Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 2 - I'm Going To Kill You, Dr. Davis

Chapter 2 - I'm Going To Kill You, Dr. Davis

Noah Allen Carter.

The name rang a bell in Aria's mind. She realized that the patient was the one and only King of the Business World, who was more powerful than the President himself. He owned more than 70% of the business in the country ranging from real estate to software-based companies. He was also the youngest businessman in the world. It was rumored that he took over his ancestral business when he was only 20 and in the span of just 4 years had built a multi-billion empire. He was very shrewd and had the ability to shake the country's economy in the blink of an eye.

'Ah, that explains why everyone's going nuts. But how would I know about Mr. Carter being shot? It's not like I can read minds or see the future,' she pondered inwardly. She didn't have the courage to express her words, seeing Ian's solemn face.

The team walked inside the operation theater with Aria lagging behind. She took a look at Noah. He looked deadly white and worn out, yet he was breathtakingly handsome, even though the oxygen mask was covering half of his face. He was already induced with anesthesia and was unconscious. His heartbeat was erratic, the ECG was going crazy every few seconds. Even in his unconscious state, there was a terrifying aura around him, causing Aria to shiver.

Ian monitored his blood pressure before signaling Miss Sawyer to control the airway for inducing more anesthesia.

The surgery had been in progress for three hours. Although the major part of the bullet had been taken out, a fragment was still to be removed. The bullet had fragmented into two pieces, making the operation riskier to perform.

"Damn it", Ian gritted his teeth. The fragment had moved closer to the heart leading to severe hemothorax. Lots of cotton swabs were soaked with Noah's blood. His heartbeat had decreased drastically, he was having a stroke.

"We are losing him. Aria, control the bleeding." Ian ordered, sounding upset.

"Yes, doctor."

Sweat trickled down Aria's forehead. The lack of sleep was making her lose concentration, nevertheless, she tried to focus. A life was at stake.

After an hour of intense struggle, Ian managed to remove the fragment, and the bleeding reduced. Although Noah's heartbeat was still slow, he had passed the critical stage. Aria immediately took over, stitching the cut and thus finishing the open-heart surgery.

"Mr. Carter is out of danger. His condition is still serious, let's keep him under observation for now," Ian said with a hint of appreciation.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief. It was the hardest surgery they had performed to date. 'Thank heavens, they were not going to die today,' was the thought in everyone's mind at that time.

"Oh God, the surgery tired me out completely." Nurse Thomas cried out sitting on the nearest bench, outside the OT.

"I swear." Dr. Matt Dean, the surgical technologist agreed, leaning against the wall. "I wonder how Dr. West is doing. This is her second surgery in a day. She must be utterly drained."

Ian overheard their talk and was filled with guilt immediately. If he was not in a difficult situation, he would not have made her rush over to the hospital. It was not his fault either, he didn't know about Aria's state. He promised himself to make it up to her somehow. He still had orders for her, but now he was reluctant to give them.

Aria dragged her body towards the changing room; the six-hour surgery had exhausted her completely. After trying hard for a long time, she managed to change out of her uniform.

Ian was waiting for her outside the room. He had returned to his usual gentle self; the serious Ian, who had terrified his staff a couple of hours back, was nowhere to be seen.

"You look like shit," he exclaimed in horror.

"I know. Thanks for the compliment anyway." Aria whispered, rubbing her forehead.

"I am sorry, Aria. This surgery was important. I couldn't think of anybody else other than you for assisting me." Ian apologized.

"It's fine. Now I'm off to get some much-needed sleep. Don't contact me for three days." Aria said walking past him.

"Uh.. oh... That's not possible, Aria," Ian stated making Aria turn back.

"Noah is your patient now, Aria. It is your duty to monitor him regularly."josei

"What do you mean? You have nurses for that, right? I haven't had any good sleep in the last one and a half days."

"I know Aria. I am sorry. But you are not to leave his side until he gains consciousness."

"You have got to be kidding me," Aria yelled lifting up her arms. " I still have to prepare for the International Cardiologists Conference. Can you hand over Noah's case to somebody else? It will not be difficult right since he is out of danger?"

"No Aria. You are the only one I can trust his life with. I know how packed your schedule is, but his condition is critical. I don't want to take any risks. He needs you and nobody other than you can enter his ward," he said with a stern face.

"What about you? You could take care of him. He is your friend, it would be more appropriate." Aria suggested.

"I have some urgent work to finish, so I will have to leave. I don't know when I'll return until then take care of him. Um...How about this? After everything settles, you can take a vacation; till then please cooperate. Please do it for me. You can sleep for a few hours if you want, I'll wait till you have rested well. Also, I'll treat you to your favorite dishes for a week, after I return. Please do it for me. OK?" Ian pleaded with puppy eyes and immediately took to his heels without waiting for Aria's response.

Aria glared at his retreating self before screaming, " I am going to kill you, Dr. Davis."

"I know you won't because you are a sweetheart," Ian yelled back laughing, making Aria curse at him again.

"You just wait and watch, Dr. Davis."

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