Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 120 - Breaking The Promise

Chapter 120 - Breaking The Promise

"So, Rachel and you?" Aria started.

"I know," Daniel said smiling broadly.

"Seriously?" Aria asked again unable to believe it.

"Yes Aria."

"That is so cool." Aria hugged him in happiness. She never expected Daniel to have found a girlfriend by the time she returned from London.

"I know."

"When did this happen?" Aria was still hugging him.

"Ugh. Aria, I am unable to breathe." Danny groaned.

"Serves you right. Who told you to hide things from me?" Aria increased the strength on her hold. Though Danny could have released himself from her clutches, he did not want to hurt her. So he remained still.

"Tells the girl who herself has hidden things from me."

"That? I thought of telling you in person." Aria drawled.

"This is unfair."

"What is unfair?" Aria feigned ignorance acting all naive.

Daniel narrowed his eyes seeing her putting an act. He placed his hands on his hips and gave her a look just like how a wicked mother-in-law would look at her innocent daughter-in-law. Aria smiled at him cheekily and giggled softly. He huffed annoyed.

"Don't be annoyed Danny." Aria grinned like a small child who had successfully completed her prank without being caught.

"Don't Danny me. I am not going to fall for it this time. You are not being fair."

"Everything is fair in love and war." Aria declared folding her hands.

"Oh, is it? That's a good thought. Keep it up." Danny said, his tone laced with sarcasm.

"Thank you. Thank you." Aria patted her back in pride.

"Will you stop?"

"No. It's fun teasing someone who is in love."

"Is it? Then I will do the same to you too."

"What?" Aria asked still smiling.

"I'll start teasing you and Noah since you love him." Danny air quoted the word love.

"I don't love him." Aria blushed, her cheeks immediately taking a lighter shade of pink.

"Is it? Then I'll call him. You can tell it on his face and save him his precious time. Poor boy has high expectations of you."

Daniel started to walk towards the door to be immediately stopped by Aria.

"No wait."

He suppressed a smile and turned to look at her with a serious face. He knew what could make Aria to surrender. He also realized that Aria really liked Noah. But he was not sure how to feel about it. He knew about Noah's background. Though Rachel had not told him anything about her brother related to the Underworld, he had his means. But he also sensed that Noah was not involved in any illegal dealings nor did he kill innocent people.

Danny could make out that Noah was a good man. But he was not sure if Aria would be able to accept his background. She was a simple woman and he was a man with a complex background with enemies lurking around in every corner waiting to finish. He noticed that Aria was genuinely happy with him and this being her first relationship, he did not want to sabotage it. He could only hope that Noah would keep her safe from all danger.

"What happened Aria?" He blinked.

"Nothing. I think we are going off-topic."

"Is it? I thought we were talking about love."

"No, we were talking about you and Rachel. I am so happy for you." Aria exclaimed coming back to the initial topic lest Danny should go and call Noah.

"Me too. I am happy for myself."

"What a narcissist!" Aria mumbled, making Danny chuckle.

"How are things between you and Noah?"

"It's good."

"Aria, are you happy?" Danny gave her a serious look.

"Yes, I am very happy. He makes me feel good."

"Aria, don't tell me you have already done the deed? Ain't it early?" Danny gasped, his eyes wide in shock.

"Are you done?" Aria asked bored.

"Yeah, sorry. Sorry."


"I am happy for you too."

"Thanks. Yeah, how are your parents? I forgot about them. What exactly happened?"

"My parents adopted me when I was young."

"Ohh. How do you feel about it? Are you alright?" Aria patted his back to console him.

"I am fine Aria. When I first found out, I was very angry with them. But after talking to you, I realized my fault; otherwise I would have done a huge mistake. My parents were only looking out for me. If I was in their place, maybe I would have done the same. Thank you Aria."

Danny skipped the part where he was attacked by his uncle and it was because of him that the truth had come out. He did not want Aria to panic and end up beating him in the process.

"Wait a minute. How did you find out about Noah and me? I never told you about it." Aria suddenly queried. She remembered never to have spoken about her new relationship with him.

"That, Ivy told me," Daniel said scratching his head.

"When did that happen? I told her only after I returned home from London."

"I think it happened the day David Peters died."




After the death of David Peters, all the news channels were covering about it, digging his past crimes along with the possible people involved with him. This news had become a sensation overnight creating chaos in the country.

Daniel made a call to Ivy the next day after David's death.

"Hey Danny boy. Did the sun not rise at all today that you are calling me?" Ivy sassed.

"Maybe. I think the sun got bored of seeing your not so impressive face that it went into hiding today." He retorted back making Ivy curse under her breath.

"Is it? I am satisfied. The mighty sun is getting influenced by me, Ivy, the great. This is huge news."

"I am not here to talk bullshit."

"Me too. I don't talk bullshit. What a coincidence."

"Anyway, have you heard about David Peters death?" Daniel became serious at once.

"Yes, what about it?"

"I need help with it from you."

"Okay. What do you want from me?" Ivy replied in all seriousness. When it came to work, she never compromised.

"I want a clip recording of his past interview. If I remember correctly, he had mentioned about a scientist in one of his interviews."

"I remember that," Ivy said reminiscing the video related to him speaking about a biological research scientist. josei

"Can you get me the clip?"

I'll try what I can do."


"Not a problem. So, how's Rachel?"

"She is good."

"I am so happy. Two out of three in our group are bowled out. Now only I am remaining. God bless me." She sighed.

"What do you mean by that?" Daniel responded immediately.

"Oops." Ivy cursed her tongue.

"Did Aria find someone?"

"I don't want to be the one telling you about it," Ivy said smacking her forehead for the slip of tongue.

"Who is she with?" Daniel was curious now. Aria had found someone but she had not told him about it. Why?

"I think it's better you ask her directly. She must not have told you for a reason."

"Ivy, tell me."

"Okay fine. Promise me you will not put my neck on the guillotine when the time comes."


"It's Noah Carter."

"Is it Rachel's brother Noah?" Daniel was perplexed with the revelation.

"Yes. Now don't forget your promise. Bye." She ended the call in a hurry.

--------------------End of flashback

'Sorry Ivy. I had to break my promise else Aria would have pestered me until I relented.' He apologized in his mind.

"I can't believe her. She couldn't keep one secret in her stomach." Aria huffed and rolled her eyes. At that moment, her stomach grumbled embarrassing her in front of her friend.

"Come on. Let's go have dinner before your stomach decides to start a revolt." Daniel said chuckling and pushing her out of the room.

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