continued while affirming Soya’s astonishment.

“We should be able to go through this sea of lolicon without becoming one if we exorcism lolicon maker while extending barrier”

If it’s Soya, she would be on board with this plan.

I proposed this plan in anticipation of that but she asserted as her expression clouded over.

“….We all did think about that but i think it’s impossible”

“Why? The Exorcists team I saw earlier was trying to do the same thing, right?”

My strategy was to take advantage of that, if we gather all our fighting power…

“Huh? Where’s that team?”

Soya’s eyes widened in panic and she shook my shoulder gingerly.

“I don’t know very well as it was quite long distance”

“Awful, they will be caught at this rate again”

It was when Soya screamed and took her smartphone and begin to contact one after another,


A scream Rose from the crowd turned into a lolicon.

Don’t tell me the Exorcists from earlier are done for! And when I turned my head toward main Street, thinking that,

“Y-young girls…young girls…”

The one who screamed was an ordinary man turned into Lolicon. In his arms was a Lolicon maker who had stopped functioning due to the Exorcism technique and then collapsed.

The ordinary people around him were at a loss for words in the face of the sudden disaster, and their faces were soon stained with anger.

Taking it’s brunt were the Exorcists who had finished their preparation for war inside the barrier.

“How dare you did this to young girl…will not forgive”

“Yes lolita, No violence”

Rumble Rumble Rumble!

A large number of lolicons rushed into the barrier, and the Exorcists who were working out their techniques inside screamed.

“Squad leader, what the h**l is this…what should we do?”

“Don’t falter, although the opponent is ordinary people but since they are possessed, it’s okay to use evil vanquishing techniques!”

“We got it but this is… too many”

Domed shaped let out a creaking noise as it eats the charged attack of lolicons. But even so, it managed to withstand the lolicons tsunami but,


It was a momentary event.

As soon as the amulet that flew from somewhere touched the barrier, the barrier collapsed too easily.


Dozens of Expert Exorcists we’re swallowed by the crowd of angry lolicons.

…Eventually, they emerged after the wave of angry lolicons receded.

“Young girls are amazing…cute”

“Yoshi! Let’s go and eat something delicious together, ok???”

All of the Exorcists linked hands together with the Lolicon maker making a slovely smiling face!!

“Humph. It’s outrageous that you would raise your hand to a little girl while being an Exorcist.”

The one who muttered these incomprehensible words with a dangerous face was the former captain, who was rubbing his cheeks with a lolicon maker just a while ago.

“Did he break the barrier unexpectedly!?”

No, it wasn’t only that former captain.

Several lolicons, who seemed to be Exorcists, are holding talismans in the same way and watching at the surroundings with vigilance, while loving on the lolicon makers.

“You see? You should have understood by now, right? You must not stimulate lolicons…”

Soya covered her face with a somber expression.

“Even if you put up a half hearted Force, it will simply be absorbed by the opponent. Are you going to search for the ability to reach till Lolicon slayer in one breath or will wait for support to eradicate Lolicon maker for sure…”

This is such a big incident.

Just like the time of b***s avoiding women, association will most likely gather the Exorcists from the surrounding area.

However, right now the time is of essence unlike the incident of boob avoiding women.

The barrier preventing the Lolicon slayer attacking will not last that long. If I waited for support to arrive, the number of victims would be more than a hundred or two hundred.

I’m sure Sakura will not be able to recover if this happens.

“…I understand. Then Soya and others should wait until support arrives”

“We should…Furuya-kun!!! where are you planning to go!?”

Without hearing Soya stop me, I jumped down from the arcade.

“Ah!?? Onii-san??”

“Let’s play together ??”

Thereupon, a lolicon maker rushed over to me. She tried to turn me into Lolicon by touching my arms with small hands,


“My bad. I’m already a lolicon”

My eyes were nailed to her but without hesitation, I shook her off and kept running straight.

<<part 3>>

As expected, that’s it.

I don’t know the theory, but apparently the efficiency of loliconisation curse on me is worse compared to others.

No matter how many times they touch me, the only thing it ends up doing is attracting my gaze to them. In short, I can charge through with my body without being afraid of the curse of loliconisation.

If it’s just me and if I can’t choose any other way.

“Huh? What the h**l is with this guy! He just tossed away a young girl!”

“Get him! Loving a young girl is the same as protecting her!”

The lolicon crowd noticed me and started to attack me to protect Lolicon makers.

If there was a better and more reliable way, then so much the better. But if not, I can’t choose the means.

I had to save Sakura as quickly as possible.

She, who had been crying tears of frustration, saying that she would never get spoiled by me, asked me to help her. Clearly.

“…….. you’re on the way”

I raised up the middle and ring finger (4th) and stared fixedly at the pleasure points shining in my inhuman field of vision like.

Is the opponent only the general populace controlled by evil spirits? Is it really important how to use my ability and my behavior just because my body is possessed by that c**p of curse? If I abuse climax exorcism ability, will I not be killed by the Kaede or monitoring department?

The thing is you know, I don’t care about that anymore!!!!!

“You’re in the wayyyyyyyy! Get out of the way you loliconsssssssss!!!!!”

[ [ [hnnnnnnnn?ahhhhhhhhhnn??????!!!!] ] ]

Pushing aside the approaching lolicons, I make my way through Lolicon sea.


Poke. Poke poke. Poke poke poke.


The man in suit kneels down as if looking up at heaven and then collapses while his lower body buckling and collapsing.



A busty maid onee-san bent backwards to expose her white neck, leaking out mysterious liquid as she continued to spasm.



A high school girl wearing glasses falls to the ground with bandy thighs on the floor as her lower body spasm, making her underwear all glossy and wet. Next,

“Those who don’t want feel climax back downnnnn”

It was no longer a task.

I poke the shining pleasure points in the body of approaching lolicons and make them climax with a single blow.

Perhaps it was because I was a semi Lolicon, but I was able to concentrate on making the next person climax without being seduced by the fact that girls my age were climaxing.

In the road I was advancing forward, there were already several dozens, if not hundreds of people collapsing down and spreading mysterious liquid. They aren’t just heaps of corpses but a bunch of idiots.

Even though it’s outside, the smells of a mixture of male and female body liquid and pheromones filled the air, making me dizzy.

It was depressing to see the spurted tide on my hands and face.

However I don’t have the leeway to worry about that and I will continue to climaxe the lolicons blocking my way regardless of age and s*x equally, no questions asked.

“W-what the h**l is this!?”

“Pervert! He is a perverted monster!”

Seems like the populace who have turned into Lolicon because of lolicon maker aren’t completely brainwashed and because of that a large commotion broke out to capture me at all cost.

Well that’s obvious. From a bystander point of view, it looks like I’m making otthers climax just with a single poke adequately. No one would want to get closer to such a person if possible. Even I would run away.

I should take advantage of this gap and make more people climax.

If the pleasure point is on their back, hug it, look over their shoulder, and poke them as if I was giving a hug.

“Don’t falter! Hurry up and catch hi—yaaaaaaaan??!?!?!?”

