Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 109 - Mia Is Humiliated

Chapter 109 - Mia Is Humiliated


As Noah swiftly walked out the elevator towards the parking, Shane followed him gasping. He had seen his Boss speak on his phone, although he did not know what he had spoken about. Immediately after the call, he had got inside the elevator, and Shane had followed him.

"Boss," Shane called out to him panting.

"Yes?" Noah turned to look at him. He looked to be in a pleasant mood, he was smiling brightly. Everybody in the lobby was dumbstruck looking at him smile. It was not that he had not smiled in front of them before, but all his smiles would scare the shit out them sending a chill down their spines. This time his smile was as bright as the sun, making one feel warm and happy.

All the women employees who saw his smile, started to fawn over him. He looked so handsome that they couldn't control getting excited.

"Boss, we have a meeting to attend in ten minutes." Shane reminded him.

"You handle it. I am done with my work for today," Noah said and started walking again.

"Boss, but..."

"What?" Noah was getting pissed now.

"Boss, the President of the company has specifically asked you to be present during the contract signing process."

"Who is that fool making absurd demands?"

"Sir, it's the President of Stevenson Corporation," Shane spoke with great trouble. He knew his Boss was angry and he also knew that his anger was not the one to be underestimated.

"Cancel the contract immediately," Noah ordered. He did not care about them. He did not need them, he could survive without their contract. It was they who needed him.

"But Boss." Shane did not know how to continue. This project was worth billions and if they got it, it would raise the company to new heights.

Noah took a look at his assistant and sympathized a little. He knew it was not his fault, he was only doing his job.

"Fine. Are the clients here?"

"Yes, Boss. They are already in the meeting room." Shane heaved a sigh of relief. He noticed his Boss was less angry compared to before.

"Let's go," Noah commanded and proceeded towards the meeting room.

Ronnie was watching his Boss and the poor assistant from the side and stifled a laugh. It was always entertaining to watch if his Boss unleashed his wrath unless he was not on the receiving end.

Shane glared at Ronnie. He knew what Ronnie was thinking as he too was sailing in the same ship with thoughts similar to his.

Noah, Shane, and Ronnie went to the meeting room. His employees were waiting for him outside the room while his secretary was inside catering to his clients.

Noah pushed the door and walked in with the aura of a king. His presence was undeniably strong and one would be able to feel his presence without even looking at him. As soon as he entered, he was hit a strong scent of a woman's perfume. He frowned.

He took a look at the people in the room. Besides his secretary, there were four other people in the room and one of them was a woman. He found her familiar but couldn't comprehend where he had seen her. The woman gave him a smile and came forward to shake her hand.

"Hello, Mr. Carter. I am Mia Stevenson."

Everybody knew who Mia Stevenson was. She was the only daughter of George Stevenson and the heir to the Stevenson Corporation. She was pampered since birth and was famous for being a spoilt brat. She was considered a top socialite and many women wanted to suck up to her for benefits.

Unlike Rachel who was interested in business, she was interested to dress up and attend parties and social events. Her dad was rich enough to cater to her needs, so she did not feel the need to work. However, when she heard from her father that he was dealing with Noah's company she wanted to get involved with it although she had no idea what it was about.

Mia walked towards Noah with a smile plastered on her face. The strength of her perfume smell increased by ten folds with every step she took towards him. His frown deepened. One of the many things he loathed was perfumes with a strong fragrance.

Noah only gave her a nod and proceeded to sit.

Mia awkwardly looked at her out-stretched hand and Noah. She pulled back her hand at once to avoid further embarrassment.

"Mr. Carter, don't you remember me? We have met before." She spoke with a sweet voice, trying to act coy. Hearing her sickly sweet voice, Ronnie felt like puking. He felt disgusted by her although it was the first time he had seen her.

"I don't keep unwanted things in my brain, it's a waste of my memory," Noah announced with any change in his expressions.

Ronnie and Shane smiled at his remark. It had hit on the bull's eye, Mia clenched her fist in anger. But the next moment, she calmed down when she realized that it was her Noah who had spoken to her that way. She took her seat at the farther end of the table and Noah was happy for once as she was far away from him. He would not have to deal with her highly irritating perfume scent.

Ronnie closed the door and took the seat on Noah's left while Shane sat on his right.

"Let's begin," Noah ordered and the meeting started.

Mia stood up and strutted towards the projector. She had taken up the project personally so that she could get in contact with Noah. Now when she had the opportunity, she wanted to impress him, so she went to present her project personally.

"Mr. Carter, my company, Stevenson Corporation wants to open a resort and amusement park in the southern part of High Hills. We want your company to build our resort." She started and gave a document of estimated investment and benefits to Shane who in turn passed it to Noah.

"Mr. Carter, we have planned to invest around 4 Billion USD in this project."

"How have you obtained the funds? Are you investing the full amount personally or did you approach any investment company?" Noah interrupted Mia, rendering her speechless for a moment.

"Miss Stevenson?" Ronnie prompted.

"Yeah sorry." Mia came back to her senses. But she did not know the answer to Noah's question. She had only glanced at the important information and had not delved deeper into the project. She looked at her employees for help.

Taking her sign, one of them stood up and said, "Mr. Carter, we are investing forty-two percent of the funds in this project.

Noah nodded. It was not usual for many corporations to approach investment companies.

"Continue," Noah said when he did not hear Mia speak.

"Yes. We have estimated our average annual profits to be sixty-eight percent in the initial stage."

"What is the profit share percent?" Noah interrupted her again.

"What?" Mia responded without thinking.

"How much will our share of profit be every year?" Shane explained.

"Oh, eight percent," Mia answered.

"Don't you think it's less when compared to the annual profits?" Noah looked at her in the eye and asked her.

"What do you mean, Mr. Carter?" Mia was going blank every time Noah interrupted. Though she looked calm on the outside, she was sweating profusely and her hands had gone numb. She was nervous to the core.

Noah squinted his eyes and without any word threw the document in his hands at her feet. He then looked at Shane and glared at him.

"Next time onwards, don't even think about dealing with such insignificant people. We don't have time to waste unlike other people. You will work overtime for the next six months."

Shane shivered looking at Noah's angry face. He knew his Boss was furious the first time he had interrupted Mia. He gave her a scowl and cursed his bad luck.

Noah took a step but was stopped by Mia.

"Mr. Carter, give us a chance. You haven't even listened to the entire proposal."

"Miss Stevenson, I do not have to listen to the entire presentation to deduce the capability of the project. Moreover, I don't trust your company at all. They have sent someone who hasn't worked on the proposal and has no knowledge about it to present it to us." He said bluntly.

Every word of his was a blow to Mia's ego. It was the first time she had got involved with her company affairs, not because she was interested, but to impress Noah.

Without sparing any further time, Noah walked out of the room followed by his employees. Mia looked at her, she was utterly humiliated in front of so many people. Her employees looked at her with contempt. She couldn't even present the plan properly, nor did she allow any of her capable staff to present.

'Where did all her haughtiness go?' The sneered inwardly.

If word got out that the Business King, Noah had utterly humiliated the Stevenson Corporation, then they would become a laughing stock for many. Yet, they had no option other than to follow her. They worked for her father and he had power.

Without further adieu, they left the office to save their faces. Before, leaving they did not miss the mocking faces of the people in Noah's office. They were thoroughly mortified that day.

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