Eye System

Chapter 135

Chapter 135: Underground Coves

"We have to talk seriously" stated Lex becoming completely serious.

"Yes, I sensed a lot of evil energy that somebody wouldn't be capable of wielding and accumulating without outside assistance. What exactly is going on and what are we going to do" asked Ella.

Lex was shocked by how much she had gathered from the small amount of information she had access to, and was once again shown the profoundness and intelligence that Ella had.

Clearing his throat and regaining composure, Lex added on to what she already knew, with what he had gathered.

"Yes and apparently this outside help is some sort of group of demonic cultivators that are taking over multiple continents and collecting blood essence to give to their master that will awaken in 6 months from now" added Lex.

Hearing his words, Ella couldn't help but shake her head at the situation that they were stuck in and also came to the conclusion that there was nowhere to run or hide as the demonic cultivators would have also taken over any nearby continents.

"You do have a strong fate, but you also draw with you danger and trouble" muttered Ella.

Ella's words had no spite or malicious intent behind them, but it slightly affected Lex who had come to the same miserable realisation.

"But, you are capable of overcoming everything and will overcome all the danger and troubles, while strengthening yourself and having an amazing adventure" continued Ella.

In two sentences she had managed to knock down and lift up Lex's entire mood.

"I have some things to sort out and will train in seclusion, meanwhile I'll leave the continent in the hands of you and Angela" stated Lex with a wry smile, slightly guilty with the burden he had passed onto them.

"Yeah that would be for the best, and while you train, me and Angela will take out any more Voltacs that may be wreaking havoc and will form a stronghold in the centre of the continent and will salvage as many powerful fighters as we can to protect the innocents, forming one large country in the centre to fend off against the coming threats" agreed Ella.

Hearing what she had decided Lex was once again shocked by her ability to come up with plans instantaneously.

"That is exactly what I had in mind" commented Lex.

Ella who had turned around about to leave, was suddenly halted by Lex who wanted to warn her about something.

"The only countries that shouldn't be completely taken over by the Voltiac Guild are the Earth Country and the Gamma Country, as the Gamma country is the strongest and wealthiest, while the Earth Country was protected by us. So the Gamma Country should be your best bet at gaining power and resources quickly that are required to be able to form a stronghold in 6 months," stated Lex before pausing.

"But, Angela is a royal of the Gamma country and escaped with the help of a few trusted guards that sacrificed themselves to help her escape. Her family were not caring towards her in the slightest and were disappointed by the fact that she wasn't a male that could carry on the family name, despite the incredible talent that she was born with.

Adding to that she was the only child that they managed to give birth to. Letting out their frustrations on her, Angela had a rough childhood, despite the wealth she had access to. The gamma country that had great resources and opportunities for nurturing young talents, gave birth to a very talented youth who was not much older than Angela.

Jackson saw it as a perfect opportunity and presented himself to the royal family that took him in, in the hopes of matching him with Angela. After she reached the age of 14 and awakened her power, they didn't seem to see its benefit and were only focused on battle and offensive powers that they saw as more useful.

On that day they forced her into an arranged marriage with Jackson, but after while he became too comfortable and arrogant with his newfound status and power and attempted to take advantage of the marriage that was arranged for the future.

He tried to harass Angela many times.

So she decided to escape and as she did so she was pursued by Jackson's men who were sent to retrieve her. Angela's loyal royal guards sacrificed themselves to save her, and she hid in the Outer Aria Country where she worked as an academy healer," narrated Lex.

Ella could sympathise with Angela, who was not much different from her and her uncaring parents who only focused on themselves, their status and their power.

"It was mostly the same as her past reality from what she had told me and she has been through a lot of danger while being around me and was only able to reach where she was because of a fateful encounter" added Lex with a guilty expression.

"It isn't your fault that she was put in danger. And without you, she wouldn't have had the fateful encounter that made her who she is today" reassured Ella, who could see the guilt in Lex's eyes.

"I'm telling you this because..." stated Lex before being cut off by Ella.

"You have no need to tell me to look out for her. I see her as a sister figure that I never had. I can see similarities between our pasts and although she is older than me, I see her as my younger sister and will look out for her" interrupted Ella, reassuring Lex of Angela's safety.

"Then I guess this is farewell, and pass on my farewell to Angela as well" uttered Lex as she waved him goodbye and teleported back to Angela.

Lex who still stood where Ella left him was slightly dazed and happy.

"Ella is finally beginning to open up to me and hinting at her true origin" mumbled Lex to himself, knowing that Ella had never actually told him her true and complete origin and had always avoided his questions.

"Now to finish this deal" decided Lex.

[System, find me a place secluded and hidden that also has a lot of space and beasts, where I can seclude myself] ordered Lex.josei

{Ding, the system would recommend the underground coves that the host previously battle against the Armadillo beast} suggested the system.

The underground coves were something he accidentally stumbled upon when pursuing the armadillo beast, that attempted to escape after being beaten by Lex in a battle, over long distances.

He hadn't had the chance to explore and after defeating the armadillo and gaining the Beast Power, he left.

Hearing the system call it the 'underground coves', instead of the singular 'underground cove' he had assumed it to be, Lex was curious about its size and what other beasts he could find within there.

{Ding, the underground coves are the size of a small country and cover ground as big as the entire Earth Country, but are underground and run by beasts. It is deep underground, going down many kilometres, and has never been explored completely because of the dangers it had.

However, with dangers come opportunities and many valuable resources and materials can be mined if the underground coves were excavated and the beasts within it defeated} depicted the system.

With a rough description within his mind, it sounded like the perfect place to train in and also had resources and beasts to defeat and acquire.

It was so good that it almost sounded too good to be true and Lex knew that there must be something else that deterred people from exploring.

{Ding, the host's assumption is correct and there are rumours of weird and intelligent species that have formed a civilisation underground. Along with the rumours, anybody that entered the underground coves never returned and all the entrances have been lost and hidden over the years and only royal families still have scarcely detailed records of the location of the underground coves} explained the system.

"Does that mean I accidentally stumbled on a great opportunity" asked Lex rhetorically.

{Ding, the host is correct} affirmed the system.

Ignoring the system, that didn't understand the difference between an actual question and a rhetorical question, Lex had a pleased smile after being reminded of his luck.

[Direct me in the direction of the underground coves] ordered Lex.

{Ding, from the host's current position should head west towards where the host had followed the Armadillo beast. However, the system has no exact location and can only provide what has been gathered from the public records within the Voltiac Guild that mentioned them. So, the system would recommend the host to enter from where you previously entered to finish off the Armadillo beast and be prepared for anything that may come up} recommended the system.

Without much time and being given as much information as was available, Lex dashed in the direction that the system pointed out to him.

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