Expert Down The Mountain by Summer

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 After the banquet ended, Lufian and the rest of the Gardner family went to the Ember Hotel. Michael, Mr. Battson’s secretary, was already waiting downstairs. When he noticed them entering the lobby, he hurriedly rushed over. “Mr. Gardner!” Michael smiled warmly. “Michael!” Lufian took the initiative and stretched out his hand.

Michael took his hand and shook it. He then said with a smile, “Mr. Battson is already upstairs waiting. Let me lead the way.” “Alright. Thank you, Michael!” Lufian felt a little nervous, but excited as well! After a while, they reached presidential suite No. 2002. Michael led them in. At first glance, Lufian noticed a charismatic middle-aged man with graying hair. It must be Mr. Battson, the man who could decide the ownership of the International Prosperous Project! “Mr. Gardner, I’ve heard so much about you!” “Mr. Battson! Sorry for the wait!” Lufian hurriedly approached him. “It’s okay. Come, take a seat.” Lufian and the others were a little cautious. Mr. Battson was an important person. If someone had not introduced them to him, they would have never gotten this chance to meet him. “Since it’s getting late, I’ll skip the formalities. After all, I heard that your health is not very good and that you need more rest.” “No problem!” Mr. Battson laughed. He then quickly got to the point. “The International Prosperous Project is not a big deal. It’s given to you by default, so it’s not a hassle.” “However… this is an open bidding project after all. So, we still need to go through the process.” Lufian hurriedly said, “Of course, it’s understandable!” “I’m glad you understand, Mr. Gardner. It looks like there’s no problem regarding this matter. Wade, don’t forget to go to the provincial capital during bidding time.” “Of course! Don’t worry, Mr. Battson.” Wade felt worked up. ‘In order to get this project, I need to work hard for a long period of time.’ “Great.” Mr. Battson nodded. He then raised his hand and looked at the time on his watch. Seeing this, Lufian stood up and said, “Thank you so much, Mr. Battson. I’ll thank you again properly the next time I go to the provincial capital.” Mr. Battson smiled, and did not reply. Lufian looked hesitant. He gritted his teeth and asked tentatively,

“Mr. Battson, may I know who acquainted me with Mr. Penn?” OD He asked this because he wanted to know who had spoken about him to Zedekiah. Mr. Battson paused for a moment before he smiled and said, “Mr. Penn only told me to hand this project to you. He did not say anything more. “Many people are eyeing the International Prosperous Project. We initially assigned it to Haco Corporation. You guys are pretty smart for letting Mr. Penn speak up for you. “What? You guys aren’t sure who has given you a hand?” Mr. Battson was confused too. ‘Redmond personally called me. Does the Gardner family truly have no idea who helped them?’ “My father has hired Mr. Ostwald…” Wade hurriedly said. “Mr. Daxon Ostwald?” Mr. Battson was stunned. He then frowned. “That’s impossible. Mr. Ostwald is quite an authoritative figure in Fliton City. “But, he’s not in the position to get Mr. Penn involved in such a trivial matter like the International Prosperous Project.” The Gardner family was stunned. ‘If it wasn’t Mr. Ostwald who helped us, who was it?’

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