“There’s no way I could let that pervert approach a cute and lovely young girl! I definitely am not going to lose a—hyaaaaaaaa??????!?!?”

“Not good! At the very least let the little girl go somewhere safe!”

When lolicons started to swoop down at me, I took the initiative to keep the distance away from Lolicon makers.

It’s because it was hard for me to poke when my eyes were on young girls. With this, I can focus on eliminating these guys.



Suddenly something appeared and activated a binding technique against the Lolicon in front of me. A number of talismans were thrown at me in succession but they hit the Lolicons in front of me resulting in binding the wrong target.

“Tsk. The crowd is in our way!”

In the direction a little ahead of me was the captain of the special team who had been the first to be turned into a pedophile.

Seems like he tried to interfere with me just like the time of earlier where he destroyed the barrier of those Exorcists who exorcism a Lolicon maker but it was apparently hard for them to aim at the single person who has slipped in between the crowd.

Seemingly, the Lolicons as a whole doesn’t have a high level of leadership.

(…….. It’s just in the direction I am going, and it’s better to get rid of those guys as soon as possible.)

If I leave them alone, who knows when I will eat a surprise attack.


Cold-heartedly. Steadily. It’s what I need to do to achieve my goals.

I once again make the men and women in front of me climax, paving the way, bend down and disappear in the crowd.

Discreetly making a lolicon climax who noticed my existence, I close in to the former captain.

“Hey, he’s getting closer!”

“Use the binding technique to……wait, put the barrier here.”

A physical barrier formed around the surrounding of former commanding officers, pushing around all the people who were close to that.

(I will make this barrier climax with one strike…….)

There was no certainty that an inorganic climax, which could only occur irregularly, would be possible.

But, from a while ago, my hands were strangely hot.

Honestly, my body was considerably worn out, one part was also due to the training with Nagumo which tired me out.

However, just my hands, which have become inhuman hands, were pulsing strongly, and before I knew it, heat was coiling around them as if they were filled with energy. There’s no doubt, inorganic climax is usable. If it’s now, I can do it no matter how many times. I only have that hunch.

I stared at the barrier while running to the former commanding officers.

(………I saw it)

I poke at the pleasure hole of the barrier right away.

In order to escape from the former commanding officers who try to throw the talisman through the barrier, I blend back into the sea of lolicons.


[ [ [Hmm?] ] ]

The next moment just as former captains tilted their head at barrier shuddering,


An impact runs through the barrier which should have been solid and then it becomes loose and all groggy.

Just as the crowd that had just been pushed aside leaned against it, the physical barrier popped apart. It blew off just like the other day in my room.

[ [ [Ahhhhhhh] ] ]

It was not a very large explosion, probably due to the original strength and scale of the barrier.

However it’s enough as long it throws the surrounding in chaos,


I poked my fingers at the pleasure points of lolicon Exorcists who had collapsed on the spot.

[ [Hyaaaaaaaa??????!?!?!?] ]


The confusion caused by the explosion of the physical barrier made it easier to move forward, and I began running again through the sea of lolicons.


[ [ [Ahhhhhhhhn??????!?!?!?] ] ]

A group of college girls collapsed with their butt sticking out upward, spraying a large amount of tide and collapsed.

Looking at the direction tide spewing out, the road ahead suddenly cleared out.

“Hufg……huff….. finallyy…..”

I thrusted, thrusted and thrusted and finally, I arrived.

I don’t know how many minutes it took me to cross through a road that was only a hundred or two hundred meters long.

In the center of the crowd, in a place as open as an arena.

[Lolicons should be perished………]

A black-armored monster, several meters tall, wielded a longsword and easily made a large crack in the physical barrier.

However, that large crack that should have been restored and protected the Lolicons from assassination of Lolicon slayer,

“…….. that was dangerous. I barely made in time”

The cracks weren’t restored this time. The magician’s spiritual power has finally run out.

[Lolicons…. must….die]


The barrier finally collapsed from the attack of the lolicon slayer , bursting off with a loud voice.

<<Part 4>>

The red light peeking out from the helmet like a single eye turned to the Lolicons playing with the lolicon maker.

There was no wall there to protect them from the attacks of Lolicon slayer anymore. Honestly, right now the situation is something where you can’t expect to get any reinforcement and save everyone without anyone getting hurt.

There’s no other than to exorcism the lolicon slayer with my hands.

“I will save you right now……….”

I rushed to lolicon slayer with all my might, which was even bigger than when I first encountered it.

My body was exhausted from training with Nagumo.

My whole body was screaming after I had arrived till here as soon as I could, mowing down all the lolicons in the way. Unknowingly, my body was in shambles, and I probably wouldn’t be able to get up once I sat down.

Still so,

“If you are lolicon, I am here!”

I shouted at the Lolicon slayer who was holding a longsword at the crowd.


The Lolicon slayer turned to me and held the sword high in the air, ready to crack my head open.

I flinch at the attack that will announce my end if I took even a single attack but——-

[Because the advantage of weapon lie not in its power but it’s reach, the most important aspect is you should jump on space between the chest and outstretched arm without hesitation]


Without hesitation or rather accelerating myself even more, I jumped on the space between chest and outstretched arms of lolicon slayer.

(Sakura, The first thing you taught me about how to prepare for a weapon fight!)


Right behind me, the asphalt explodes in a huge explosion.

The lolicon slayer’s unbelievable blow shattered the ground, sending up a cloud of dust.

I slipped past through the lolicon slayer’s thigh driven by the blast and leapt behind it’s back.

Perhaps it was because It had taken in Sakura, the main body, not only has it grown to a huge size, it’s offensive power has increased considerably.

However it looks a bit slow and gaps in its movement were evident.

(Now only if I could find it’s pleasure points in a place easier to poke…….)

With the difference in physique. Honestly it would be considerably difficult if the pleasure points turned out to be on head or something…..and so, I turned my gaze towards it’s back.

(If I’m not wrong, the last time I encountered it, it doesn’t have pleasure point in front or side)

The pleasure point doesn’t change it’s position unless poked once.

Just earlier when I had confronted it head on, I didn’t see any pleasure points there so they should be on the back side.


I couldn’t help but rub my eyes.

Because, no matter how many time I tried to confirm, I couldn’t see the pleasure points even in it’s back——

“Lolicon…….. unforgivable……”

Even when I once again looked at the front part of the Lolicon slayer who had turned around, I couldn’t detect them at all.

“What the h**l is going on!”

No existence of pleasure points!

Or is it in a place hard to see, like under the armpits or bottom of the feets!?

“……….no way”

I had an unpleasant promotion and looked away.

Climax Exorcism is an ability to climax the opponent by looking at the pleasure points that emerge on Target’s body.

I can see the pleasure point even if they are on top of cloth and can climax the opponent by poking from the top of the clothes.


Suppose, for example if opponent is wearing a thick, cartoon character like costume, where I can’t reach with me fingers,

Suppose, the opponent body is taken in by a monster that’s three or four meter big, and on top of that, it’s equipped with armour,


When I look away, the number of pleasure points in the field of vision increases at once.

