Fallen Fate Online

Chapter 237 Hunting

Chapter 237 Hunting

Different creatures, including humans, had different skills. However, each skill or spell had one thing in common, they used energy, either from the wielder or from external sources.

More often than not, this was the deciding factor of which skill would be stronger, and who could win in a clash of two attacks.

That was what Fosca was looking at now, unable to look away. Her skills were of a different type and unlike Sara, she didn't possess something so devastating. Neither did Blue Lightfangs.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

A bright blue flash flashed, covering everything for a moment, then the energy from the lightning and the three rays was released outward in a stream of blue flame.

The rays were destroyed, while a small portion of the lightning traveled further, collapsing the Blue Lightfang.

"Damn... That was impressive..." Fosca muttered with wide-open eyes.

Blue Lightfang frowned, but he didn't attack. He needed to think of another plan since with his current wounds, he would no longer be able to attack as hard as before.

The lightning bolt left a long burn streak on the monster's back, stretching all the way to its tails, one of which was destroyed since it was the main target.

"Hey, stop looking around. You have your own opponent!" Sara exclaimed sternly, seeing that Fosca was not focused on her task.

"Sure! I'm already ready to attack!" Fosca replied, then rushed forward without a moment's hesitation.

Usually, Knights used swords as their main weapon, only one in a hundred could have something else. It was very rare.

Fate Knights didn't differ much from normal Knights in this area, however, the higher the Fate Knight Rank was the more often there were some differences.

Technically Sara also had a sword, but it was not much different from the standard one, even Marcus's sword was wider and heavier like a greatsword, though he used it one-handed most of the time.

So, Fosca's paired daggers were nothing surprising or unusual for a First Rank Fate Knight.

In fact, if she wanted to use a weapon other than the standard sword, she had to pass a special test or successfully hunt a monster of equal strength using that weapon. Fosca did everything, she wanted to show that she knew how to use her weapon.


Around Fosca's daggers, streams of wind appeared, clutching tightly around the blade, making them much sharper.

Fosca ran straight at Blue Lightfang, who for now was idling. The monster realized that their opponents were strong, since his mate, had just received a serious wound, so he had to proceed carefully.

'Now!' Fosca internally exclaimed, getting close enough to Blue Lightfang, then she turned into a flash, quickly shortening the distance.

At the same moment, Blue Lightfang started to act as his horn began to pulse, then for Fosca, for a moment the world stopped.

She only saw the monster that should have been pierced by her daggers suddenly disappear, then, a blue flash swept to her left.

'How...? Fosca internally muttered, with a trembling gaze looking at the Blue Lightfangs on her left.

Fosca's pupils narrowed as she, at the last moment, managed to bring out her dagger for defense, blocking Blue Lightfang's attack with her short but sharp claws.

Crackle. josei

A bunch of sparks flew in front of the monster's eyes, then a surge of blood came out of Fosca's side, leaving a wide-open wound.

Fosca immediately did what every Knight and Fate Knight had been trained to do as well. She placed one dagger on her belt, then cradled the wound with the palm of her hand and dashed forward to safety.

She only had a few seconds before Blue Lightfang would realize what his opponent was doing and launch his attack, so Fosca had to act as fast as possible.

Fosca hid behind a fallen column as her ring shone brightly. A potion and a bandage appeared in her hand, then she quickly drained the potion and bandaged her wound. She managed to do this before a shadow with three long tails appeared above her.

'I don't know what that was, but I doubt he'll be able to use that move again anytime soon, so... now it's my turn to attack!' Fosca internally uttered, raising her head and facing Blue Lightfang.

As Fosca assumed, the monster's horn turned dark, as if it had lost all its energy, however, three tails were already aimed at Fosca, about to launch devastating rays at her.

Fosca waited for the right moment, and before the rays could reach her, she bounced off the pillar, lunging forward.

