Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 145 - Drop The Bomb

Chapter 145 - Drop The Bomb

Silence filled the room when Oliver voiced his question. Even Ronnie who was standing near the door had a dreadful look on his face. This was something they had prepared for a long time and now when the actual time came, they were tongue-tied. Their mind had short-circuited, unable to send any instructions to their mouth. They stood like a statue, silent and unmoving.

Oliver focused his eyes on Noah, occasionally taking glances at the other men. "Tell me, what you meant before? I want to know the truth and I want to know it right now." He said, with no changes in his expressions. His determined gaze couldn't stop the trio from keeping the secret any longer. It was time for them to come clean.

"Mr. West, you have been in a coma for three years." Noah dropped the bomb on Oliver and observed him carefully. They had to make sure that he would not fall sick again. However, it was also necessary for him to know the truth. 

Oliver was dumbstruck. His mind became blank and empty. 'Was this reason why I feel so weak? Was this the reason why I am in this room?'

Seeing him go pale, Ian ran to him trying to soothe him. "Mr. West, please calm yourself. You cannot get agitated as you are still recovering. Please."

Ian's voice brought him out of his blank state. "What do you mean that I was in a coma? Are you kidding me? If you are, then it is not funny, young man."

Noah pinched the skin between his eyebrows and sighed. "It's the truth Mr.West. It has been three years since our mentor died and you went into a coma."

Oliver gaped at him thunderstruck. His mind had gone haywire. He looked so broken that nobody knew how to tell him about his wife's death. If this news was revealed to him, then definitely he would lose it. So, not wanting to risk putting his health on stake, they decided to stay silent. When he was completely recovered, they could slowly tell him everything.

"How? Wha-What? Why?" Oliver blabbered, unable to form any coherent sentences. He stared at them blankly, waiting for them to speak. The three friends felt sad for him, even Ronnie who was standing for away from him couldn't help but sympathize. The poor guy had gone through a lot.

"Mr. West, take rest now. We will talk later. You need to calm your mind. Please." Ian made him lie down and gave him a sedative. They had to make him sleep. His brain had been triggered and he might start panicking any moment if this continued. It would be better if he rested for a while and postponed their talk to some other time. 

The sedative started to show it's effect. Oliver started to feel drowsy and his eyes drooped. Before falling asleep, he took three names of people who were very close to his heart: Susan, Ivy, Aria. He then fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing him sleep peacefully, Ian sighed. "Let's go. He needs rest and he will not wake up for another four hours." He then informed the nurse to take care of Oliver and to inform him if anything happened.

Ian was already on leave. So, he did not have to go to the hospital today. Even Joshua had cleared his schedule for the day and he had put all his other work to the evening. However, Noah did not have that liberty. He had a meeting with Ivy and her team. He had to go to his office at all costs. He still had two hours before the appointed time. So, he stayed another hour with Ian and Joshua.

Ronnie closed the door as soon as the three men exited the room. Ian halted suddenly making the people behind to stop walking too. He turned back, his face tired and defeated. "Why didn't you tell me anything before?"

"About what?' Joshua stared at him confused.

"About mentor. Why didn't you tell me about his death? When did you find out about it?"

"Two days back," Jo answered folding his hands.

"Was that what you were talking about when you told me you something important to tell?" Ian asked in realization making Jo nod.


The next few minutes were spent with Noah and Joshua explaining Ian all that had surfaced two days ago, not hiding anything from Ian. They told him about the pen drives as well as the mystery man who had killed Theo. Joshua did not forget to mention Kane, who had been captured by Ivy on her video recorder for his bad deeds, and that he was also involved in the murder. 

Joshua handed him the recording which he had stored on his phone. It clearly showed how his mentor was shot. What was more shocking was that the video was in the possession of the West sisters. They had to know how it got there and who shot it; and the only person who could answer it was Oliver. Now that he was resting, they would have to wait until he got up.

Ian took in all that was told to him. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. He had received a lot of devastating news since the time he had left the hospital and he was not sure if he could handle any more. Everything was a mess, his mind was a mess. The truth was twisted and so were the people who were involved in committing the crime. 

"What have you thought to do now?" Ian looked at Noah, waiting to hear his plan. He could see that his friend was already prepared. Now that they had one clue, they had to do their best to avenge their mentor's death. josei

"We are trying to track that man who Theo was following. The search is on, let's see how far we can go along." Joshua said, taking a glance at his fingers. "Also, Noah is going to find out all the hospitals that are secretly involved in this scandal. We do not want any more innocent to get harmed. This way we can track the mystery man, hopefully."

"Fair enough." Ian agreed with their plan. This was the most probable thing they could do right now.

"Alright, guys. I am going to go. I have a meeting with Ivy and her team."

"Sure. Good luck." Ian and Jo bade Noah a farewell and went to Ian's cabin.

"Everything is so fucked up," Joshua whined entering the ward. "I hate this. My blood is boiling right now."

"It sure is. At least, Oliver's matter is settled for now."

"Thank God for that. We can get information from him once he wakes up. He must know many things which we are not aware of."

"Definitely. He knew that our mentor had died and from his behavior, it looks like he witnessed the murder taking place."

"Do you think so too?"

"Positive. Let's just hope he remembers everything that happened before he fell sick."

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