Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 238 - Start

Chapter 238 - Start

Meanwhile, Ivy had rushed to her room after the intense kiss and her face was scorching hot just thinking about it. The kiss had made her breathless and speechless and her entire body had turned upside down. Her brain was not working properly, her heart was not in her control and her lips were swollen to a great extent. She wondered what would have happened if Joshua's phone had not rung at that moment.

She paced back and forth trying to calm her hyperactive heart. She was still in her swimsuit and her body was still wet. There was something else for her to worry about than her wet dress. She did not know what to do. She did not know how to face him now that they had kissed. 'Will the things between us change now? What will happen? Are we going to date now? Are we in a relationship?'

Feeling her thoughts to be ludicrous, she shook her head. There was no way Joshua would have feelings for her. It was a moment of weakness. 'Yes, it is a moment of weakness. Nothing will happen between us.'

Ivy took a deep breath and relaxed assuring her soaring her heart. She then went to take a bath not caring about anything.

After thirty minutes, Ivy came down. She had changed out of her dress and now she had changed into her usual casual pants and shirt. Joshua, who was watching the TV sensed her coming near him and his body stiffened automatically. He did not know how to face her. 'What if she expects a relationship from me? What if she is not willing to take it lightly? Will she be angry? Will she leave this house?'

His imagination ran wild and his heart began racing. Though he was not ready for a relationship or a commitment, he was not ready to let her leave either. It felt as though she was meant to stay here, in his house, with him. Her presence made his mood better and he had a feeling that the day she left his house, he would definitely be sad and the house would be gloomy. He would miss her for sure and he realized the feeling to be miserable.

Before he could even start speaking, Ivy stopped him. "Let me speak first, please."

"Sure." He agreed, waiting to see what she had to say.

"That kiss should not have happened."

As soon as she uttered these words, he felt a pang in his heart. It felt as though someone had squeezed his heart and it felt utterly uncomfortable.

"It was just a moment of attraction and it meant nothing. You don't have to take responsibility for it as we both got carried away in it. We were both at fault. So, let's not blame each other and make it awkward between us. I know this meant nothing to you. Am I right?" Ivy looked at him expecting a positive answer, but her heart wanted another answer altogether. She wished for a bit that he had some feelings for her and would deny her claims. But she knew that would never happen.

When Ivy enunciated the words she had in mind, Joshua too was having a sense of suffocation. He did not want to accept her claims. He did not want this to end this way. He did not want to lose her. He was not liking the way she wanted to evade the situation. He wished the mysterious thing they had to continue. At this instant, he realized what he wanted and it was her. He had made a decision and he would stand on it till the end.

"No, Ivy. You are wrong. I am not going to let this go. I am not going to forget what we did nor am I going to allow you to do so. The kiss was not due to a moment of weakness or attraction. It was supposed to happen a long time ago but it happened now. And it happened right. I am not going to accept your claims. No."

When Ivy heard him, her heart skipped a beat. It was dancing in happiness while her mind was still unable to comprehend what he had just said. She was unable to believe that the kiss meant something to him given his flirty character. She was in denial and Joshua could sense it seeing the doubtful expressions on her face.

"Ivy, I do not want us to be awkward around each other. Also, I do not want to let you go either. So.." Joshua reduced the distance between them while Ivy took a step back, alerted. He looked just like a predator who was ready to hunt down his prey which right now was her. Before she could take another step back, he pulled her flush by her waist and locked her lips with his.

This time the kiss was different. It was gentle and slow, nothing like the hot kiss they had shared at the poolside. Joshua poured out all the feelings he had for Ivy in the kiss and she could feel it with how intense the kiss was. Her body shuddered involuntarily and she kissed him back with the same vigor.

Joshua perceived how great this felt. The kiss with her was the best kiss he ever had and deduced how right this was. His mind was already ecstatic and he smiled as he kissed her passionately.

The kiss did not last long. He let her go after some time, but his hands were still on her waist. Ivy was still gasping for air and seeing her red cheeks and swollen lips, he could not control himself. He leaned closer and bit her apple-like cheeks making her yelp. She tried to escape from his embrace but he did not allow her to. It felt just right and he did not want her to leave his arms. She belonged there, close to him, to his heart.

"What are you doing?"

"What did I do sweetheart?" He teased, his eyes glinting in amusement. She looked so cute that he wanted to bite her again and he did just that. He bit her other cheek and she squealed again.

"Why are you biting me? Are you a dog?" She scolded him as she tried to pry open his arms around her.

"What can I do? You look so delicious that I cannot stop myself from taking a bite." 

Before she could protest again, he nibbled on her lips and pulled back with a smirk. "So tasty." He whispered and licked his lips seductively. This gesture made Ivy's heart speed up and she stood still admiring the handsome man before her. 

Joshua noticed her starstruck gaze and his smile widened. Though it was her admiring him, he too did not fail to appreciate her beauty. She was beautiful, no doubt in that. But her eyes were the most attractive. They were very expressive and he could detect the raw feelings she had for him. He could see that she too felt the same as he felt for her and he understood that his decision to take this step ahead in this relationship was the best.

The loud sound from the TV brought her out of her reverie and she blushed, which Joshua did not fail to notice. "So beautiful."

He then caressed her cheek while she tried to escape his smoldering gaze on her. "Let me go. I need to cook." She cried, but he only tightened his arms around her.




"We need to eat." She stated and glared at him, but it did not affect him in any way. It only made her look all the more cute.

"I can eat you."


"Yes, sweetheart?" He asked, his hand caressing her face dearly. His eyes were brimming with love and tenderness which Ivy had never seen before. 

"I am hungry."

"You can eat me. I am ready to serve you."

"You.." She pursed her lips in anger and he chuckled bemusedly. 

"Fine. But remember we are not done yet." He released her reluctantly and she let out a small smile. She took one last glance at him before she dashed towards the kitchen. Joshua laughed out loud seeing her scurry like a little frightened lamb.josei

Fifteen minutes later.

"Joshua, let me go," Ivy whined. She could not push him away as her hands were smeared with flour. 

"Nope." He bit her ear and licked it to soothe the pain and Ivy sighed. But the next instant she realized they were in the kitchen and she started chiding him again.

"Let me go. Otherwise, we will not have anything for dinner."

"No way." He hugged her tight, not allowing to move even an inch away from him.

"With you like this, I don't think I will be able to do anything here."

"I don't think so. You do what you want, I'll do what I want."

Ivy sighed. She could not do anything with the way the man was being all touchy and clingy. She started kneading the dough while Joshua's hands wandered around her waist. Occasionally, he would kiss her on the cheek and bite her ears. It took Ivy lot of her self control not to latch at him. 

Finally, after a lot of touching and kissing, Ivy was finished preparing the dinner. Satisfied for now, Joshua released her and Ivy could finally relax. But how wrong was she! This was just the start. The man was going to go all in on her much to her dismay, unlike the way she had thought him to be.

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