Not only in living things, but also the cars, streetlights, buildings and the ground that I can see the pleasure points.

Inside this abnormal field of vision,

[Lolicons……must be destroyed….]

Countless pleasure points were shining in the armour and helmet of lolicon slayer.

Helmet, breastplate, elbow guard, gauntlet, thigh pad, knee pads and perhaps, even in the carapace and buttocks—–the pleasure points were shining one by one on the armor of the Lolicon slayer which was hiding it.

In other words,

“Does this mean unless I take care of all these, I will not be able to reach Sakura?”

[Lolicons……must perish….]


A long sword was raised over my head whose legs were stopped in bafflement.

“Dammit! Anyway, I should give it a try!”

I once again jumped into the chest pocket of Lolicon slayer to search around for an opportunity to attack.

And just before I passed by it.


I extended my arm, barely reaching it and then, poked at the shining pleasure point on the lolicon slayer thigh pad.

However, the one action I took for the sake of poking turned out to be fatal.

Booom! (Explosion)


The asphalt exploded much closer than before, and a large amount of dust and shock wave engulfed my body.

Losing the balance, I rolled on the ground and my body, which was already at its limit, took serious damage just from that.


*Shudder* *Snap*

When I raised my face to get up, my ears caught an unnatural rumbling sound resembling a human’s spasming.

It was the sound of Lolicon slayer’s thigh pad climaxing (?), bursting open and falling to the ground.

After it lost the guard, Sakura’s lower body was exposed from the lower leg.

“It’s just as expected, isn’t it? This son of a b***h!”.

I wasn’t able to see the pleasure hole of Sakura, which looked like she was bound together with the black spiritual matter that was forming Lolicon slayer.

However if I tear apart the rest of the armour, the pleasure hole should be somewhere on the body. At the worst, as long as I pull all the armour, I would be able to find them at some point…..


My body that I was somehow able to get up was in a wreckage.

The drugs in my brain that had been secreted thanks to my non-stop push until now were cut off once I fell to the ground.

“Lolicon……..must die”

Lolicon slayer swung it’s long sword in a big motion, this time trying to finish me off with a sidewise swipe.

Far from tearing apart the armour, I was doubtful that I would be able to dodge this blow.

Coming so far, In front of my sister who asked for my help,

“There should be no way I can give up here…….”

It’s either all or nothing. Just as I took a step forward with my powerless legs, once again aiming for Lolicon slayer,


From afar, the high-pitched laughter of an idiot who was not supposed to be here roared.

“Wonderful! The ham little girl is really wonderful! Too s**y! Man, elementary school kids are the best!”

It was a strange voice that made me question the decency of the owner of the voice, and it sounded like the police would be there in two seconds.


Subsequently, four heavenly maidens descend down from the sky.

The eight-headed beauties resembling a blue dragon, a black tortoise, a vermillion bird, and a phoenix, respectively, appeared to cover the pedophile slayer’s vision.

Then, one of the heavenly maidens turned to look at me.

[Geez! Furuya-kun! You are being too reckless by yourself! That was too reckless!]

And shouted in Soya’s voice.

[We are a team, you forget!?]



The longsword of the lolicon slayer, whose vision was covered, cleaved the space off target.

*Zazaza* *Kick* *Kick* *whoosh.

Lolicon slayer continued to kick around, slash, side sweep to shake the shinigamis but to no avail. (I just turn the meaning of above sfx into words as direct meaning is quite hard to convey)

Even after that, Lolicon slayer was continued to be played by eight headed shikigamis, it continued to swing it’s sword in haphazard manner.

In the midst of this, one of the eight-headed shikigami dragged me to a position where the lolicon slayer’s attacks couldn’t reach me.

[I’m sorry, it took me so long to get here! but I had to make my shikigami look bigger to avoid attracting pedophiles!]

She spoke in Soya’s voice and flattened the healing talisman in his hand over my body.

“This was given to me by a professional, so I’m sure it works just as well.”

Just as Soya says, my body becomes a little better from the side with the talisman.

Seems like Soya’s side was also preparing for support after I moved on my own. I’m grateful for that. Really really grateful.

<<Part 5>>

“Fuhahahahahaha! They are cute! Elementary school kids are so cute! I want one for my room decor!”

Why the h**l is that lolicon hentai here!?

Her speech is like over the freedom of expression and shouting something that could get her arrested!

When I turned to look at the direction of voice, I saw karasuma standing on the roof of a multi storey building on the main Street, screaming excitedly.

It’s hard to tell from a distance but it looks to be a binding mark, there’s no mistake, she should be activating some kind of light rope bondage……..

The current Karasuma should be excited only by little girls, which means she’s only tying Lolicon maker.

Just, what meaning does it have?

As I was wondering about this while receiving the first aid treatment, the surrounding lolicons started to rustle.

“Hey! Young girl is tied up! S**t! I can’t untie her……or I mean, I can’t even touch her”

“Move aside, This is the debuting time for us, The Exorcists!……….huh? What’s with this strong binding technique! Is it the work of a monster!?”

“Hey, look at that! That pervert over there making nonsense noises is the culprit!”

“What a disgusting b*****d, venting out one’s desire on a 3-D girl! I will stop her!”

A group of lolicons, their eyes changing color as young girls were tied up, began to rush into the building where Karasuma was.

[Fufufu. Just as planned!]

Soya, who seems to be looking down on the situation from somewhere, laughs boldly.

As if to answer my question as to what was on the plan, a sound and light burst out.


“Guooooooooo” (roar)

Several talismans flew from somewhere and struck the lolicon slayer. A pale blue light wraps around the Lolicon slayer and although a bit, it succeeded in slowing down the movements.

“This……who has thrown it and from where!”

The people who had raised the barrier around the Lolicon slayer must have already lost their spiritual power, and this area is swarming with Lolicon makers and lolicons protecting them, which makes this area inaccessible. So where did that come from?

“Fufufu. This is you know, thanks to the Aoi-chan who have attracted the lolicons which makes it possible to advance. Halfway though!”

Soya answered me while making the eight headed shikigami look smug purposely.

Looking back, it’s true that a part of lolicon is flooding inside the building aiming for Karasuma, and the crowd on the main Street is becoming thinner.

They must have come through there, taking advantage of this. When I looked around, Several Exorcists were leaning out of the window in a building which was much closer than the one Karasuma is in, and they kept throwing protective talismans to cover us.

[Hehe–. It was worth the effort to get the Soya family in the Monitoring department to bring Aoi-chan out! I’m also thankful for Mutsumi-chan for taking the role of picking me up since she wouldn’t be able to do anything even if she was there!]

Soya excitedly told the other side of strategy.

And talking about Karasuma, who was probably used as a decoy without prior explanation,

“……….what? what?”

Her eyes become round when she looks at the Lolicons rushing in the building in rage.

“Why can’t everyone see the beauty of ham little girls! Aren’t all lolicon companions?”