Rays easily destroyed the column as the impact of the explosion threw debris aside, some of which flew forward, next to Fosca. However, her gaze was only forward, to where Blue Lightfang was about to land.

The monster's attack failed, so as soon as its legs touched the ground Fosca sprang into action. Her arms as well as her silhouette blurred as she attacked Blue Lightfang from all sides at breakneck speed, plunging her daggers into the monster's flesh.

The monster tried to retreat otherwise Fosca could just end their fight in this place, however, every time Blue Lightfang tried to escape from the hail of blows, Fosca easily prevented it.

"ROOAAAARRRR!!!!" Blue Lightfang roared, opening his jaw wide with two sharp fangs. If he couldn't escape from here, then at least he had to attack back!

However, this was exactly what Fosca seemed to have been waiting for for a long time.


Before Blue Lightfang's jaws could close, Fosca took a few steps back. The monster's saliva flew past her face before she swung her daggers and plunged them into the monster's head.

Streams of wind passed over her blades as she twisted them, ripping Blue Lightfang's head apart.

Fosca was practically flawless and she ended the fight with an attack that the monster would not be able to recover from.

"Damn... If I knew more about these monsters, I wouldn't have gotten injured... Shit, what was that even? How could it move so fast that I hardly noticed anything!" Fosca muttered irritably, stomping the ground with her foot.

Step. Step. Step.

A silhouette with a long bloody sword on its belt slowly walked out to Fosca.

"Sara... Looks like you got through faster than me, didn't you?" Fosca asked, looking at Sara, and noticing that unlike her she had no wounds.

"Yeah. That wound is your punishment for not preparing yourself before going to Falrin." Sara said sternly, pointing at Fosca, "Other than that, you did well. Blue Lightfangs are pretty dangerous monsters."

Fosca nodded, she realized that Sara was absolutely right. She wouldn't make the same mistake next time.

"What about the others?" Fosca asked with a slightly worried face.

Sara shook her head, "You can see for yourself. Let's go."

Stepping out from behind the ruined ruins, Fosca saw the result of their battle. There were many White Lightfangs and one Blue One lying in front of the other two Fate Knights. There were a few scratches on their bodies and one of them had a wounded shoulder, but nothing critical.

Most of the ground was covered in the blood of the monsters, the Fate Knights were obviously the winners. Even though there were only four of them, they handled it with ease and eliminated all the opponents.

"Wait... I don't understand something..." Fosca muttered in confusion, "Before the Lightfangs attacked, the commander disappeared somewhere, and he still hasn't shown up..."

"Don't worry." Sara said confidently, "If Mr. Marcus did it, there was a reason. In my many years of service to Order, I've obeyed a lot of commanders and...Mr. Marcus is definitely the best of them."

"Hmm? You mean the strongest?" Fosca interjected with a slight tilt of her head.

"Hah." Sara grinned, "Well, strongest and best aren't the same thing, though...I won't say you're wrong."

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

At the same moment, there was an explosion in the forest bordering the ruins with a pillar of blue flame rising high above the two locations.

Fosca as well as the two Fate Knights covered themselves with their hands from the powerful wind currents, but Sara did not. She smiled happily as she watched the powerful shockwaves spread out from the explosion site.

Then, a massive shadow flew out of the forest, slowly approaching the center of the ruins, where Sara and Fosca were.

"Ah...? What is that...?" Fosca muttered in a disbelief.


Before she could realize anything, the carcass of a massive monster with five tails and two horns collapsed on the ground in front of her. It was a Black Lightfang, however, its eyes were already empty and dark blood had long since soaked its black fur.

A tall silhouette with a massive sword on its shoulder and a sly grin on its face slowly emerged from the forest, from the point of the explosion.

Marcus's armor was covered in blood, but he himself was uninjured, not even a single scratch or cut.

"Well, well, it looks like the attack was more than we anticipated, isn't it?" Marcus smiled, "That was a good hunt!"

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