Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 212 - Defeated Man

Chapter 212 - Defeated Man

After getting the orders from the President, his assistant followed the man on whom they were doubtful. He was the Chief of the Army, General Simon Moore. He had been given his position newly as the one who was in the seat previously had passed away due to a heart attack while his term was still ongoing. Hence the military had decided to choose another person in his place.

Though the President had somebody else in mind, the military had suggested this man. They had put pressure on him to choose him. The man had served in the army for more than twenty-two years and had made a good name for himself. He had a lot of achievements to his name, but he was not as remarkable as the man Luis had in mind. Seeing all of them putting their confidence in him had surprised him in the beginning. He had the ultimate right to choose the person he wanted. But he had given Simon the benefit of doubt and had relented to the other people's wishes by choosing him. 

Luis' assistant followed Simon secretly, without making any noise. Simon had no idea about it, he was as agile as a ninja. He had been Luis' assistant for a while and he had taken training in martial arts. So, he knew certain tricks that would help him at times.

Simon went inside the men's washroom to make the call. To avoid suspicion, he had kept the washroom door closed but unlocked. He checked all the cubicles to see if anyone was inside. Seeing that the coast was clear, he made the call. He did not notice the President's assistance right outside the washroom. 

He did not enter in. But he waited outside and slipped a recording device through a small opening. The recording device was a recorder and voice amplifier that was used to listen to soft conversations. It was a small device. So, it was not that noticeable at first glance. He opened the door slowly and peeked through the small gap. The man's back was facing him. So, he slipped the device and it rolled and settled under the handbasin. Seeing that it was securely in its position, he closed the door softly. He then activated it using his phone and he waited at a dark corner.

Simon made a call. Before the second ring, the man he had called picked up the call.

"What have you got for me, Simon?" His gruff voice was heard on the other side.

"We did not reach any significant conclusion today. Everybody is still waiting to see if our soldiers can do something about the situation and bring it under control."

"Fools. They have no idea that we are the ones controlling everything."

"Yes," Simone replied.

"How are our men faring in the army?"

"They are doing our job quite well. I have received news that they have managed to take down a lot of the soldiers."

"That's good to hear. I hope that nobody has noticed their true intentions."

"I don't think that's happened. Otherwise, we would have received a report about it by now."josei

"Are you sure?" 

"Absolutely," Simon said in assurance.

"That's good. Let's see what our dear President will do now. He has no idea what is waiting for him. Where are you now?"

"I'm still in the Princep House." Princep House was the place where the President of Country P lived while in office.

"What?" The man on the other side shouted loudly making Simon cringe. He shivered hearing his roar. 'Why was he getting angry? Did I do something wrong?'

"Are you still in the Princep House?" He asked again for confirmation. 

"Yes. Is something the matter?"

"You idiot. What if someone is following you? Cut the call right now. Don't ever call me if you still in the Princep House."

"But I verified that no one was around before I placed the call."

"What if they walk in on you when you are talking? Now cut the call and remember what I told you." 

Before Simon could speak another word, the call had ended and he sighed. The man he had spoken to was a nightmare to him. He hated him. He had no choice but to relent to his wishes. Simon's entire family was being held hostage by him and until his job was done, he would not release them.

Though Simon was in the army, he did not have the courage to harm his family. He did not have the courage to go against the man who had kidnapped them. He did not have the courage to tell anyone about it. He knew what he was doing was wrong to himself, to the people and the nation. But he was helpless. He could either save the nation or his family and he had chosen the latter.

He did not know what the outcome would be. He did not know who would end up being victorious. All he wanted to do was to save his family. He was being a coward, he had realized that long back. Many a time, he wanted to smack, hit, curse or even kill himself for doing something which no army person would ever think about doing. But then, his family members' faces would flash before his eyes and he would stop himself.

He sighed and looked at himself in the washroom mirror. The man in the reflection looked defeated. His eyes had become hollow and he had lost a lot of weight. Any person who knew who he was and what position he held in the military would think that he had become like that due to the stress from the war. But only he knew the true reason.

After taking a deep breath, he left the washroom. He looked around him to see if anybody was around. Not noticing anybody, he sighed in relief and went to join the others in the buffet hall.

The President's assistant who saw him leave the loo, left his hiding place and went inside the washroom to pick up the recorder. He cleaned it with the tissue before he put it in his pocket and walked away calmly. He had done the job the President had given him.

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