Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 101 101

Chapter 101 101: A Different Kind Of Noble? Part 3

[Based on the analysis of Miss Ashe's affection level with Master, the probability of you and Master bathing together is 0.001%. Eighty-Six also quietly calculates her own probability of bathing with the master at 0.1% and *proudly states so*]the maid said.

Ashe: "…"

Ashe was speechless.

"So, master really just wants me to... clean myself?"

[Yes. Although I do not possess an olfactory system, judging by the dirt on Miss Ashe's body, you should be quite smelly. For the cleanliness of this household, please make sure to wash thoroughly] Eighty-Six urged in an exaggerated tone.

Ashe: "…"

Ashe was speechless again.

Looking down at her body, Ashe saw her skin, which was grey and dirty – certainly not its natural color. It was covered in accumulated dust and grime. If she scraped her skin with her fingernail, she could peel off a small strip of dirt. For her, bathing was a luxury – they couldn't even afford regular meals, let alone baths.

Realizing how filthy and smelly she must appear in others' eyes – and remembering her previous assumption that the young noble might want to bathe with her – Ashe wished she could just disappear into a crack in the floor. Thankfully, although the maid's words were strange and harsh, her expression remained unchanged. Ashe no longer waited foolishly for Renji and hurriedly approached the bathtub.

She tentatively dipped a toe into the water, a typical instinct of the Cat race. The unfamiliar sensation of warmth and moisture from the water made her slightly uncomfortable.

But Ashe knew this was not her home and she wasn't here to enjoy herself. Biting her lip, she stepped fully into the bathtub and crouched down, only her head above the water.

Fully immersed in the warm water, Ashe felt each of her pores opening up, relaxing in the perfectly tempered bath. It was stimulating enough to relax her body without being scalding hot.

Unbeknownst to her, her cat ears on top of her head, which had been drooping initially, perked up straight as soon as she entered the bath. They twitched involuntarily, and her cat tail, which she tried to keep under control, swished around in the water, causing ripples.

After a thorough cleaning, Ashe emerged from the bathtub, feeling her arms, neck, legs, and other parts of her body to ensure there was no more dirt left and that her skin was smooth. She let out a sigh of relief.

During the brief moment the maid went to fetch clothes for her, Ashe sneakily sniffed her armpits to make sure there was no lingering smelly odor. She quickly drained the bathtub, which had turned from clear to murky with dirt, and began scrubbing it clean with a brush.

As she turned around after finishing, Ashe was startled to find the maid, holding clothes, already standing behind her, silently observing without interrupting.

Startled, Ashe instinctively tried to explain herself.

"Ah! I was just..."

[Praise*. Miss Ashe is much more sensible than 'certain one', No. 86 says without any hidden sarcasm about Miss Eileen who never knows how to restore things after using them] the maid stated.

'Miss Eileen – was she the servant who followed the young man?'

'Speaking of which...'

Not just because of the maid's comment, but recalling the interactions between Eileen and Renji along the way, Ashe felt that they seemed more like friends than master and servant.

'Can a noble really be friends with a servant?'

This was hard for Ashe to imagine.

Dressed in simple clothes now, Ashe followed the maid to Renji's room.

Even before they entered, they could hear a heated argument from outside.

"Damn it! How dare you make us work six days a week? Three days! No more than that!"

"Hah!? I warn you Eileen, don't push your luck. Five and a half days! No less!"

"Four days!"

"Four and a half!"


When Ashe and the Robotic Maid knocked and entered the room, the argument inside seemed to reach a conclusion.

Renji, looking at the three people now in his room – his own small team – instructed them to line up and handed each of them a freshly written contract.

Ashe, feeling bewildered, took the contract. Although she didn't recognize many of the words, she could guess from some phrases that it outlined their work requirements.

Eileen and the maid quickly signed their names. Noticing Ashe's hesitation, Renji approached her.

"What's the matter? Any problem?"lightsnovel

"I... I can't write."

