Fallen Lightbringers' Return

Chapter 73

Chapter 73: The Inheritor of The Universe II

Lee Dojin returned home, arriving right in front of his doorsteps. Yet, he was just a few meters shy of stepping in. His crooked appearance, with his tattered clothes, wasn't something he was particularly fond of showing his mother.

Hassan and Ji-ah weren't by him anymore. They left, after talking about several things, plans and strategies, that bore no relevance at this current date yet.

Lee Dojin sighed with a smile. "One step at a time, huh?" He scratched his head and opened the door. The surrounding was dark. After all, it was still night. His mother must have gone to sleep, he thought. Which was fine.

He closed the door behind him, then slumped down, a wave of fatigue washing over him. For the first time, he felt at ease, looking at the still scenery of a house devoid of life. The whole world was tinted a dark blue, no light to be seen. It gave off a melancholic feeling, yet Lee Dojin found this space relaxing, albeit a little cramped.

The boy let his thoughts swirl in peace, unburdened by any responsibilities. A silent peal of laughter escaped his mouth, swirling through the corridor. "I am home," he said.

"I am glad you made it," his mother's voice resounded from afar, much to his surprise. Lee Dojin perked up, and immediately straightened himself, walking towards the source of that sound.

Arriving at the dining table, his eyes widened slightly. His mother, Lee Seunhee, sat there with a glass of water in her hand, glancing through the window into the far distance. The moonlight illuminated her icy expression, painting it a pale white. Her black hair was accented by the darkness. Lee Dojin thought to himself, the reason for light and shadow to co-exist was surely to create such a beautiful, ephemeral picture.

"Take a seat, son."

"Mom," he muttered.

Lee Seunhee placed her glass down. "Sit."

Lee Dojin did not fight back. He placed himself opposite of her, looking straight at her face. "I thought you were already asleep."

"The bright light kept me awake," she replied. "Then again, how can I sleep knowing my son is out there fighting?"

"Why would I be fighting?" Lee Dojin said with lighthearted laughter. "Oh well, it is about my getup, right? I suppose, looking at me, I couldn't just get away by saying I fell, huh?" He waited for his mother's response, but there came none. "Do not worry. It has come to an end already."

"But new ones are yet to start."

For a second, the boy's expression froze. "What do you mean?"

For the first time, Lee Seunhee looked at Lee Dojin, and at once, a cold shiver ran down the boy's spine. Not because of fear, but because of the shock of seeing someone long gone. His mother spoke, "My little Lightbringer, Lee Dojin, how did you fare against The Mirage?"

Lee Dojin's mouth slacked down. He leaned back, his head facing the ceiling. "Mom, no, Mother," he said, "You're back." He squinted his eyes, holding the turmoil in his mind. It would seem he wasn't mistaken, his mom, Lee Seunhee, was already asleep. The person he was talking to was now Xh'Endrada, the Concubine of All Things Parallel. The Outer God, the mother of his past life.

"It hasn't been that long, but it feels like an eternity has passed," Xh'Endrada said, "That must mean you have spent time well. I am proud of you, son."

"Mother, how are you still alive?"

The Outer God did not reply. No, she only smiled mysteriously. "I've learned from my peers. At one point, there comes a time where your child will spread its wings, and depart on the road it was destined to fly. But that does not mean a mother must abandon her hatchling. How could I leave you in this world alone, when I have so much to give? To teach? To love?" Her eyes fell on Lee Dojin, and he felt as if every fiber of his has been seen through. "You have already taken a path different from before. Not one as the light that pierces the clouds, but as something much, much purer. Choice. You represent the Will of All Beings, dear. I have come, one more time to guide you."

Lee Dojin closed his eyes. "I see."

"You do not seem surprised."

"I had a hunch," The Inheritor of the Universe spoke. "Ever since I fought the hooligans in the shopping mall. My ability, Cosmic Steps, not only allows me to move incredibly fast but also gives me the ability to see the flaws of the universe." He activated his skill, and soon, innumerable stars appeared within his world. But the brightest to shine was not the one within his own body, but the star glowing within his mother's chest. "You and I are both flaws of this universe. I understand, for me, because I am originally not part of this place. But what about you?"

The Concubine of All Things Parallel clapped her hands. "So it was like that. I was careless. But to be honest, I didn't expect you to figure it out."

"Hey, I'm not that big of an idiot, okay?"

"Haha, you're always full of surprises." She smiled. "It is as you say. This universe is not for me. For you to understand what I mean, you must first understand what principles govern our vast multiverse and its choices. As you know, every single choice leads to the birth of a new entire world. It is innumerable, vast, chaotic, and without form, which is why I, the governor of this process, have categorized these universes in three sections: The Alpha, Beta, and Gamma."

Lee Dojin quickly turned serious. He knew that what his mother was talking about now pertained to the secret of deities. Things not to be known for simple lifeforms. For him too, it is the first time hearing this story. His mother was always secretive, revealing almost nothing of her divinity, so he never really understood what she was truly capable of.

"The Alpha universes are the origins of all worlds. With every choice we make, we all create new worlds, but there has to be a place where we all started from. That's an alpha universe. You, Lee Dojin were from such a universe. Every branch of choice ever created originated from one of the Alpha universes. There exist a total of twelve of them. I am sure you understand what that means?"

Hearing these words, it was as if a bolt of lightning struck through him. "The Twelve Heavenly Signs," he muttered.

"It is no mere coincidence that these numbers collide." His mother nodded. "You must understand, every Alpha universe is radically different from each other. Even though there are innumerable planet Earths, it is only part of one single Alpha universe. Within the other eleven, there resides a separate set of physics, one presumably hard for you to grasp. Still, they built the foundation of all the divergent universes to come." She paused, drinking a sip of water. "But for you, that is not important right now. If an Alpha universe is the pinnacle of originality, then Gamma universes are the opposite, a collection of innumerable replicas. One single choice difference. That is what creates a Gamma universe. One so infinitely similar to the Origin, you could spend a lifetime searching for it, yet, it could never reach perfection. It is only a small speck of candlelight, fluttering in a hurricane, and if it did not change, it would vanish. Such is the universe you currently reside in."

Lee Dojin swallowed his saliva. A Gamma universe, by the statement of his mother, was something unstable, as it only allowed one single choice. As another fork-road comes, history once more branches in two, creating two more Gamma universes. However, the previous universe that laid the foundation of such choice, without a doubt, would vanish. That's what it meant—a Gamma universe, a world with only one choice. Certainly, it was just a candle in the wind.

His mother continued. "Or that's how it should have been. You see, my child, while watching over the many deities, I realized something. Why, even though we were all gods, did they bring life to so many miracles and creations, while I stood there, with nothing that I could call my own?" Her hands trembled, as he balled a fist. "I was envious. And at one point, I too, started to dream. Dreaming of what-ifs.. . What if you and I had been birthed differently, like a normal family, in a normal household, living in a normal world. I dreamed of these things so often, there would be no number to it. An thus, a world manifested, from my simple wish." She spread her arms out, her shadows emphasized by the moonlit night. "Do you understand Lee Dojin? In this Gamma universe, the only thing different in this world is you."

Lee Dojin's eyes shot wide open. Yet, he could not say a word. The differences in this world, he had wondered, how were they decided? Why were some things as he remembered, while others were different? He understood now. It was so simple, really. The single choice that diverged:

His existence.

"This world, this universe, is my only creation. I dedicate my life's work to you." His mother breathed out. "For this reason, my little Dojin, you are the Inheritor of the Universe."josei

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