Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 288 288

Chapter 288 288: Sinister Plan

"I promise you."

The young man's voice was calm yet firm, and upon receiving Renji's reply, Nova's mother seemed to have let go of a huge stone in her heart.

She nodded at the young man, then once again turned her gaze towards the night sky enveloped by the Tainted Miasma, with the blood moon overhead.

Noya seemed to be looking at something far away, her expression detached.

Before Renji could say anything more, the surroundings of the dream changed.

The figure of Noya opposite him quickly blurred until it disappeared, and the dilapidated little house of Nova and her mother was rapidly replaced by a large mansion.

Bright wall paint, beautiful tiles, servants shuttling back and forth in the courtyard, wiping those exquisite pieces of furniture, making the floor tiles shine.

Even, Renji saw gardeners specially tasked with caring for potted plants, carefully pruning those purely ornamental dark green potted plants in the courtyard.

In the old era, the rarity of an ornamental plant could probably be higher than gold.

Such plants are considered to have the lowest tolerance to the Miasma and often require a great deal of manpower and material resources to purify and refine to obtain uncontaminated soil sufficient for their growth.

Often, a portion of uncontaminated soil could be exchanged for twenty-seven portions of low-contamination soil, or one hundred and sixty-eight portions of medium-contamination soil, while the minimum requirement for crops is medium-contamination soil.

A portion of medium-contamination soil, if used entirely for growing food, could meet the basic survival needs of ten people.

These resource conversions, Renji had memorized them by heart in the game, having calculated them countless times.


He remembered thinking how foolish, how brain-damaged a player must be to waste such precious resources on buying ornamental plants, when planting food and increasing the population would be more beneficial.

But now.

Renji looked at the rows of potted plants in the courtyard, as if to create a small garden.

He seemed to understand the words of Nova's mother even more.

Only those with the strength and wealth, possibly the upper echelons of the Gulase base, could afford such luxury. The scene changed, and Renji began to explore the surroundings. As he walked deeper into the courtyard, he soon heard the sound of smashing objects and accompanying angry curses from a certain study.

"Damn it! What exactly does Noya want to do! Is she trying to revolt! And to establish new rules for the gladiators? Who does she think she is! The queen of the arena!!"

The continued operation of the arena, undoubtedly, has intricate connections with the base's upper echelons.

Renji, looking at the middle-aged man currently yelling in the room, searched his memory, and finally recognized him among the many minor bosses he had taken down, the deputy leader of the Gulase base.

This deputy leader, from his appearance, was extremely angry, stemming from the arena, precisely, from Noya and the gladiators who regard Noya as their spiritual leader.

The arena, a gold mine by day, is these base leaders' tool for amassing wealth. Now, with Noya causing a loss of a large audience and plummeting income, it's no wonder they are furious.

One of the trembling subordinates couldn't help but say, "Deputy Leader, should we raise the bounty higher? I heard that a very powerful Eclipse warrior recently appeared in the neighboring base. If we can invite him over, he will surely be able to take down that damned widow!"

"Raise! You want me to **ing raise for the hundredth time?! I will fu@king raise your As**—! How many times have you said this, how many Eclipse warriors have we hired, did it work? They're all f**ing useless! Can't even injure that widow!"lightsnovel

After being furiously reprimanded by the deputy leader, the underling didn't dare to make another sound, like an ostrich. At this moment, another quick-witted one couldn't help but suggest:

"Boss, why don't we just go all out? If one-on-one doesn't work, we'll just force it. Noya is indeed powerful, but no matter how powerful, she can't escape the constraints of the arena's branding, right? Use the brand to suppress her power, then bring over seven or eight gunmen, I don't believe we can't kill Noya then!"

However, after listening, the deputy leader's expression softened slightly, still with some hesitation.

Firstly, such a method would definitely work. If they really tear off the facade and stop caring about their image, openly attacking, Noya is undoubtedly doomed. But the consequences of doing so could be very severe.

If it was before, when Noya was still obscure, or right after Noya won the championship and started causing trouble but hadn't "gained momentum" yet, it would not have been difficult to suppress her directly.

However, initially, they were greedy for Noya's popularity, so they never moved against Noya, allowing her to continue making money for them. Now, looking back, they have truly raised a tiger as a problem.

Over the years, Noya has not only rapidly accumulated a large number of supporters among the gladiators but also has a significant influence among the audience, even vaguely becoming a symbolic character of the arena in the hearts of the audience.

If they really act unreasonably and directly kill, it's very likely to lead to a gladiator riot, and the reputation of the arena would plummet among the audience.

Their purpose in killing Noya is to return the arena to a more profitable, bloodier, and violent model. If, as a result they ruin the arena, it would be a Pyrrhic victory, losing more than they gain.

It's precisely because they are caught in a dilemma that the deputy leader has been wanting to eliminate Noya but felt helpless, resulting in the current situation where Noya is about to further regulate the arena, reducing their organizers' influence, and they can only rage impotently.

As the atmosphere in the deputy leader's room became dark and gloomy, Renji as an observer, turned his head towards the door, where soon footsteps were heard, followed by a kind-

looking elder pushing the door and entering.

The deputy leader, about to scold the intruder, immediately swallowed his words upon seeing it was the elder, greeting him with utmost respect and humility:


The elder nodded, then got straight to the point, inquiring about the arena. The deputy leader reported the situation truthfully, appearing anxious to resolve the issue quickly.josei

The elder shook his head.

"You've been wrong from the start. I've told you many times, the arena is a business, and doing business requires harmony."

Hearing this, the deputy leader stuttered, tentatively asking, "You mean, I should... get along with Noya?"

"Not Noya, but her daughter."

"Her daughter?"

The deputy leader was stunned, not quite understanding his boss.

The elder smiled without answering, took the main seat, and after the deputy leader hastily ordered a subordinate to brew a cup of tea, the elder, sipping his tea, continued slowly:

"Correct, what you need to do next is not only to try your best to get along with Noya's daughter but also to provide her with resources for making her stronger, let her live in the best house, have meals prepared by a professional nutritionist, dress her in beautiful clothes, adorn her with the most luxurious jewelry, and have everyone in the arena take care of her, offering her the best service."

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