Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 228 - Satisfy

Chapter 228 - Satisfy

While Jared was pondering on how to evade his devil of a Godfather, the girl he had set his eyes on was having a blissful date with her boyfriend. It had been so long since Rachel and Daniel had met each other.

As soon as Rachel had been discharged from the hospital, she had to go to attend a friend's wedding in another city. Her friend had even requested Rachel to design a house for her in the city where she could live with her husband without any worries. Unable to deny her request, Rachel had stayed behind to help her friend in designing her house as per her needs.

After designing the house, she had handed our all the work to appointed workers and had returned home, to her family, to Danny. Since she had not seen him for a few days, Rachel had decided to meet him and discuss their plan regarding his firm as well as have lunch in the meantime. 

Rachel came to his office first and from there they had gone to a restaurant. 

"I missed you," Daniel said as he took her hand and kissed her lightly.

"I missed you too."

"Liar." Daniel scoffed. 

The couple had already placed their orders and were waiting for the food to arrive.

"Why do you think I am lying?" Rachel raised an eyebrow as she tried to withdraw her hand back. However, he did not let her go. Instead, he grasped it even more firmly and stared at her lovingly. How many days had it been since he had last seen her?

"If you had missed me, you would have come home early." He complained, yet there was a hint of teasing in his eyes.

"In that case, why didn't you come and meet me over there? Didn't you miss me?" Rachel questioned back rendering Daniel speechless. He should have known that Rachel Carter was never the one to admit defeat, especially when it came to arguing. But this something he loved the most about her. He loved arguing with her as it brought out the bold and confident woman in her that he had come to admire.josei

"I did not want to disturb you in your work." He reasoned and his grasp on her hand loosened a little.

"I see. I am blessed to have found a partner like you who thinks about me and my work." Rachel wiped a non-existent tear as she continued staring at the handsome man in front of her.

"You must be. Not every boyfriend is as thoughtful as me." 

"Narcissist." Rachel sneered and her lips twitched in amusement.

"Narcissism is the key to a good life." Daniel declared loudly making Rachel chuckle.

"Who said so?"

"Me," Daniel said proudly and Rachel burst out laughing aloud. "Why are you laughing? It is the truth. When there are people out there trying to pull you down and smear filth on your name, you must praise yourself to boost your self-confidence. Only then you will survive in this world. You are your own fan and you are your own critic."

"Well said." Rachel clapped, with a huge smile on her face and Daniel bowed slightly in acknowledgment. "Mr. Daniel Adler has become quite a talker in my absence."

"I have to buck up my skills as the woman I am dating has a smart brain. I need to have a smooth tongue in order to satisfy her."

"Do you think a smooth tongue will satisfy me?" Rachel's innocent question shocked Daniel a little. He realized that his woman did not even notice what she had spoken about. His wandering mind had already thought about dirty things even though that was not what she had meant.

"If not the tongue, then what will satisfy you?" Daniel asked with a smirk plastered on his face.

At first, Rachel did not know what he was talking about. After seeing his grin, she understood that whatever he meant was not normal. He was teasing her, but she was not the one to back off. 

"Umm, let me think." Rachel pondered for a while as her eyes fell on Daniel who was observing her keenly. He was still smiling as he waited for her answer. But before she could answer, the waiter arrived with their food, much to Rachel's relief. She did not have an answer to the man's question. The waiter had come at the right time and had saved her.

However, the man who was waiting for her reply cursed under his breath. Rachel noticed him sulk and stifled a smile. When the waiter left them alone, Daniel looked at her hopefully again waiting for her answer. But the woman ignored him and started eating without giving him any face.

"Rachel?" Daniel whined, his eyebrows furrowing a little.

She met his gaze and looked at him innocently acting as though she did not know what he was talking about. She then diverted her gaze towards the spoon in her hand. She had not yet eaten her bite. "Oh, you wanted to have the first bite? Sure. Here you go." Rachel then turned the spoon and brought it towards his lips. "You go first."

"Rachel." He whined again. But before he could continue, Rachel had stuffed the spoonful of paella in his mouth, shutting his mouth successfully. 

"Here you go. Happy?" Rachel gave him a forced smiled and started eating, ignoring the man's heated gaze on her. 

Daniel sensed that he would not get anything out of her for the time being and he too started eating. They started to discuss about random things and the topic shifted to Aria and Ian.

"Yeah, I totally forgot about them. Did they reach the border safely?" Rachel questioned, her voice softening in worry.

"Yes. Aria had called Ivy yesterday night. She has reached safe and sound."

"That's good to hear."

"I just hope she returns home safe." Daniel sighed. Although he wanted her to return home unscathed, nothing was in his hands. He could only wish for her well being.

"Don't worry. Ian is with her and he will take care of her. Also, what are our handsome soldiers around her for? They will protect her."

"Who did you call handsome?" Daniel queried, his head snapping towards her on hearing her words. Rachel could sense the jealousy in his voice and also the dangerous glint in his eyes. 'Uh, oh. Did I just open the door to his jealousy?'

"Did you hear only that? I said a lot of other things too."

"Who did you call handsome?" Daniel stressed again, not allowing her to escape his question this time.

"You. Okay. I called you handsome. You are the most handsome guy in the world." She blabbered trying to appease the man.

"That's better and always remember that."

"Okay fine." Rachel sighed in defeat. 'Did all the men behave this way when they were jealous?' She made a note to ask her brother about it later.

The couple were done with their food and they stood up to leave. Instead of walking out of the room, Rachel leaned closer to him and her breath hit Daniel's neck. He took a deep breath as he waited for her next move. "About the question you asked before," She whispered seductively and held his arm for support. "A tongue cannot satisfy me, but something else can." 

Daniel's breath hitched. But he could even react, Rachel had pulled back and had walked out of the room leaving him stunned and bothered.

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