Eye System

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: Looming Threat Part 1

Lex's body, under the control of the Eye Demon, massacred the Voltacs, who scrambled to escape after regaining consciousness or being awoken by the sudden feeling of pain.

But it was a simple task for Evil Lex who enjoyed giving his prey false hope, before swooping in to end their miserable lives.

It took him seconds to end the lives of all the Voltacs, that were all under the control of Mason and trapped in his grasp, and after completing his task, strolled towards Mason who still knelt on the floor.

"Master is that you," asked Mason questioningly.

After seeing the capabilities of the entity that had taken over Lex, and with his wild imaginations of demonic cultivators, Mason had guessed and hoped that the master that the demonic cultivator, through the communication device, had spoken of may be what had taken over Lex.

Evil Lex's expression didn't change in the slightest as he stood before Mason and seeped his consciousness into the Eye Prison to converse with Lex.

"The master he spoke of may be somebody dangerous, but it seems he doesn't know too much about them himself" collected Lex.

"Want to take back the reins" offered the Eye Demon.

Lex was slightly surprised, yet pleased, by the sudden change in the Eye Demon's attitude, becoming more affable.

"No, you should stay in control for now, as my aura is nowhere near as demonic, oppressive or powerful as the aura that you unconsciously emit" decided Lex.

"Continue to draw as much as you can from Mason, while pretending to be the master he speaks of" ordered Lex.

Lex's tone wasn't one that was domineering or controlling, but soft and calm, and was the same tone he would use to talk to a friend.

"He, sure, but this is a one-time thing, where I help you out without a payment" scoffed the Eye Demon.

Returning his conscious back into the control of Lex's body, Evil Lex walked towards Mason who had managed to struggle and stand.

"Speak, what do you know of me" enquired Evil Lex, glaring deep into Mason's soul.

Under the Evil Lex's simple gaze that didn't even use a millionth of his true power, Mason felt naked and as though nothing could be hidden from his eyes.

"I...I...I know that you are the master of the demonic cultivator that was part of a group and you after awakening would go to these continents to feed yourself. Which was why I was ordered to kill large amounts of people, without exterminating all the people and was ordered to collect their blood within this godly crystal your subordinate gave me" blurted out Mason as he withdrew a red crystal from within his flexible and thin armour.

Mason didn't mean to say everything he knew and wasn't sure about the true identity of the entity that had taken over Lex, but under his glare, he couldn't hide anything.

"Hmm, interesting" mumbled Evil Lex as he snatched the crystal from his hand.

Despite not being in control of his body, Lex could still feel everything his body experienced and could feel the abundant amount of blood essence and energy within that crystal.

"This measly pebble that you have absorbed the blood of innocents into is trash, yet you still have the balls to call it godly" bellowed Evil Lex.

Lex watching the Eye Demon's actions had noticed a blatant fact about the Eye Demon that he assumed had a deep and profound origin.

At the mention of immortals or gods, the Ete Demon would become infuriated and slightly lose composure, almost as if bringing up past memories and grief.

"He must really be on another level to be talking about gods and true immortals" uttered Lex in awe of the image, he formated in his mind, of Eye Demon battling against gods.

"Focus" he stated to himself as he wiped the wild scenes he was imagining of gods and immortals.

"Have I done well master?" asked Mason who became a child and servant in front of Evil Lex who he thought was his master.

"Fuck off" roared Evil Lex as he kicked away Mason in frustration.

Mason who was grovelling before him master, even after being kicked away, crawled back to Evil Lex and had an excited expression like a child at the sight of candy.

"Master, master, can you free me from my chains and give me a treasure or method to prologue my life" pleaded Mason, remembering what the demonic cultivator had told him about the master 6 months ago.

"You are too far from being saveable and will die in at most a few months" analysed Evil Lex seeing Mason's vitality and life force dwindling and barely being sustained by the large amount of energy and blood essence he continued to absorb.

"Is that why you came early" speculated Mason optimistically.

Ignoring Mason, the Eye Demon seeped his consciousness back into the Eye Prison.josei

"Wanna finish him off now" asked the Eye Demon who was getting restless to gain his part of the deal and kill Mason.

"Wait, just get the final bit of information from him about what he meant by coming early then we will conclude our deal" stated Lex, who was curious to what Mason meant by saying that he had come early, and had a gut feeling that a threat was looming over them.

"You really are taking liberties with me. But I will allow it this once and will take the blood crystal as payment that you must absorb into the vessel you provide me" negotiated the Eye Demon, knowing he had the upper hand.

"Sure" agreed Lex who knew it wouldn't do him much harm and that he didn't have a purpose for it anyway.

"Speak, when was my return scheduled" enquired Evil Lex authoritatively.

"You..you.. were meant to return 6 months from now and take over the continent for yourself along with other continents you prepared for your return" answered Mason, through held back tears.

Everything Mason had worked for and he felt that it was all for nothing as he looked at the youth before him who had his master within him.

"For this information can you.." asked Mason before being cut off by Evil Lex.

"Be quiet" ordered Evil Lex, making Mason instantly become silent, afraid to even breath.

Returning once again to the Eye Prison, the Eye Demon saw Lex pacing up and down the Eye Prison with a worried expression.

"This mysterious master is coming in 6 months to feed and take over the continent and from what we have gathered he seems to be much stronger than Mason. If Mason was stronger than me, his master, that seemed to be in seclusion or somewhere hidden, would be too powerful to deal with" gathered Lex with a worried expression.

He wanted to help the continent, but self-preservation was his first instinct as he began to think of ways to get off the continent quickly and safely.

"But the other continents around this continent would also be likely taken over by this mysterious master and his demonic group" realised Lex.

He had no choice but to face this unknown and powerful opponent that was coming in 6 months.

"Hahahahaha, calm down kid, this is merely the outskirts of the Lower Plains. There is nothing that should be able to stop you, Unless.." reassured the Eye Demon before stopping.

"Unless what," asked Lex curious to what the Eye Demon was going to say.

"Unless you stop being such a pussy and man up. You have such high aims and are quite hard-working, but that isn't enough. You must be smart, powerful, ruthless and most importantly be an opportunist" stated the Eye Demon.

Walking over to Lex the Eye Demon placed his arm on Lex's shoulder, who instinctively closed his eyes as not to be launched away by the power of the Eye Demon's eyes.

"How about we make another deal after we complete our first deal" offered the Eye Demon with an evil smile.

Lex was wary of the Eye Demon's ulterior motives, but knew how much of a help he would be invaluable in not only battles but also training.

"It all depends, but first let's conclude our first deal and kill that bastard" answered Lex as he retook control over his own body.

Lex was confident in his ability to defeat Mason who had put down his guard and from what he had observed and heard from the Eye Demon, he knew that Mason was injured.

If not he still had the Eye Demon to lend him assistance in the worst-case scenario.

Instantly the experienced Mason could sense that anything that Lex's body emitted that scared him suddenly disappeared.

"Are you still Master" asked Mason as he rapidly jumped up cautiously.

"No, I am not your master and never was. Not only did you tell us your master's plans, but you will die at the hands of your enemy's disciple" declared Lex with an evil smile.

Hearing Lex's words Mason was baffled, but jumped away in an attempt to retreat and escape, unsure of what Lex was capable of.

"You lost the instant you put down your guard and believed I was your master" stated Lex as he disappeared from where he stood.

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