Are they going to hide her or make a barricade?

She draws behind the rooftop in great haste.

“Now then. Let’s exorcise the Lolicon slayer while Aoi-chan is still safe”

“Are you a demon!?”

Well, it’s not like I mind since long term physical battle is impossible……but before that,

“You know….is there even someone who will bring out a dangerous guy from imprisonment?”

“It can’t be helped as it’s a state of emergency!”

She asserted it without delay.

“…… really, you know you are going to become a good Exorcist.”

I say this half sarcastically, half seriously.

It’s hard for a good and honest child to cope up with an emergency.

“Hey, the only I don’t want to listen that from is you, Furuya-kun”

Said soya, who has finished the First aid treatment, even making the shikigami face blushing.

“Just because you were worried about Sakura…….do you even know how many people you have made climax so far!?”


I averted my face on the other side from Soya’s glare full of criticism.

Although I wasn’t able to see because of Lolicon and Lolicon makers roaming all around, still the number of people who have fallen between the stations until this point Is innumerable. Should be around several hundreds.

“……….. it couldn’t be helped since it was the state of emergency”

“Right? So there’s no way we could have gone this far and failed to get rid of the ghost——“

Shikigami, controlled by the Soya, turned to the front.

“Let’s help Sakura-chan with anything……..”

“………. yeah”

I stood up and started to focus.

“Lolicon………Lolicon must die”

The pleasure points begin to float in the armor of Lolicon slayer whose movements have right now become dull by the binding technique and are tossed by the three Eight headed shikigamis.

Charging the power in my body which has restored a bit, I dashed.



Lolicon slayer haphazardly swung down the long sword when it noticed me.



Just as I was about to be blown off by asphalt fragments and shockwaves, I poked at the other thigh pad.

*Shudder* *twitch*

The thigh pad bursts open, exposing the other part of Sakura’s leg. However, there were no other pleasure points.

“Tsk, Next”

“Huh? It doesn’t end with just poking one time?”

“Because Sakura is currently protected by armour, I can’t find pleasure points in my body!”

[What the h**l is that? It’s not fair, then it should be too late for the safety of Aoi-chan, isn’t it?]

Apparently, she had planned to make the battle even shorter than mine. Soya’s Japanese had become strange in her panic.

“It will be fine, anyway, help me! My hand can’t reach above”

[Hmm…….no, I will try it]

I took a short distance from the Lolicon slayer, somehow managed to avoid the blow and turned behind.

Immediately from there, I rolled over and ran to the back of the Lolicon slayer.

[All right! Come!]

It was Soya’s shikigami that was waiting for me there.

Shikigami joined her hands like a posture receiving volleyball, I put my leg there and jumped and at the same time, although powerless, shikigami flip-up her arms with all her might.

[We did it! We were able to do it well!]

“Nice, Soya!”

I jumped up to the height that I never would be able to do alone and rushing up to the back of the lolicon slayer, I poked at the floating pleasure points.

*Shudder* *flinch”

The armor on the back side bursts off, exposing Sakura’s uniform from her back to her waist.

But even so, I was not able to find the pleasure points.

“Dammit! But if it goes like this, then——“



I moved away from the lolicon slayer in order to launch my next attack, but I had a bad feeling and moved further away.

Lolicon slayer roared loudly and swung the longsword up high.

Right after bending backwards to the limit——a huge explosion occurs in the vicinity of the Lolicon slayer.


The cause of it was an out of order blow that the Lolicon slayer had fired at his feet.

The impact was so great that you would think that an unexploded bomb buried in the ground had exploded.

[ [ [Ack!!!!] ] ]

[Woahhh! Even though we have worked so hard]

The three shikigamis of Soya who were clinging to the Lolicon slayer were buried together.

“Dammit…….what an absurd power!”

The visibility was terrible due to the cloud of dust in the surrounding area.

In midst of that,


I heard the voice of footsteps shaking the armour.


———-Thump Thump(heavy footsteps noises)

It’s definitely approaching here but I can’t tell very much due to the poor visibility.

“Why the h**l do you know my position!”

Do you also have Lolicon radar attached to you!?

As I began to leave the scene in a hurry, I heard a buzzing sound out of the corner of my eye and the dust shook.


At the same time as I raised my defense with my inhuman hands, a giant blade suddenly appeared from the cloud of dust——just as my mind recognized this, I was already blown out of the cloud of dust.

<<part 6>>


The impact that came late spreads evenly throughout the body.

However it wasn’t over just with this.

[ [ [Woah! What is this?] ] ]

I crashed into the lolicon crowd and rolled into the ground as several people were caught up in it. It was a complete knockout.


Is it the blood that’s flowing from my body Or is it the body fluids of the victims of climax exorcism that have been laid underneath?

My back was dyed with a lukewarm sensation and the power from my whole body leaked out.

[Furuya-kun, are you all righ—-uwaah, lolicon slayer has begin to aim at other people’s]

I heard Soya screaming.

*Thud Thud Thud*

It has probably changed the strategy thinking that both I and Soya have already been out. The attack of [Explosive exorcism talisman] shakes the atmosphere. But I don’t think it’s even enough for stalling time.

I have to go to Sakura, I am the only one who has the power to exorcism it for sure——–

But no matter how much I grit my teeth, at most I was able to only raise myself to crawl but couldn’t stand up at all.

That’s when it happened.


*Spurt* *spurt* *spurt*

A puddle was formed by the tide spurted by the female college student who had collapsed in the nearby vicinity.

On My face that was reflecting on this obscene mirror, the centre of my forehead was shining brightly.

This is an aphrodisiac pleasure light. Another name, pleasure points. (T/N : it’s too long so explanation about this is at the end)

It was an abominable pressure point that would make me climax instantly if I poked it.

Pleasure points in my own body…….? Just as a scowl pulled on my face at the fact.

——————–Do you desire power?


The reliable voice that I always hear whenever I am in a pinch.

But, this time the only thing I could feel was an unpleasant premonition.


———-If you desire for power, poke at that pleasure point.

“No, wait a mi—“

I had to stop myself from saying it out loud. josei

Because You know, that pleasure point is the one shining on my forehead, right?


I glanced at the college girl in front of me.


The onee-san who had been frolicking around with young girls and attacked me with all her might until now is now lying face down with her eyes white and her voluptuous body quivering with body fluid dripping from everywhere.

The climax pulls out all of her power and now, she wasn’t even in a condition to stand up.

This is what you get when you go from full of energy to climax exorcism with one thrust.

Right now, I am almost at the point of death, wouldn’t that give me a Techno break? Such a natural doubt flashed past my mind. (T/N : so I just realised the meaning of this chapter title. Techno break means To die from playing with yourself too much.)

Speaking of this, if I poke at my pleasure points myself, it’s….. masturbation, isn’t it? Masturbating when I’m currently chased by a fiendish monster, I don’t think it’s even at the level of being nuts. It’s a kind of delirium.

————-You want to save your imouto-san(little sister), right?

How can masturbating to death in front of the enemy lead to saving Sakura?

