Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 17 - An Interesting Show

Chapter 17 - An Interesting Show

"What was that about, honey? Why was your ex-wife here?" Hailey questioned, when Samuel entered the room.

"She came to ask protection for her and her son?" Samuel replied, removing his suit jacket and tie.

"Why would she come to you? She has her husband for that."

"Hailey, I have something to tell you." Samuel held her hands and bent his head. He didn't know how to start.

"What is it about, honey? Is everything alright?"

"I have a son from my marriage with Beth. His name is Eddie" Hailey stared at him quietly.

Moments passed. However, she remained silent. She didn't know that her silence was killing him.

"Listen Hailey. I did not know about it before. I got to know about him just today. I didn't hide anything from you. I am sorry. I am really very sorry. I am telling the truth. I promise." His voice choked at the end.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Calm down, honey. I trust you. I believe you." Hailey hugged him tightly and patted him to soothe him. He calmed down after a while.

"I also have something else to say." Hailey smiled at him, encouraging him to continue.

"It was Beth and her son, Eddie, who planned the attack on Noah." Hailey gasped. She never expected a situation of that sort. "And Caroline is with them."

Hailey now understood the reason for the weird behavior of the men, when Caroline came to visit Noah at the hospital. She realized why Beth had come to ask Samuel a favor. Noah would not spare them, their life was going to be miserable.

"What do you want to do now?" She took a look at her husband. He looked broken.

"I am not going to interfere. It's up to Noah to decide."

"But Eddie is your son."

"He is no son of mine." Samuel seethed. "He might have been my son before. Now, he is just a person who tried to kill my only son, Noah. I would prefer Noah to treat him the same way his enemies are treated at the Underworld Base."

"Are you sure about that? Ain't the torture too much for Eddie?" Hailey knew about the levels of torture in the Underworld Base. Samuel had taken her there many times to get her accustomed to his life. She had seen how gruesome the captives were treated. Although she never supported violence, she knew it was necessary to keep the enemies in check. And the Carters had a lot of enemies just because of their status. But the punishment had intensified when Noah had taken over from his father.

"No. It is not. They deserve it. Who told them to attack my son?" Samuel's eyes were blazing with anger.

"Ok. Ok. Calm down. Come, let me give you a massage." Hailey made Samuel lie his head on her lap and she started to massage his head. She sighed. She knew how difficult it was for him to make a decision of that sort. Both of them were his sons.


Meanwhile, Beth wandered on the streets like a drunkard. She didn't even care she had left her car at the roadside near the Carter mansion. She didn't care that people were giving her odd looks. Samuel's impassive attitude had made her realize that she was as good as dead now. She knew she was done for. She had nowhere to go, no one to help her out. Her husband Charles was also a businessman. However, he was not even one-thousandth as influential as the Carters. It was time to pack their bags and leave the country for good. She started running. She had to save herself and her son before it was too late.

Beth entered her house in a miserable state. She was sweating profusely, her eyes were red from crying and her hair was a mess. She looked a little haggard.

"Pack your bags. We are leaving the country."

"Why are we leaving the country? What did Dad say? Is it his idea of saving us from Noah?" Eddie asked jumping up from the dining chair.

"That bastard doesn't even care about us. He was not even surprised when I told him about you." Beth rushed to her room and pulled out a suitcase from under the bed. She started stuffing in her clothes and all her accessories.

"What are you waiting for? Go pack your stuff. We are leaving tonight." Beth said when she saw Eddie standing by the door.

"Let me give a call to Caroline. She has gone to meet her father."

"Leave that bitch here. She is of no use to us. She couldn't even do the only job she was told to do."

"But, Mom she is my wife."

"What is more important, your life or your wife?" Beth's question made Eddie shut up.

'If he stayed alive, he could get another wife. But if he died, then it's the end.' Eddie thought.

Just then, the door to the entrance opened and Caroline walked. She immediately stopped when she saw Beth packing her stuff in her room.

"What is happening here?" Caroline asked confused. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes. Mom and I are leaving the country."

"What? Then what about me?" She threw her bag angrily. She couldn't believe that the mother and the son duo would abandon her and flee to another country. Then, she would have to face Noah's wrath alone.

"I am coming with you."

"No you are not," Beth said, zipping up her suitcase. "You are just a piece of extra luggage for us. We don't have enough money to fend for ourselves, let alone take care of a beggar like you."

"Excuse me. I am also a daughter of a businessman. My Dad is the owner of the Turner Industries."

"Yeah right. Are you talking about the Turner Industries which went bankrupt a few weeks ago? If I am not wrong, your father is begging for sponsors to save his company." Beth scoffed, folding her hands.

"You. How dare you?" Caroline wanted to slap the woman's face. When she was rich and her Dad's business was doing fine, Beth was the one who suggested an alliance between Eddie and her. Though Eddie was naive and immature, she accepted him because of his good looks which he inherited from Samuel and also for his background. Beth had told her about Eddie's lineage. As soon as her father started facing problems, these greedy dogs were discarding her like an old shoe.

"Eddie come on. Let's go." Beth pulled Eddie's hand.

"Eddie, stay right here," Caroline warned.

"Eddie. Remember our life is in danger." Listening to these words, Eddie started to move towards the entrance. Seeing Eddie move, Caroline grasped his other hand and pulled him.

Eddie was stuck in the middle. His right hand was being pulled by his mother, while Caroline was pulling from the left. He didn't know what to do.josei

"Leave him. He is my son."

"No, he is my husband."

"Your marriage is not even registered. Nobody will believe you."

"Eddie. Come with me. I have some money from my trust funds. Let's leave together." Caroline said, tugging hard on Eddie's hand.

"Eddie, Caroline is only manipulating you. She has nothing. Trust your mother. I know what is good for you."

"Eddie. I am not lying. I have some money which I had saved without my father's knowledge."

The pull from both sides was hurting Eddie. He was so confused that he did not know whom to believe.

"Enough. Let's all us leave together." Eddie shouted. Both the women stood still hearing him shout.

"What an interesting show!" A voice spoke from the door at that exact moment.

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