Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 243 - Suggestion

Chapter 243 - Suggestion

While Joshua and Ivy's relationship had taken a beautiful turn, the person who had made Joshua realize his love for her was having a hard time in his love's absence. Since the time Aria had left the city, he was barely managing himself to stay sane. He missed her dearly and all his thought would be about her. Even during meetings, he would be absent-minded and he had to go through the minutes again to see everything he had missed.josei

All his employees wondered what was wrong with their boss. The man who expected perfection and worked with utmost concentration seemed lost ost of the time. His body was here but his mind was elsewhere. Only Ronnie and Steve knew what the matter was and who was responsible for it.

However, irrespective of his tremendous work, Noah would always manage to reach home by eight. Oliver would be waiting for him and since the time he had been staying at Noah's house, he had made up his mind to cook for him as a token of gratitude. He had seen that though Noah had a lot of maids and servants in his house, it was he who usually cooked for himself. So, he had taken the kitchen work upon himself against Noah's wishes. He did not want to freeload in his house and take Noah's kindness lightly. Moreover, he was dying of boredom since he had no work to do.

As usual, Noah arrived on time and saw Oliver in the kitchen cooking for him and he sighed lightly. His father-in-law was just as stubborn as his daughters. As it was said, 'The apples doesn't fall far from the tree'. Like father, like daughters. 

He freshened up as fast as he could and came down to talk to Oliver. He had some good news to convey. He had successfully bought the news agency he had been eyeing for long and he had also applied for a license. All that was left was for his agency to start operating.

Ronnie too joined them during dinner and Noah brought up this matter. "Mr. West, I have bought the agency now. What should my first step be?"

Oliver stopped eating immediately when he heard Noah's words and stared at him surprised. He knew what Noah's plans were. He had not hidden anything from Oliver. He had briefed him all that he had in mind and had requested Oliver to give his ideas and suggestions too. Noah had laid all his strategy in front of him for him to analyze and scrutinize it and Oliver had taken up the job happily.

It had taken Oliver just one day to go through his ideologies and he had come to admire the young man before him greatly. Though he knew nothing about how the mass media worked, he had done a good job, better than most people whose expertise lied in this field. He had also been surprised when Noah had told about his intention to buy a news agency which was about to go bankrupt than to establish a new one. And Oliver had agreed with his decision. They could cut down on the initial expenditure this way. Though Noah had so much money with him that he could open a company with ease, it was still better to reduce unnecessary expenditure. 

Their aim was to think smart, not to think in a hurry. Moreover, the equipment in their newly acquired agency was of top quality. So, why would they require so much investment?

Noah noticed Oliver's surprised expression and looked at him in confusion. He wondered what he had done wrong. "Mr. West, is anything the matter?"

"Not at all. I am just pleasantly stunned on hearing your achievement. If I am not wrong, you told me that it would take at least a month to get our hands on the agency. How did you obtain it this early?"

Noah grinned like a small boy on hearing his compliments. "That. Their stocks plunged to an all-time low yesterday. So, the chairman had no choice but to sell it to me."

Ronnie coughed lightly hearing his Boss words. Though it was the truth, only Noah and he knew what had actually happened. With Joshua's help, they had found some proofs against the agency Chairman who was involved in some shady dealings with some powerful men. All they had to do release the moderately effective dealings discreetly on social networking sites while keeping the severe ones with them for further use. 

It was news of the Chairman completely covering the proofs against one of the government officials' son who was suspected of supplying and taking drugs. This news spread like fire and his agency's stocks plunged to an all-time low. Next, Noah did not visit him personally. But sent one his trusted men with the remaining proofs to seal the deal and by the end of the day, Noah had become the owner.

"That's nice to hear. Well done." Oliver praised him wholeheartedly and again, Noah smiled like a little kid who had just been appreciated for getting the first rank in the school. "Now that you are the owner, what have you thought about the already existing employees? Are you going to keep them or are you going to hire new staff?"

"That is one of the troubles I am having in my mind. What do you suggest, Mr. West? What is the best solution?"

"If you ask my opinion, I suggest you keep them. It is tiring to hire new employees and you never know who they are working for. I am not saying there might not a rat among the current ones. With my years of experience, I am sure there are at least a few people who would have joined just to sabotage the actual news. It's best to keep a lookout for them while we work."

"Hmm. Fair enough."

"Also, the new employees will need training and that will take some time. Retain most of them and fire all those who you feel are just there to create nuisance and disturbance. And, hire some new staff. It's best to have fresh faces in the offices.

"Hmm. I'll take all your suggestions into consideration."

Oliver started eating and Noah followed suit. But Ronnie stayed still. Seeing him not eating, Oliver blinked twice before he started speaking. "Is the food not to your liking, child?" Noah's eyes too landed on Ronnie and he raised an eyebrow wondering why he looked so lost.

Ronnie was startled with the sudden intrusion and he scratched his nape awkwardly. "No Sir. The food is really good."

"Then, why are you not eating?"

"I was thinking over your words and I suddenly had an idea."

"Go ahead, son. Let's see what you have got."

Ronnie glance at his Boss who gave him a nod for him to speak. "Sure sir. But let's finish our dinner first. I am a little hungry."

"Aww. So cute. Let's have his talk after dinner." 

Noah's head snapped to Oliver when he heard the word cute again. What was with the West family calling his guard cute? He was anything but that. He sighed and chuckled lightly. They did not know Ronnie at all. Otherwise, the word cute would be far from what they would describe him. He made up his mind that one day in the future, he would show them live how horrible Ronnie could be and he would see if found him to be cute again.


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