But the voice that echoed in my head was imbued with the conviction that [I could save Sakura by poking it]…….

I have come this far to save Sakura by any means necessary.

I’ve made hundreds of people climax, my inhuman hands stained from the tide in return.

So why hesitate now over masturbating to death in front of the enemy?

If there’s even a little bit of possibility to save Sakura, even if it’s the enticing voice of devil’s sweet talk

“……….. there’s no way I will not do that”

————Fufufu. That’s right. That’s fine.

While the voice in my head exudes a somewhat elated and happy emotion, I.

————-The only people who are allowed to poke are those who are prepared to be poked.

As if I were being carried away by the sweet words, I strained my last strength and poked my own pleasure hole.

The moment.


My vision and consciousness were swallowed up by the pure white light.

Like a broken machine, the electrical signals of pleasure were bursting into my brain.

The electrical signals did not stop in my brain, but were transmitted to every muscle in my body, causing my entire body to convulse without mercy, without any room for my will to intervene.


A shameful voice that I’ve never heard before leaks out of my mouth, and an embarrassing amount of fluid that I’ve never experienced before leaks from my lower body. It was sprinkled all over me. It was unstoppable.

It was a climax experience as if every single cell in my body was ejaculating.

In the bright white light, where I wasn’t able understand anything,

————–Aaaaaaaaaaaaahnn??! Delicioussss????!

Was it my embarrassing voice or is it someone else’s flirtatious voice?

————-This taste, this amount and this quality……..*gulp*…….I knew it, choosing you was the right answer, Furuya-san.

This sweet, adorable voice blended in the light and eventually, my consciousness returned to my body.

———–But………. Please hurry up. After all, you right now will not be able to keep this for long.


The first thing that surprised me was that my head was so clear that it reminded me of a blue summer sky and meadows.

My pants were a mess beyond description, but that didn’t bother me too much.

My mind was free of distractions, and I was able to accurately assess my surroundings and naturally know what I should do next.

I stood up and took my first steps towards the pedophile slayer. As soon as I did that, I bumped into the crowd of lolicon along the way.


I was able to bypass most of the crowds.

It was as if I was strolling along a deserted promenade, without any difficulty.

I am able to read the movements of lolicons. I intuitively knew what they were going to do next, and my judgment that if I started moving like this, I would be able to move forward and move my body on its own. And above all,

(My body feel light)

My body, which wasn’t even able to stand up until now, is now overflowing with a mysterious strength.

It wasn’t that my physical abilities had improved but I suddenly feel lighter, as if the gravity has been reduced, as if I have jumped out of the water into air. It’s as if my whole body had been boosted. Yes,

——Pleasure point boost.

Was it taught to me by the echoing voice inside my head or I just came up with it myself? I don’t know.

I abandoned myself to the new power of climax exorcism, continuing from the power of inorganic climax and ran to the lolicon slayer.


[Ehm? Huh? Furuya-kun, even after knocking to your feet, you are……o……..k….ay………?]

Arriving in the place where a cloud of dust still remains, I called out to Soya’s shikigami who was unable to grasp the situation in panic and could only stand by and watch the situation.

Soya breathed a sigh of relief looking at me through the shikigami……and continuing that, her lips trembled as if she had been caught off guard.

[F-Furuya kun, why do you look so crisp? And it looks like terrific momentum is leaking out from you……]

Soya points to my trousers with a large stain while covering his eyes with both hands. At the nether region part.

“It’s not a problem. Right now, more than that….”

I fend off the Soya point and request her for one thing only.

“I’m going to attack the lolicon slayer from now on. Just be ready to assist me in case I need you.”

At the same time, I once again dashed to the lolicon slayer.

I guess it must be because they saw me. The explosive exorcist talisman attacks stopped,


Lolicon slayer who sensed the sign of a lolicon reveals its appearance through the fumes of an explosion.

A side-swiping flash of the longsword flew through the air, attempting to cut my torso in half.


I jumped on to avoid it and at the same time, I used the long sword blade as a stepping stone and once again hopped up.

I extended my hand in head sliding motion and poked at the gauntlet of the Lolicon slayer.

*Shudder* *Snap*

Just as I twisted around and landed on the ground, Lolicon slayer’s gauntlet also blasted off.

Thereupon, just as expected lolicon slayer dropped the longsword, creating a big gap.


The single red eye peeking out from the helmet shuddered as if it was confused.

<<Part 7>>

I close in to Lolicon slayer who had lost it’s weapon, crawled up from the side and continuously poked the body full gaps, at hip pad, upper right arm and right shoulder in a row.


The Lolicon Slayer started to get very aggressive as if to shoo an insect away, I jumped down to escape from it’s grasp.

My hair shook from the wind pressure as if it was confirming that just a graze of my fingertip will be fatal, but it’s all meaningless if it doesn’t hit.

*Shudder* *thump*

The armor I poked at climaxes and bursts apart, falling to the ground after me as I land.


The body parts of Sakura this time exposed were her right hand and both thighs and like before but the pleasure points weren’t there either.

[Wahh, amazing! Doesn’t seem like you need support! What’s going on!?]

Soya lets out a voice over the shikigami that can’t be taken as either cheer or confusion.

[Huh? W-Why does it seem like the number of times Furuya-kun climax is increasing………no-no, how it could be possible during……exorcism………..]

Hey you, it seems like I also need to talk with you. What are you even watching with your succubus eye’s while I’m in the middle of exorcising?


Meanwhile, Lolicon slayer picks up the long sword once again.

Perhaps thinking range attacks might be more effective against me who was moving around quickly, lolicon slayer raised the giant sword overhead.

Seems like he’s going to cause the big explosion just like earlier. But you know, that’s a,

“Bad moveee”

I dashed with all my might, aiming at the long sword that was swung down.

“When dealing with weapons, use half your body and keep it small. Don’t be afraid to move forward.”

While muttering the frame of mind taught by Sakura, I get the sword as close as to the point where my bangs are cut off and then——-I jumped.


The ground underneath exploded but the momentum sent me flying forward.

I ran up the arm of the lolicon slayer and jumped to the space between It’s chest and outstretched arms.

“How about this”

I poked at the left upper arm and shoulder armour, the helmet and even the breastplate through the gaps between it’s arm.

*Flinch* *thud*

At last, the lolicon slayer loses most of it’s front armour and…..

“I finally found it.”

The spiritual substance reminiscent Black slime. The area around the navel of Sakura, who was trapped in a crucifixion-like state, languidly, was shining brightly. It’s the pleasure point of Sakura herself.

[Now as long as I poke it…..]

I can save Sakura.

Just as I took the distance from Lolicon slayer and began to charge power in my legs, preparing for the final blow.



I guess the world doesn’t work that way so conveniently, right?


The moment arrived too abruptly.

My knee broke, and my whole body was wrapped in intense pain and a tremendous sense of fatigue.

My mind, which was so perfectly clear until now, regained its usual dullness as if haze was forming around it and I even started to feel sleepy.

