Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 230 230

Chapter 230 230: Behind The Coincidence

-Kael Technology.

-Intelligence Department.

William was currently in the office of the head of the Intelligence Department. After hanging up the phone from a report by an agent, the head of the department immediately asked:

"Manager William, do we need to arrest Keyji immediately?"

On the large screen in the office, Keyji's every move since leaving the Kael Technology building was tracked by Kael Technology. Every action was under surveillance, including his visit to the Night Charm Bar, his meeting with Renji, and the sudden involvement of the Black Fire Gang.

Unfortunately, due to the noisy environment of the bar, the surveillance could not capture what Keyji and Renji talked about. Moreover, the camera in the private room where Keyji was happened to be broken, so they were unable to hear what Keyji discussed with the gang members.

"Forget about arresting him. The product launch is in three days, and stirring up trouble with Quis Group, especially his sister," Manager William immediately shook his head.

"But Keyji is contacting the gang at this sensitive time. Could it be that he's planning to leak our..."

"No, I'm not worried about that. I deliberately offered him low-priced stocks to test his attitude. He's invested so much in Kael Technology, which means he's tied to us now. Unless he's aiming to lose money, he won't do anything against us."

"What I really wanted you to pay attention to Keyji for is this."

Manager William said, pushing a breaking news report in front of the head of the Intelligence Department.

[Breaking News: Fire at the Emergency Squad Building's Hangar, cause unknown. Fire temporarily under control. Emergency Squad's person in charge states that all data is safe and does not rule out deliberate hacking, investigation ongoing.]

After reading, the head was still somewhat confused and tentatively asked, "This has to do with Keyji?"

"Although it's highly likely that Tia's malfunction was just a coincidence, have you considered the possibility that she lost control because she came into contact with Keyji?"

"Doesn't this explain why Keyji deliberately waited until last to interact with Tia?"

"After the technical department repaired Tia, they found that some data was lost. So, we can only speculate based on what Tia was doing with Keyji at the time. According to procedure, they should have been registering for insurance, entering Keyji's data into the Emergency Squad system."

Hearing this, the head of the Intelligence Department, who finally understood what William was implying, immediately looked at the news about the fire at the Emergency Squad building again. Taking into account the time discrepancy, it almost exactly matched the moment Tia lost control.

The pieces suddenly connected.

The head of the Intelligence Department showed a look of realization, followed by a deep respect, and even a hint of fear towards William.

After all, William managed to combine seemingly unrelated information based on a small clue, deducing so much new information, proving to be much more capable than the head of the Intelligence Department himself.

Fortunately for the head of the Intelligence Department, William held a higher position. Otherwise, it would have been time for a change in leadership.

Considering this, the head became even more flattering towards William, quickly asking:

"So, Manager William, are you suggesting that Tia lost control due to some issue with Keyji's Emergency Squad data?"

William nodded, "We may have underestimated Keyji. He's not just the frivolous scion he appears to be on the surface. After all, with such a sister, how could the brother be a useless playboy?"

William frowned as he stared at Keyji's photo, his metallic cybernetic fingers tapping on the desk, producing crisp sounds in the dimly lit Intelligence Department office.

But ultimately, the manager sighed helplessly, acknowledging Keyji's influential background, and stood up from his chair.

"Tia is an important 'eye' for our exploration of Dream Zero. We must figure out why she lost control and whether this reason could also affect our other 'eyes.' So, until then, do everything you can to keep Keyji at Kael Technology. But remember, he must stay willingly; we cannot use any violent means."

"Understood Manager William, I'll arrange it right away!"

As William stood up to leave, the head of the Intelligence Department hesitated but couldn't resist asking: "Wait, Manager William, what about Keyji's friend, Dr. Renji?"lightsnovel

"Dr. Renji…"josei

William quickly pulled up a file, which included information on both Renji and his "assistant" Eileen.

In fact, William, who had placed great emphasis on this exchange meeting and had scoured the list of scholar groups, had already checked on Renji. A simple use of his privileges revealed that the so-called "Dr. Renji's" credentials were entirely fabricated.

It was the kind of bold forgery that didn't even try to hide its falseness, done without any concern for scrutiny.

William had previously taken this person very seriously.

But now...

William always believed in one principle: behind every seeming coincidence, there is inevitability.

"This Renji... must be someone sent by Keyji's sister."

"Also from the Quis Group?" The head of the Intelligence Department hadn't expected this.

"If you wanted to let your younger brother leave the greenhouse to struggle and grow on his own, yet worried about him being bullied abroad, what would you do?"

With this rhetorical question, the head of the Intelligence Department immediately understood William's implication.

If he were in that situation, he would undoubtedly send someone to pretend to be a stranger to Keyji, acting as a newly acquainted friend while secretly assisting Keyji as a covert agent.

"So, we don't need to worry about this Renji, nor can we. If I'm not mistaken, Renji is probably the eyes of the Quis Group. If we make too much of a move on him, we might scare him off, effectively revealing our intentions. We just need to keep a close eye on Keyji, the main target."

lightsΝοvel "Understood Manager William."



In Sin City.

If people were asked to name a person, the majority would undoubtedly recall their beautiful and intelligent City Lord Lena.

And if they were asked to think of a corporate group, most would first think of the Quis Group.

The reason is simple: the rise of the Quis Group is a legend in itself.

Starting from handing over the entire group to a young woman just stepping into adulthood, to her investing in projects that seemed doomed to fail - projects that every other investor avoided like the plague.

Yet, Diane turned each of these investments into a success story, repeatedly proving other investment groups wrong. Every project that seemed destined to fail miraculously skyrocketed, bringing in returns several times, even up to tenfold, the original investment.

In less than a decade, the Quis Group went from the brink of bankruptcy to becoming a commercial giant in Sin City.

Since then, even though the Quis Group lacks the depth of those century-old corporations, no one dares to underestimate or ignore the current business legend, Diane, the 27-year-old chairwoman of the Quis Group.

However, today, in the office of the chairwoman of the Quis Group, the young CEO's mood is not good.

The reason stems from a recent phone call.

"Chairwoman, we've just received a message that your brother in the Mechanical Alliance has used the group's connections to purchase a batch of... illegal black dreams from a gang."

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