Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 133 - Opportunity

Chapter 133 - Opportunity


"Hello. I have something which might be of interest to you, Noah."

"Speak," Noah replied curtly waiting to see what his friend was up to. He was in the room where the candidates were being interviewed when he received Joshua's call. He had immediately left the interview in the middle to get some privacy as he spoke to him.

"Guess what? Max wants to open a news agency of his own."

"Who is Max?" Noah was confused. This was the first time he was hearing his name.

"Oh sorry. I forgot. He is the editor in chief in News4U, I mean was." Joshua corrected himself when Noah interrupted him.

"What does this have to do with me? Be clear or don't waste my time."

"Wait. Max and his team were sacked from the company and Ivy works under Max."

"You mean to say that Ivy lost her job?" Noah was perplexed. Ivy did not tell them anything when they were in her house yesterday. Why did she hide this from him?

"That was what I heard. Coming back to the topic, Max wants to open his own agency and Ivy is working with him." Joshua stopped suddenly to see if his friend was listening.

"Go on." Noah prompted, making his friend smirk. As expected he had gained his friend's attention.

"They want a sponsor who will also be their boss. Max asked me if I was ready and I thought it would be better if you did this. I remembered the talk we had yesterday, and this will help us with our goals. You can work with Ivy on this project and in turn, you will get more time to spend with Aria." Joshua chuckled, teasing Noah in the meantime.

"Are you done with your nonsense? I don't need your help to make time for me and Aria. I can do it myself. And regarding what you said, I like the idea. We can find out the culprits and with me being the boss, nobody will be hurt. I will take care of that. I have a question though. Is Max trustworthy? I mean I have never met. So, I have no idea how he is."

"Definitely trustworthy. You have my word on it. I have known him for a long time." 

"Then, count me in."

"Wow, we are quite lucky. The opportunity came to us without us doing anything." Joshua commented.

"I agree with you this time, you are right."

"What do you mean? I am always right."

"I know that." Noah rubbed his forehead hearing his friend whine.

"Shall I inform Max about your decision?"

"Sure. Jo, I'll talk to you later."

"Okay." Joshua then dialed Max's number once again.

"Hello, Jo." The phone was answered immediately. 

"Yes, Max. I have made my decision." 

Max raised his eyebrows. It had not been even fifteen minutes when Joshua had asked him to give him some time to think and now he had called back to inform him about his decision. Wasn't this a little too soon?

"Jo, take your time. It's no hurry." Max frowned, taking a look at his friends. Sasha and Cedric too were in the room now. They had just returned from Cedric's house when Joshua called Max.

"It's fine. I have made the decision. I will not be your sponsor. Instead, my friend is ready to deal with you." When Joshua had spoken that he was not ready to finance them, everybody was reduced to tears at once. But on listening that somebody was ready to tie up with them, their faces brightened at once. 

"May I know your friend's name?"

"It's Noah, Noah Carter." The people in the room who were rejoicing at getting a sponsor suddenly stopped on hearing Noah's name. The business tycoon was ready to work with them, they must be dreaming right? Even Ivy went into a stupor on hearing Noah's name. It took the five people some time to return to their senses.

"Hello, Max. Are you there? Hello." Joshua repeated on not getting any response from Max.

"Ah, yes?" Max replied, still in a daze.

"You can discuss the details with him. I'll forward you his assistant's number. Is this fine?" 

"Thank you so much, Jo. Thanks a lot." 

"Not a problem. Take care."

Max ended the call and scanned the people who were sitting silently, without moving. It was Sasha who first broke the silence.

"Noah Allen Carter. He is going to be my boss. Am I dreaming? Somebody pinch me." She said dreamily and the next second she shouted when Cedric actually pinched her.

"Why did you do that?" She glared at him, rubbing her hand where he had pinched her.

"Weren't you the one who asked for it?" He shrugged, his face full of innocence as if Sasha had wronged him by blaming him. 

"I did not ask you to do it in reality when it was just rhetorical."

"I didn't know that."

"Guys stop it. We just got a sponsor." Kira exclaimed jumping up from her seat.

"Yes, and it is Noah, the dashing male God of our country," Sasha said, her hands interlocked and her eyes filled with admiration.

Ivy stared at the two women in amusement. What would happen to them if they were to find out that he was already taken and that too by her sister? Would they be heartbroken and start sulking? Just the thought of Kira and Sasha sulking in a corner like a kid and throwing a tantrum made Ivy laugh out loud. The people around her looked at her like she was a lunatic.

"Uh, Ivy. Are you alright?" Cedric stood beside her, concern evident in his eyes.

"I am fine. Why do you ask?"

"You were laughing like a crazy person a few seconds back." Ivy then realized what she had done in a spur of a moment and was thoroughly embarrassed. She cleared her throat and tried changing the topic.

"Guys we need to celebrate. Noah Carter is ready to provide us the funds. Yay." She raised her hands in excitement which immediately made the other people follow suit. It really was a happy moment for them.

"Guys, guys, guys." Max clapped. "Don't celebrate too soon. We are not too sure if he agrees to deal with us and moreover I need to find out if he is just like our previous boss, greedy and selfish." 

"No, he is not. He is sweet and honest." Ivy blurted out without thinking.

"How do you know that?" Kira narrowed her eyes in doubt.

"Just a hunch and my hunch never lies." Ivy pulled her collars, praising herself.

"Yeah right." Kira scoffed while Ivy sighed. She was uncertain if Noah and Aria were ready to tell the world about their relationship. If not, then she would have to be careful, or else the people around her were smart. They would easily catch her slip-ups. She had to talk about this matter with the two, now that Noah was going to be her boss.

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