“You must be kidding…………”

It’s just one blow. Even though it’s just one blow.

The effect of pleasure point boost cut off and I couldn’t even move from the spot.

———–Thump (footstep sound)

In contrast to me.

————Thump Thump

An unfathomable darkness, like the night sea.

Lolicon slayer with a huge long sword, barring a body made up of a spiritual substance that can only be described as such, comes at me with ease.

No damage. Of course that’s given, as I was only peeling off the armor, not doing anything to damage it.

*Bam Bam Bam*

With good judgement, experts’ attack resumed from distance, but probably at a different level unrelated to whether it has armour or not!

Lolicon Slayer, a Rank 5 monster continued to get closer, without flinching from the downpour of explosive exorcist talisman.

“Dammit, if only I could get a boost once again……”

But the point is can this body really endure two consecutive climax exorcisms?

There’s no guarantee. However, I am sure I will receive a fatal blow at this rate and more than that, I wouldn’t be able to save Sakura.

I crawled my eyes all over my body in desperation.

But no matter how hard I looked, I couldn’t find any pleasure points on my body,


While twisting it’s body as if to protect Sakura from explosion flames, lolicon slayer soon arrived.

(Should I ask Soya’s shikigami to lend me a shoulder and go for it, putting everything on line? No, No matter how slow-witted the lolicon slayer is, it’s not that naive. ……)

I ponder about the strategy with my hazy mind, assuming the situation where a body is unable to move.

However, in such a state, I couldn’t come up with an excellent plan and just as I was being overwhelmed by this fact.

[………..ugh, since it has become like that, I have no choice but to bet on this! Furuya-kun! Sakura-chan! I’m really sorry, both of you!]

An eight-headed beauty shikigami, controlled by Soya come up next to me and said,

[It’s because it’s state of emergency right now, so, t-that’s why it can’t be helped]

She put her hands on my trousers while shouting that just sounds like an excuse.



The eight-headed beauty manipulated her white fingertips with an unskilled hand to undo my belt.


As I was dumbfounded and unable to understand the situation, Zziiipppp.

Soya=Shikigami is pulling down the zip with her trembling hands……..wait a min,

“What are you doing in this situation?”

Noticing that Soya was trying to strip off my pants, I hurriedly resisted.

[I don’t want that to be told by Furuya-kun who was masturb……..who was playing with himself using your ability in middle of exorcising]

Ah, I’m exposed! ……no, it’s all because it couldn’t be helped!

“What are you trying to do by pulling my pants!”

[No, you are wrong! what I want is not your pants but your shorts!]

“You idiot! Don’t say stupid things!”

After I made hundreds of people climax, then m********e to death in front of the enemy during the exorcism and now you want my lower body to be naked? How many times I need to die socially! What am I, a cat that died a million times!?2

“I don’t care, just take it off! Even I’m embarrassed!”

“If you are embarrassed, why can’t you just give up——aacccccckkkkk!”


Resistance with a body that wasn’t even able to move at all wasn’t even enough to stall for time.

I was stripped of my pants and shorts very easily. When my messy lower body touched the outside air, it really felt cold.

[Uwaa! Nooooo! Why is it heavy! The crotch area is heavyyy!]

Soya’s shikigami pinched the shorts with her finger and rushed up to the lolicon slayer while screaming strangely. What’s the deal with that idiot……. that’s too outrageous.

As I hide my lower body with my both side and squat down,

“I hope Sakura-chan’s sole and absolute side dish can distract her!”

Soya tossed my shorts as she continued to scream incomprehensible things.

Despite being heavy due to mysterious liquid, it goes straight toward lolicon, without deceleration a bit in mid way. To be precise, on the face of Sakura.


With the worst sound ever, Sakura’s limpid face was covered by my shorts. The scene looks as if the shorts are stuck to Sakura’s face with a mysterious adhesive force.

(That idiot…….why did she throw my pants on Sakura?)

It was when I almost stopped thinking, Looking at this cruel development.



Sakura’s head, trapped in the middle of the Lolicon slayer, shook faintly.

And then Sakura’s nose, covered by her pants, moved faintly.


Whyyy? How the h**l can you tell that that messy shorts is mine!? What does she even think of me?

Just as I was frozen from the slight shock I received, something more unbelievable happened.

The lump of negative emotions, Lolicon slayer’s movement became dull as if feeling uncomfortable and dropped the longsword.

As usual, it doesn’t look like explosive exorcist talismans are effective.

However, like a malfunctioning machine, his movements turned jerky.

[Yay! That was even more effective than what I thought!]

I am not convinced. I’m not convinced at all but—-

[Furuya-kun! Now!]

This is the last chance.

Right after Soya’s shikigami tossed away my shorts, she immediately snapped back, took my hand.

With the support of her shoulder, I ran together with Soya’s shikigami.

My lower body is fully exposed.

<<Part 8>>

[………by the way, Furuya-kun]

But Soya spilled a murmur abruptly.

[Once this incident is successfully resolved, let’s go together and buy a laundry management safe……..]

What the h**l is this laundry management safe?

But now isn’t the time to get along with Soya’s antics,


[ [Gu!] ]

Perhaps noticing our approaching signs, Loli slayers slammed his both hands together but it’s movement were slow. Too slow!

[Gooooooooo! Furuya-kun!]


I kicked the ground, mustering all the remaining power I had and accelerated as I was pushed by the shikigami.

“This the enddddddddddd!!!”

I poked at the pleasure point shining on the navel of Sakura with all my power.



When I collapsed under the feet of lolicon slayer,

Sakura above my head trembled and leaked out a feeble voice. Her well developed, plumpy body shivered repeatedly,

“No, wha…. what’s this hnn?? bikuuuuuuu(spasm)??????”

*Gaku Gaku Gaku*(repeated convulsing)

Sakura’s crucifixion-like state. While her body was in that state, her large, well-developed butt sways as if to entice the man, dancing lewdly.

“N-No, something is coming out…….?? something is coming out…….??”

Her b***s that have grew to the point you can see even from the top of the uniform. Her nipple was protruding out so much that every time her body twitched, the tip rubbed against the uniform, making even more of a bigger convulsion that shook Sakura’s body.

“N-N……what…..hnnnn?? ahnnnn, hiiiii?? I don’t……want…. my head…. strange…….head…… crazily…. Ahnnnnnn?????? onii-hyan?????? onii-hyaannnnnnn??????”

She let out a hot voice with her lisping tongue, her eyes rolling in the opposite direction as she shivered with pleasure.

Sakura’s body, who was trying to endure something by curling her body, trembled like a big explosion,

“Ahnnnnnnnnnn??!!? N-Nooooo, comiiiiiiiiing??????”

*Flinch* *shiver* *hard flinch*. (A big spam)

*Spurt* *spurt*

The pink tongue sticks out of Sakura’s mouth like an erection, drooling viscously and quivering as she bends over like a bridge.

As her hips bounced and spasmed, hot liquid that even seemed to steam from between her legs spurted out intermittently, pouring all over my body.


