Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 233 - Poles Apart

Chapter 233 - Poles Apart

After twenty minutes, Ivy was on her motorbike following Joshua to his house. Kaito was right behind her in her car. Though Joshua wanted to protest, he could not when he saw Ivy's stubborn gaze. She was not sure when Aria would return. Until then, she could not keep her car idle. So, she had insisted on bringing her car and her motorbike along with her. Having no other choice, Joshua had relented to her wishes. 

Ivy had made sure that she had all the things with her before locking her house while Joshua and Kaito helped to move Ivy's luggage into Ivy's car. Joshua had kept an eye around him to see if Tim was lurking in the shadows. But he had not seen him anywhere making him wonder what he was upto. Since he had come to Ivy's house right in the morning, he had missed the call Tim had received from Jared. But it was not a problem for him. All the calls Tim made or received would be recorded for his reference. He could listen to them whenever he wanted.

As Ivy rode her bike, she glanced at the mirror and saw Kaito right behind her. She wondered if he was really a guard. The man looked all small and delicate, but he was surely nothing as he seemed. He was much stronger than she had thought. He had easily lifted those heavy boxes of papers and had brought them downstairs. She had no idea that it was just one of the many skills he had.

She took another glimpse at her mirror, when her eyes immediately met Kaito's making her avert her gaze. She did not want to get caught peeking at him and think her to be a pervert. She felt that something was not right. Ivy had never seen Kaito before nor had Joshua mentioned about him. Whenever they had met, it had always been him alone with no guards around him, unlike Noah.

Noah sometimes brought Ronnie with him. So, she was well accustomed to him being with a guard. She did not know that Joshua had met Kaito just the previous night. Noah had introduced Kaito to Joshua and they had come up with a plan. Kaito was to guard Ivy in secret whenever she left the house. So, just like how Ronnie was staying with Noah, Kaito too would be shifting to Joshua's house. 

They reached Joshua's house and Ivy was mesmerized at its grandeur. It was a beautiful two storey mansion lying in the middle of a small garden. There were no guards at the gate. It opened as soon as it detected Joshua's car. He had already stored the details of all the people who usually came to his house in his AI, along with their car numbers. Only those people were allowed to come in. Everybody else had to get his permission for the gate to open. 

Now that Ivy would be staying with him, he had to add her vehicle details too. But for now, he controlled the gates using his phone until both Ivy and Kaito were inside. He drove right towards his garage and parked his car. There was a lot of space inside the garage. So, Ivy did not have to bother about keeping her vehicles out in the open. She could see a lot of other luxurious cars which she could never buy even if she worked her ass off for her entire life. His house was screaming rich just from outside and she could guess how magnificent it would be from within. 

"You can park your vehicles here Ivy," Joshua said pointing towards the space in his garage. He then nodded at Kaito who drove her car in and parked it perfectly.

Ivy too parked her vehicle at the side and got off the bike. 

"Let's go in. Kaito bring the boxes inside."

"Let me help you." Ivy rushed to help Kaito. She picked up her luggage and the bag of vegetables while Kaito and Joshua each picked up a box. As she followed Joshua, her eyes wandered around her taking in the beautiful place.

The house was arranged on a delicate slant and the site was encompassed by trees. she could clearly make out that it was an L-shaped house. There was a small pathway leading to the entrance door with a patch of grassland on either side.

The cameras at the entrance had detected Joshua's presence and the door opened automatically. Ivy gawked at the doors in awe. She was truly mesmerized with it. She had not noticed Joshua insert any key or punch a passcode, nor was the door opened by a person from within. It was all automatic.

Joshua chuckled seeing her dumbstruck gaze. "Come inside. Welcome to my humble abode."josei

'Is this humble?' Ivy pondered. 'If this was, then what was not humble?'

As Ivy stepped inside, she noticed a strip-like winding stair that led to the next floor in the middle. The entire hall was painted in white and light blue giving it a peaceful and serene decor. Though Ivy wanted to explore further, Joshua's words stopped her.

"Let's get you settled first. I'll give you a tour later."

Ivy nodded and followed him. They climbed the stairs and reached the next level. It had a floor to ceiling glass window where the staircase ended and she could see the pool outside. It looked stunning. There was an outdoor living area by the pool though it was covered by a thick glass from above to protect from rains and harsh sunlight. 

"Ivy," Joshua tapped on her shoulders when he saw her lost in thoughts. He knew what was on her mind. Everybody who came to his house behaved this way. They would be dumbfounded with the superb interior design all thanks to Rachel. When Joshua wanted to move out of his parents' house, he had approached Rachel to build a house for him and she had done a wonderful job. His house was more gorgeous than Ian's or even her brother Noah's.

"Yes?" Ivy was startled hearing his voice.

"Let's go." 

This time he led her to her room and Ivy was speechless once again. Just when she had thought that it was done, there was more to this amazing house.

"I'll leave you to unpack. Call me if you need anything. I'll be downstairs."

Joshua and Kaito left after placing her boxes on the side. As soon as the door closed, Ivy pinched herself to see if she was dreaming. "Ouch." She was not dreaming, she was really in this beautiful house with Joshua. But she knew this was all temporary. She would be leaving this house someday. Her world and his were different. She did not belong here nor was she interested too. He was the creme de la creme and she was just a normal journalist. 

However, she had no idea that soon she would be moving out. Not from the house but from the room she was in. 

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