Eye System

Chapter 137

Chapter 137: Third Eye Part 2

After two hours of running in silence at full speed, Lex knew he was reaching where he had followed the Armadillo beast underground.

Suddenly Lex reached an abrupt halt.

[Everything about the third eye is great, but will I look like a freak with three eyes] asked Lex suddenly, having a weird and image of himself with eyes all around his body.

{Ding, while not activated the third eye won't affect the host's appearance, however, the host will be able to feel its presence within your forehead. But while activated, the third eye will be visible and will affect the host's appearence} stated the system.

Lex didn't care much about his appearance and cared less and less as he continued to experience life, but he also wanted to look nice for Ella and didn't want to look like a freak.

But after thinking about it, it would only change his appearance when activated and its power would be more than enough of a cover for his altered appearance.

Pondering on it more and more while heading towards his destination, it affected him less and less and knowing that Ella wasn't human and was very accepting of him, made him feel less insecure of what his abilities would cause to his appearance.

It took Lex another half an hour to finally reach the area he recognised as the entrance to the underground coves and was ready to begin the formation of the third eye as soon as he found an empty space.

The area around the entrance was densely populated with trees and covered the large hole in the ground that Lex had previously followed the armadillo beast into. 

The hole merely went down a few hundred metres, but from what the system had told Lex it was much larger and deeper than that.

Lex jumped down without pondering about it too much and wasting his time and feel down straight into a dark cave that was closed off.

Scouting Eye

As Lex's eyes became completely clear, his vision fused with his senses and was enhanced, encapsulating the area around him.

Lex could see that the cave he was in was quite large and he remembered defeating the Armadillo beast within it, but couldn't find anything else.

If he wasn't told that it was part of the underground coves and would lead him to an underground structure large enough to rival a country he would have never realised.

Remembering the battle he had with the Armadillo beast, it continuously attempted to break through the right wall.

Streaming energy into his eyes, as it used more energy to look through solid objects, Lex attempted to see past the wall and was shocked to see that it wasn't endlessly thick like the rest of the walls and he managed to see past it.

Unlike what he had thought, behind there wall there seemed to be some sort of corridor that led him deeper underground.

Retracting his vision, not wanting to waste energy and it caused him strain, Lex sat on the ground.

"After forming my third eye within this underground cave, I will explore the underground coves and head down that tunnel" decided Lex who had found an empty and relatively safe space to begin the formation of the third eye.

[Where do we begin] asked Lex within his mind.

[You will use both your eyes and everything that has energy as a catalyst to form an amalgamation of your Eye Powers, will and soul in the centre of your forehead, then leave the formation to me as you are incapable of doing so] stated the Eye Demon.

[System should I go along with the Eye Demon] asked Lex cautiously.

{Ding, there is no need to worry, although I do not intervene in the growth of the host, the system also has the duty to assist and support the host and will not allow any mishaps during this process} reassured the system.

With the system's reassurance, he felt much better and began to withdraw bodies of all kinds of beasts.

[Stop you dimwit, there is obviously not enough space to place all the bodies of the beasts you have in your personal storage space] scolded the Eye Demon.

[Just leave it within your personal space and give me access to the space and I will syphon off anything with energy to fuel the process] instructed the Eye Demon to Lex.

Lex was being very patient and not getting angry, despite the way the Eye Demon was speaking to him and ordering him around, as he knew that he was reliant on it in the current situation and couldn't do anything to it even if he wanted to.

Unsure of how to give the Eye Demon access to the inventory, Lex still attempted to do so without asking for assistance and managed to do so.

All it required was for him to loosen his control over the inventory space and the Eye Demon to allow the Eye Demon to use it.

[Now we will need the assistance of that weird entity that has sealed me within you and you should be able to use something within it as a catalyst] stated the Eye Demon, sensing that Lex had something valuable he was going to use a catalyst in the process.

Their souls were fused and the Eye Demon after residing in Lex. ever since Lex integrated with the system, had learnt how Lex acts in different situations and how he was as a whole.

[Yes, he must mean system points, I also need to burn those as a catalyst] stated Lex to himself.

[Okay, now that everything is set we must all begin at the same time. I will also imbue my will into the third eye and bind my soul to the third eye, while still keeping it bound to your soul. While you imbue your intent and will into the third eye and all the power you can summon, with the burning of the valuables you have within the weird entity and the burning of all the energies we have access to, we should barely be able to form a base for a true third eye] instructed the Eye Demon.

[System are you ready] asked Lex,

{Ding, the system will begin along with the host and the Eye Demon} stated the system.

Everything was set and after recovering his body to its peak state, Lex was ready to set the process into motion.

[We will begin in 3, 2, 1] announced Lex.

Instantly there was a large influx of energy as he felt his system points dwindling rapidly, the energy within his body being led to his forehead and the beasts within the inventory being burnt to dust.

Focusing on his task, Lex focused both his eyes on the centre of his forehead and began to imbue his will and intent into the forming of the third eye, that the Eye Demon was in control of.

[My will and intent is to protect those close to me while becoming the strongest and most powerful so that nobody can ever look down on me ever again] declared Lex as he focused on imbuing all his values and everything into the third eye that he felt was forming within the centre of his forehead.

[My will and intent is to get revenge and reach the pinnacle of not only the universe but anything beyond it and become the godking] declared the Eye Demon also imbuing his will into the third eye.

They were ignorant to each other's will but felt it and they seemed to correlate and fuse as they formed a circular outline of an eye within his forehead.josei

Lex began to howl in pain as his mind and body went through extreme pain and his energy continued to be burnt to form the third eye.

Using his strong willpower, Lex fought against the strain and clung onto consciousness, not wanting to lose control to the Eye Demon or to fail in the process that he had risked so much to initiate.

After who knew how long of extreme pain and burning everything he had, Lex finally felt that the process was beginning to be complete as the outline of the eye was completed and physical eye and vessel was formed within his forehead.

Instantly the Eye Demon jumped part of his soul into the third eye, binding himself to it, and the process was completed.

However, just as the process was completed, Lex body began to vomit blood crazily and collapsed.

Lex's body became completely shrivelled, with no energy within it in the slightest and was in a near-death state without any energy within his body.

Not only was his internal energy but also his body's stamina was burnt out as he lay there within the dark underground cave struggling to clutch onto survival.

{Ding, automated energy absorption for recovery activated} announced the system to Lex who had completely lost consciousness and couldn't hear the system.

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