Just when the climaxed Sakura let out a hot breath and trembled a little in the afterglow of pleasure,


Lolicon slayer scatter in the mid air and captive Sakura fell down.

“! dangerous!”

Although it was a relief that I caught her with the last ounce of strength I had, I fell to the ground as if I were being pushed down by the rising body temperature of the Sakura.

“I’m glad! Sakura you aren’t injured or feeling uncomfortable anywhere——“

Just as I began to ask those questions, I was stuck in words.

“…….huff?? Hnn??”

The hot sigh of feverish Sakura permeates on the nape of my neck.

Her soft twin hills were pressing against me and her nipples grazed my chest, however at that time, “hiii??” and Sakura’s lower body bounced up and down and bumped against my lower body!

Sakura’s plumpy body, finished climaxing, was hot and slippery, and her whole body exuded a thick pheromone.

Even I, who usually have little sexual desire and just climaxed a few minutes ago with a pleasure point boost, was taken aback by her s*x appeal.

(No way-no way-no way, what are you thinking about your little sister…….)

Just as I was succumbing in self loathing, I noticed it suddenly.

(I’m getting excited by Sakura who isn’t a loli……..)

When I surveyed the surroundings with my tired body slowly, The whole area was drowned in silence.

The people who had been making a fool of themselves in search of loli until then fainted in an overlapped manner, and the little girls who were wandering around to turn people into lolicon have disappeared.

With this, Karasuma should be safe, right?

“……..sigh. well for the time being, the turmoil wrapping the Harugahara has been settled with this”

Just as I was stroking my chest in relief,


Sakura, who was half unconscious from the intense pleasure, opened her mouth faintly with fuzzy eyes.

“It’s alright now, Sakura. But you still have to rest——-“


Probably because her consciousness hasn’t been returned yet completely, Sakura hugged me tightly, still lisping.

Her voluptuous body which is ripe in many ways pressed tightly on me, this is already dangerous!

“onii-chan…….came to save me…..I was scared……I was really scared…….but onii-chan came to save me………just like old times……onii-chan……..onii-chan”

“W-wait a minute Sakura, umm, well…….”

“Even after you have this ridiculous ability………onii-chan is still onii-chan”

“………..can you even say that?”

Even after I made hundreds of people climax, masturbating in front of the enemy and poking at your navel while Stark naked from lower body?

But there was no reply to that

Sakura repeated her words like a child, and then passed out as if she were asleep.

Her face was so calm and peaceful. Her both hands that clasped my shirt tightly looked so small, I wasn’t able to shake them off.

“Hey, you”


Even though I don’t have anything to feel guilty about, for some reason the cold voice that suddenly poured down on me scared the h**l out of me.

The owner of the voice was Soya Misaki herself.

She was gasping for breath, perhaps she had rushed here as soon as the exorcism was completed.

But her eyes were cold and filled with a terrible light that reminded me of Kaede.

“For the time being, how about you put a short?”

“You were the one who took off my shorts!!”

Protesting to Soya, I began to search around for shorts but…..I was unable to even move my fingerprints and my consciousness gradually began to blur as my body was pressed down by Sakura’s mature body.

Hereupon, Soya pouted with her lips as if uncomfortable with something.

“Um-um. I wonder if I should report it to the monitoring department~~. Furuya-kun was hugging the person he had exorcised, Stark naked in the bottom—.”


When I had no energy left to fight back and did as she was told, Soya’s voice leaked out in relief while his expression remained grim.

“But I’m glad. Now for the time being Lolicon slayer’s case is closed.”

“No, not yet….”


Certainly, I was able to save Sakura and finished exorcising the Lolicon slayer. One case is closed with this.

Except for the demon that has come into contact with us through Sakura.

“What do you mean by th………huh? Furuya-kun, Furuya-kun! Waaahhh! Anyone! Isn’t there anyone who has emergency first aid talismannnn!?”

Soya asked for an explanation, but…… it seemed that my body was seriously damaged.

My consciousness was abruptly cut off, just like turning off an electrical switch.


“Hmmm, is that the end of what was once our King?”

A group of skyscrapers in one section some distance from Harugahara.

A high school girl was sitting on the edge of the rooftop of one of the tallest buildings, which boasts an exceptional height even among the other group of skyscrapers.

She was laughing in pleasure as she pokes at her cheek that was painted with a heart mark.

“I see. It certainly seems like that young boy is betting on the future of demons. That means…”. (T/N : not sure whether she is mentioning furuya or someone else, as the word just simply means young master/boy)

The shoulder of the girl that had been looking in the direction of Harugahara until now suddenly twitched and turned around to look behind her back.

The reason is she feels the sign of multiple multiple experts approaching towards her at tremendous speed

“The association these days is quite excellent. Hey Human no. 3. Come here”


It was a middle-aged man that appeared from the darkness.

He was the same man who had appeared on a TV show as a pundit and had unilaterally criticized the Exorcists association.

“Seems like two half hearted decoy weren’t enough to find the association trails. Take care of the third one, okay???”

“I understood. Andromarius-sama”

When she held her hands up, a dark miasma wrapped around the middle-aged man and opposite of that, any sign of inhuman disappeared from her and what remained was “Just an abnormally cute highschool girl.”

“Well, now that I’m interested in the parts, I think I’m going to do something devious for the first time in a long time.”

She, Andromarius, walked down from the rooftops via stairs just like a human with her whole face smiling.

“It’s a righteous conspiracy~ ??”

Note : 1. Aphrodisiac pleasure light and pleasure points. There is no direct translation I have found or maybe it doesn’t even have one for the former. The point to note is everytime I use the word “pleasure point”, I shorten it from “aphrodisiac pleasure light” in Japanese as this word is the one the author uses all the time. And for others, authors have written it in the form which directly means pleasure point. Kind of pain and unless I find that the former word has any direct meaning, I will continue to write it as a pleasure point.

2. Cat that died a million times. Probably referring to a novel. In brief it’s about “A Buddhist allegory of birth, death and rebirth. This is the tale of a cat with more than nine lives who keeps being reborn to owners he dislikes, until he discovers freedom and love”, so the point by referring to this probably means will he not get a break from all these things or he still have long way before he can achieve freedom(Furuya-kun).

Volume 2, Chapter 14: There's no tomorrow for a l*licon, Part 4


A translucent woman came down right next to me abruptly and without any sign.

(Wha…! A ghost has invaded the headquarters of the Association!? No, it’s not possible! Who the h**l is this person!?)

She was wearing the same suit as other inspectors and her hair was even longer than her height.

It’s quite hard to judge because of her dead fish-like eyes but she is quite beautiful.

The woman smiled fearlessly next to my astonished face and gazed around the assembly hall in an overly regal manner.

[I wonder What’s his curse? Is it the worsening of his curse that made him lolicon or something else? I will try spirit dive1. Thoroughly.]

She said that like a demoness.

[Master? Weren’t you on a business trip…]

Sakura muttered out a faint whisper.

[Why is…the one of former twelve heavenly master Nagisa?The technique crusher here…?]

