Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 24 - Arnold's Secret

Chapter 24 - Arnold's Secret

Meanwhile, back in the country.

Daniel was in the courtroom, giving his ending speech. His client, Mr. Durand had been falsely charged with sexually harassing his colleague when it was actually a case of blackmail. The woman had blackmailed him to give her money else she would go to court. When he had not agreed to her conditions, she had gone to the police station and had filed a case of sexual harassment. What she did not know was Mr. Durand had installed high definition CCTV cameras in his cabin. When the court was produced with the footage, it clearly showed that the woman had approached him and had blackmailed him.

After listening to Daniel, the judge gave his verdict and Mr. Durand was declared as innocent while the woman was booked under the case of blackmailing. Daniel walked out of the courtroom along with Mr. Durand.

"Thank you very much Mr Adler. You saved my life." Mr. Durand spoke in his clear French accent. Sexual harassment and **** was considered a serious crime in the country and the punishment to it was fixed: It was death and nothing else.

Daniel shook Mr. Durand's hand and excused himself. He still had to deal with his attacker from the previous night. He was still in shock at seeing his attacker's face. It was none other than his uncle, his father's brother, Jack Adler. Jack had been staying in the countryside until the last two years when he lost all his property due to his addiction to gambling. He later came to the city to ask his brother for some money.

Daniel's father, Arnold Adler had given him some money, just enough for his survival. After that neither Daniel nor Arnold had heard from him until yesterday. Before, Daniel could question him, the police had arrived and had taken him into custody.

Daniel drove towards the police station where Jack was being held. He had already informed his Dad about the attack and he was on his way too. He parked his car at the side and waited for his father, who arrived in ten minutes.

After all the formalities were completed, Daniel and Arnold were allowed to meet Jack. They were seated in a room separated by a glass wall. Neither of them spoke, waiting for someone to start.

Arnold couldn't take it anymore. "Why did you try to harm my son?" Anger was evident in his voice.

Jack remained silent. His silence pissed off Arnold more. He stressed again.

"Why did you try to harm my son?"

"Do you remember what you had promised me twenty years back?" Jack questioned back.

Arnold looked confused. He couldn't remember a thing. Daniel's eyes darted between his Dad and his Uncle. He did not know a thing they were talking about.

"What promise are you talking about?" This time it was Daniel who had spoken.

"Ask your Dad for the answers and then come back to me." Jack got up from his seat and left the room.

Seeing Jack leave, Daniel and Arnold also left the room each in their own thoughts.

"Dad, what was he talking about?" Daniel asked once they were outside the police station.

"I don't remember anything son," Arnold replied. He honestly could not remember what he had promised his brother twenty years back.

"Dad, how is your promise related to him attacking me?" Daniel asked a little confused.

"I am not sure son. I can't remember a thing about it."

"Then how are we going to find out? Have you told anybody about it? Or have you written somewhere about it?"

"Yes," Arnold exclaimed in realization. "I had told it to your mother. Maybe she remembers it."

"Okay Dad. You go home for now. I have some work at the office. I'll come home at night."

"I too have a meeting to attend to. Let's meet at dinner."

The father and the son duo walked towards their respective cars and took off in opposite directions.

Meanwhile Jack had returned to his cell. He was quite happy with his accomplishment. He knew that one secret which would separate Daniel and Arnold. He had waited twenty years for this day. A few more days and everything would be his. The one thing Arnold Adler valued the most was promises and Jack had made use of this weakness for his gains. He could still remember the day twenty years back when Arnold had made the promise to Jack.

Jack, being the spendthrift in the family, had approached his brother asking for money. He was neither interested in earning his own money nor was he interested in following his brother in helping in his company. All he wanted was money for his gambling and drinking habits. Initially, Arnold used to give him some money. But when Jack's habits crossed all the limits, he stopped it completely. Jack couldn't withstand Arnold not following his demands. So, he kidnapped his only son, Daniel and demanded money for his freedom.

Daniel was the only son of Arnold. He loved him more than his life. When he heard about his kidnap, he immediately rushed to rescue him with the money. But Jack was quite smart. He not only took the money, but he also made Arnold to give him a promise. He forced Arnold to give away all his property whenever he asks or else he would reveal that one secret that could potentially destroy his brother. Arnold did not have any other choice other than to accept his brother's conditions.

Jack smiled, remembering Arnold's devastated face. He knew he had won over his brother. Now all the Adler properties, on which he had no rights from the beginning, would be rightfully his. It was not his ancestral property nor did it belong to his father. All the fortune and the money had been hard-earned by Arnold and his son, Daniel. Yet, his greed took over his rationality and made him do some heinous things.

"Now, my children will get the lavish life, while you and your family will beg on the streets." Jack laughed loudly like a maniac.

Arnold shivered in the car. He knew what Jack was talking about. How could he forget about his brother's unbelievable conditions which he had put forth to him in exchange for Daniel's life? He only pretended not to know a thing in of Daniel. In fact, he was dreading this day for two months when Jack had reappeared in his life. He looked out of the window and was in a deep thought.

"How can I reveal the truth to Daniel. How can I tell him he is not my son, that he is adopted?" josei

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