Eye System

Chapter 139

Chapter 139: Exploring the Underground Coves

Lex knew that everything that the system said was correct and had also felt that his and the Eye Demon's will fused during the process of forming the third eye, but expected something more powerful that had greater effects.

But just like the Perceptive Eye, Lex didn't underestimate it and knew it would have many unique and powerful applications, or so he hoped.

"I will cultivate and improve the third eye, while experimenting with the Dominant Eye's uses. All while exploring the Underground Coves" decided Lex, staying positive.

Lex was itching to battle after consistently cultivating and contemplating the Elemental Ascension method for a month and a half, and was excited to test out the power of his Elemental Body, that from what he could tell was multiple times stronger than his previous body strength.

Clenching his fist, Lex launched a fist into the wall that was he had seen was the thinnest and to his surprise, the wall shattered under his fist.

The solid wall was formed of 2 metres of dense rock, yet under a simple fist from Lex that used only his physical power, it was shattered easily.

Lex couldn't help but smile with satisfaction, as he watched the wall crumble under the impact of his fist.

Stepping back to allow the wall collapse, Lex activated his Scouting Eye to be able to navigate underground that had no light from the sun.

Scouting Eye

As Lex's eyes became completely clear, Lex was wondering what kind of beasts would be able to navigate, see and communicate in the pitch-black darkness underground and be smart enough to form a civilisation, if the rumours were correct.

As his vision became enhanced and fused with his senses, Lex looked deeper into the tunnel before him, but found that it was empty.

Without time to waste, and excited to explore the uncharted Underground Coves, Lex strolled down the tunnel.

Lex was on high alert and cautious, but was also comfortable and confident in his ability as he went deeper down into the tunnel, that was sloped downwards and leading him lower underground.

The air was becoming scarcer and scarcer as he continued to go down, but Lex after spending 6 months in the mountainous region, that also had scarce air, was already accustomed to there being scarce amounts of air to breath.

Also, he felt that his Elemental Body was weirdly nourishing itself with the energy around him and didn't require as much air as it used to.

If Lex had his Elemental Vision activated, he would see that the energy that was nourishing his body was green and brown coloured and was linked to the nature and life element that was found in the land and plants around him.

His body had become slightly slimmer than it was previously, not due to malnourishment, but due to his muscles becoming more compressed and denser.

Despite not needing food if he continuously absorbed energy, he still enjoyed the feeling of eating and had the feeling as though he was hungry, even though his body had the energy to sustain itself.

The tunnel seemed to be endlessly long, and while walking down slowly, Lex decided he would try and reach out to the Eye Demon.josei

[Oi, Eye Demon are you there] called out Lex within his mind.

As he did so he felt an entity within the centre of his forehead vibrate as if calling out to him.

"So the Eye Demon can hear me, but can't reply unless I enter the third eye that is its vessel, or provide it energy" observed Lex.

Following what he had seen and felt the Eye Demon do while in control of his body, Lex sat down before seeping his consciousness into the vessel, within the centre of his forehead.

As he did so, he felt his consciousness being sucked into the vessel and after opening his eyes, he saw the Eye Demon sat at a chair in a completely empty and white space.

"How do you like my humble abode," asked the Eye Demon with a wide smile.

With a wave of his hand, he formed another chair behind Lex, which Lex sat on.

He knew that it wasn't his physical body, but was also wary as he remembered injuring his soul when he had previously looked into the Eye Demon's eyes.

"Don't worry I cannot harm you in this space, it is merely a mindscape that I have control over" reassured the Eye Demon.

"What business do you have here" asked the Eye Demon who suddenly emerged before Lex.

"Just checking up on my body" answered Lex, emphasising on 'my body', as he stood up and glared eye to eye with the Eye Demon.

"Okay, but I must warn you if you waltz into my space again without being prepared to battle me or crush my will, I will shatter your consciousness" threatened the Eye Demon with a fiendish expression.

"He, the next time I come, I will be collecting my rent that you must pay for residing within my body" retorted Lex, not backing down from the Eye Demon's confrontation.

"Hahahahaha, at least you've grown some balls" laughed the Eye Demon, not scared by Lex in the slightest.

Lex knew there was no point getting riled up over nothing, and retracted his consciousness from the mental space within the third eye and returned to his body.

Returning to his body, he instantly felt slightly dizzy and as though he had been heavily drained.

{Ding, the system would not recommend the host to enter the vessel within the third eye that will cause the host backlash and the host has still not learnt about or understood the true uses and origin of the soul and the consciousness, their link and how mindscapes or mental spaces work} advised the system.

"Okay, okay" mumbled Lex as he cultivated for a few minutes to regulate his bodily functions.

After returning to a state of homeostasis in his body and mind, that was disrupted by him entering the third eye, Lex was ready to continue to explore the Underground Coves.

Jumping back up, he continued down into the tunnel with his Scouting Eye activated and after heading down for almost an entire mile, he could finally see the end of the tunnel in the distance.

Lex's heart was pumping wildly with excitement and anticipation as he reached the end of the tunnel, that was closed off by thick rock.

Stretching his vision past the solid wall formed of rock, Lex could see an open area on the other side of the wall but couldn't stretch his vision far enough past the solid object to see any beasts.

Retracting his vision that was straining his eyes and draining his energy, Lex clenched his right fist.

Launching a powerful fist, using his Elemental Body that gave him herculean strength, Lex's fist thrust into the wall and the impact caused the entire wall to crack and weaken massively.

Yet unlike the other rock wall, it took Lex a second strike to break through the much thicker wall.

Instantly after breaking through the wall, Lex's enhanced vision, with the Scouting Eye activated, rushed into the open space and relayed the image to Lex's mind.

For as far as he could see there were all kinds of underground tunnels and open areas underground and the first beast he sensed with his vision, was a small fox beast.

"It really is as the rumours stated, they managed to form an entire country of beasts underground with all kinds of roots, areas and beasts within" observed Lex from the layout of the tunnels.

Walking over the rubble and through the wall, he had broken, Lex strolled into the beasts' territory nonchalantly as he searched for prey to hunt.

Lex couldn't remember the last time he stopped to have a large meal to satisfy the desire to eat, and after being secluded within the cave for who knew how long, he wanted to eat.

Bursting off his feet, with great power and speed, Lex decided he would only use his External Body and Dominant Eye to battle to find out the limits of his new powers and become accustomed to their uses.

Dominant Eye

Activating the Dominant Eye that he felt he had access to, Lex felt his eyes, his third eye and his will all fuse to form a weird sensation throughout his body.

Heading towards where he saw the fox beast, Lex dashed at incredible speeds, that surpassed any speeds he had previously reached, as he found the beast in a burrow.

Instead of instantly killing the beast that only seemed to be a Mortal beast, Lex wanted to test out the ability of the Dominant Eye and the extent to which it is effective.

Aiming his feeling of dominance towards the fox beast that was cowering in the corner at the sudden sight of a powerful human, Lex saw the fox submit to him and kneel as the fox's body began to shake uncontrollably in fear.

"It seems it has a complete controlling effect over beasts and people below the strength of my third eye" observed Lex.

"With this I could control all beasts" he realised as he began to laugh hysterically.

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