A streak of sweat trickled down the forehead of Kaede who was arguing so magnificently till now.

I have heard rumours about it.

The story of a prodigy displaying her tremendous power even though she wasn’t from one of Nine ancient families and climbing to the position of twelve heavenly masters at a young age.

The woman was severely injured in the middle of a job and went into a vegetative state, but her talent did not stop at the level.The story goes that she was able to use her astral2 projection to stay active for a long period of time and continue to work as a Exorcist while focusing on healing her body.

She is a very rare living spirit Exorcist.

However, as a price, she couldn’t use some of her techniques and with that being the case, she was demoted from the position of twelve heavenly master though she has more than made up for it and continues to reign at the top of the industry with her skills and special abilities.

[Headmaster, what about the business trip?]

[Idiot. There aren’t many jobs that have a higher priority than the worsening of that curse.]

Head of the inspection department. Technique crusher?Nagisa.

She replied to Tataraba with a suitable reply and soared up into the mid air, gracefully.

[Well I don’t know yet what his curse is but in all probability, it’s something black…]


Dead fish-like eyes looked at me from above.

The pressure given by her is incomparable to the time when that shotacon Onee-san turned into an evil spirit aimed at me before at the Ascension Support Center. (T/N : the event from volume one in case you guys don’t remember)

Pressure so much that if it was aimed at me, I wouldn’t be able to resist or escape. The pressure that convinced me that much was let out from her dead fish like eyes.

However, unexpectedly it was directed at someone else.

[But before that]


The body of the inspector who brought me together with Kaede here stiffen.The same pair of inspectors from whom I once escaped.

[You guys, apparently you missed him once from capturing. Just how many years are you working in the inspection department? Hah?]

[That was due to Furuya Haruhisa displaying an unknown power…]

[There is also the protest from Fumidori Sakura and the existence of Soya Misaki.]

[Shut up. Enforcement.]


At the same time as Nagisa lets loose her pressure, the two inspectors unfold the technique with a sorrowful shriek. Six pointed multiplex barrier. The instantly unfolded physical barriers strength and number were incomparable to the barrier unfolded by multiple Students.


[Falling behind the students, I think the technique of you guys is deteriorating, let me teach you the correct way…]

She passed through Barrier!?

…No. Looking closely, I can see that the barrier melted as soon as it touched Nagisa, and it was done so quickly that it seemed like she had passed through.

[Shall I punish you a little harder? Mmm?]


As I thought that, Nagisa’s spiritual body which almost passed through Barrier entered inside of a middle aged inspector,

[(Now, be prepared, you guys)]

Nagisa’s voice resounded from the mouth of a middle aged inspector.

Perfectly possessing a Pro Exorcist opponent!

[N, no! Please headmaster, I request you! That much should be ugh!]

The young inspector tried to resist the middle-aged auditor in Nagisa, but —– boom!

The body flew in the air and crashed on the ground. Next Nagisa possesed middle aged inspector performed a one armed shoulder throw on the young inspector.

It was a vivid throw which made me rethink that the Sakura’s frequently used martial art is still in infancy as the young inspector was completely unable to move.

Then she grabbed the collar of that inspector and said,

[Look, be thankful for this. This is the passionate kiss from your lovely Buchou-sama] (T/N : Buchou = headmaster and lovely wasn’t here but I just added it to make it more dramatic)


*Chu~* *Click x4* (T/N : SFX for kissing and rest was about taking pics, ×4 the time it took picture)

The middle aged inspector robbed the lips of a young age inspector, furthermore after taking the images of this situation, she said,

[I will hang these photos on the bulletin board of association headquarters for a while. You better reflect on it.]

Announcing the death sentence(socially) for them mercilessly, Nagisa got out from the body of a middle aged inspector.

All that was left behind was limpid pair of inspectors lying down there with expression which gives the feeling that they might attempt suicide at any moment.

The headmaster of the inspection department is so scary!

What the h**l was that? Isn’t that on the same level as wandering or malicious spirits?

Ah! Is Sakura safe? If she were to exposed to these eyes for protecting me, just thinking about that made me worry and then,

[Aren’t you going to rebuke Fumidori Sakura too?]

Tataraba remarked something unnecessary to Nagisa. I will destroy your glasses, you b*****d!

[She is safe. She is my cute disciple after all~]

Favouritism banzai!

As a boss it’s a little bad but it’s okay as long as Sakura doesn’t need to be exposed to such terrible eyes.

For a moment I secretly heaved a sigh of relief at the assurance of Sakura’s safety and stroked down my chest.

[Now then is my favourite part. Next is to use spirit dive on this guy…]

The demonic hands of Nagisa who just earlier made a mess of the two inspectors making them forcibly kiss approached me!

[Please wait a minute, Nagisa-san.]

Kaede, who has been silent so far, raised her voice, stopping Nagisa’s hand.

However, her face wasn’t the usual cold expression and reserve…and for some reason her face was terribly pale.

[He has already been diagnosed by multiple members of the inspection department. Even if you do a diagnosis again.]

[Oh! How much can you guys actually tell with your Spirit vision?]

Nagisa interrupted Kaede’s words and ruffled her hair up and down.

[Or that there is something fishy if I were to give a deep check-up? Shape-shifting fox of Kuzunoha’s?]

[…Your spirit vision is too strong so it’s usage must be restricted. It’s a clear violation of rules to use them without official application.]

[Are you now preaching rule violation to the headmaster of the inspection department? What a Buddhist lecture! Ojou-sama.]

Nagisa slightly evaded the question of Kaede and poke my cheeks with fingertips.


*Shine*. A chill crept over my whole body as if it was fiddling with my soul.

[What are…]

[The penalty for using spirit vision without permission is only when the target is harmless or innocent. If you want to stop me, you need to be on the level of twelve heavenly masters.]

Zuzuzu. Something entered my consciousness little by little and soon everything started to become vague to me.

[The reason why you, whose praises we sing as someone with tremendous talent even to become the youngest twelve heavenly masters progress is stalled is because you are taking care of this guy in parallel with your work and training. The reason why the heiress-sama of the Kuzunoha’s care so much about him. If dust were to be removed, the truth would be out for open to see]

[If you really are in this mood…!]

Large amount of blue flame appeared around the Kaede but those flames didn’t attack Nagisa.

[Kaede-sama, please endure.]

A woman wearing a fox mask stood in front of Kaede.

[You should have assumed this situation. The current Kaede-sama power isn’t enough to stop her and there are also the eyes of other ancient families. Without any advantage, it will just worsen the standing of Kuzunoha.]


[We don’t have any choice but to trust on the priest-dono seal]


I wonder if it’s an illusion, seeing the almost teary face of Kaede. Both my vision and consciousness become blurred and the sound from the courtroom becomes distant.

[Now then, let’s see who will come out, a demon or a snake?]

Note :

1.Explanation about spirit dive is in the next part.


- Astral projection, just imagine soul materialisation you might have seen in anime, to be able to materialise soul and freely move soul that’s what it means.

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