Renji massaged his forehead, almost overwhelmed with frustration.

'If she can't write, it meant she likely can't read much either'

"Listen, I'm probably going to stay here for a while, so these are the requirements for you. First, you must work at least four and a half days a week, starting from 9 AM and working until 5 PM. Secondly, the wages are settled weekly, with overtime paid at 200%. Finally, you have five days off each month, and exceeding this will lead to deductions. Of course, exceptions like sickness don't count and you can come to me for reimbursement of medical expenses. In emergencies, you can also request humanitarian assistance from me. That's pretty much it. Do you have any objections?"

"Wages?" Ashe's head spun. She had tuned out after hearing 'wages,' unable to comprehend why a slave would receive a salary.

lightsnοvεl However, the young noble didn't explain 'why' but rather 'how much.'

"Two thousand Ashen coins per week. Including bonuses and overtime, it should be around ten thousand a month. Any more questions?"

Ashe's eyes widened at the unimaginable figures being discussed. Though Eileen was hinting for her to protest and ask for more, hoping Renji would increase their allowance, Ashe was clearly not in a state to think about that.

Ten thousand a month! In Dragon Nation, that was definitely an enviable salary. Many people would go to great lengths, struggling to earn such wages, while the revolutionary army could only gather a few thousand Ashen coins a month through donations.

Ashe: "No, I have no problem!"

Ashe nodded eagerly. She even hurriedly cut her finger and used the blood to press her fingerprint on the contract as a sign of agreement.

Renji glanced at it briefly and didn't comment much. He collected the three contracts and then pulled out three bundles of money, handing them out as he explained, "This is your first month's salary paid in advance. It's ten thousand each."

"Yayyyy!" Eileen cheered, happy to finally earn her own money.

The maid seemed indifferent, as her money was essentially Renji's money.

As for Ashe...

She carefully tucked the money bag into the innermost layer of her clothing, feeling its significant weight. For a moment, she even forgot her true purpose for being there.

She quickly shook her head mentally.

'No, I can't forget my mission. I need to gain this noble man's trust, extract information, and serve as an inside agent to pass messages to my fellow revolutionaries'

Ultimately, her goal was to plunder this wealthy young master of his riches!

Unfortunately, after the meeting dispersed, Ashe waited, but Renji didn't seek her out. She later learned from Eighty-Six that Renji had left with Eileen right after the meeting.

This raised numerous questions in Ashe's mind.

'Could it be that Master Renji had brought me here just to clean?'

However, this also made it easier for her to move around and explore.

As Ashe pretended to clean, she was actually memorizing the structure and layout of the entire mansion. To her surprise, the security was incredibly lax – in fact, there were no guards at all!

Aside from the three of them, there was no one else in the entire mansion. This was completely different from what Ashe and the revolutionary army had imagined during their planning. There was no need for any intricate battle plans – Ashe even thought they could take action tonight!

Time passed quickly, and the afternoon soon turned to evening. When the clock struck five, marking the end of their contractual working hours, Ashe clenched her broom, realizing it was now her time to move freely.

Moreover, the young nobleman had not returned yet, and the house was only occupied by the peculiar robotic maid – 'A perfect opportunity'

With this in mind, Ashe sneaked back to her room. The spacious room with a soft bed, a single sofa, and a writing desk was beyond her wildest dreams, but she was determined. She locked her door from the inside, pretending to rest, but actually...

Ashe opened the window and leaped out, her Cat bloodline agility ensuring her movements were silent and undetected.josei

By five in the afternoon, the sky was already darkening, with only the last rays of the setting sun lingering in the horizon.

Ashe, still wrapped in the cloak given to her by Renji, merged into the shadows and swiftly headed towards the meeting spot agreed upon with her fellow revolutionaries.

Unbeknownst to her, the maid she thought was still cleaning inside the house was actually on the rooftop, watching her every move. Eighty-Six, having a clear view from above, made a phone call.


[Ashe has left the house]

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