Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 247 - Cunning Woman

Chapter 247 - Cunning Woman

Mia Stevenson had joined Noah's company a few days back. However, she had not had the opportunity to meet him at all. Every time she made up her mind to meet him, he would not be in the company, and by the time he came back, she would be busy in her work. Though she was the daughter of a businessman, she had to work very hard in Noah's company, unlike the way she walked calmly in her father's small company.

In her father's company, she was treated as a queen. She did not even have to lift a finger and everything would be in front of her. However, now she had to do all her work against her wishes. Nobody even bothered about her being a Stevenson. She was just a normal employee who got paid just like the others. Her colleagues respected her as a fellow colleague and nothing more. They did not fawn over her because of her status, neither did they give her special treatment because of background. 

When the employees first joined the company, they would be briefed about the company rules and protocols. And one of the main rules they were given was to never support nepotism. Everybody would be recognized by their work, not by their background. Nobody would be given preferential treatment irrespective of their status. Hence, even if everybody knew about Mia, they did care much about her.

This normal treatment had irked Mia every time. But this was not her company to kick up a fuss. So, she did not speak a word about it. However, that did not mean she did not bear grudges. She started making a list of all the people who offended her and once Noah became hers, she would sweet-talk him into firing them mercilessly.

As she worked on her drafts, she heard her department manager talking on the phone. She eavesdropped on him stopping all her work only to find out that he had to go to the top floor to get Noah's signatures on some of the files. Usually, Ronnie would collect the files from every department and hand it over to his Boss. But today, he had to run an errand regarding the news agency. So, he was yet to reach the office and Shane was busy with the inauguration preparation. So, the Manager was asked to deliver the files personally.

Mia's eyes shone with delight on hearing this. The opportunity had come to her without her doing anything. How could she miss it? Since the time she had started working there, she had tried to go to the top floor many times. But every time she was stopped by Ronnie. Now that he was not here, this was her chance. So, she got up and sauntered towards the Manager who preparing all the files that he had to take with him.

"Sir," Mia interrupted his work and the man scowled inwardly on seeing who it was. He did not have a good impression of her since the first day as he had seen her slacking off many times. He had also received complaints against her when she had tried to bribe her colleagues into doing her work. He had immediately reprimanded her for her behavior and had even given her warning. Since then, she had stopped her tactics and had started doing her work on her own.

Sometimes, the Manager wondered how she made it into this company. She had neither the knowledge nor the skills, nor did she show any sort of dedication towards her work. However, he was not in a position to question anybody. So, he had remained silent. 

The manager's face remained stoic as he stared at her when in actuality, he was being wary of her. He wanted to know what trick she had in her sleeves. "Yes, Miss Stevenson. What is the matter?"

"I was about to go to the finance department. But I heard that you were going to the top floor to meet Mr. Carter. Do you want me to get these files delivered to him?"

The manager immediately understood what the shrewd lady had in mind. Many people in the company knew about her futile attempts in trying to gain Noah's attention. She was one among the many women who wanted him to notice her, fall for her and make her way into his life. All she wanted was a rich life and who could be better than their Boss, Noah Allen Carter. But he also knew that his Boss had never given her any face. Once, he had even humiliated her in front of everyone mercilessly. The manager even wondered if his Boss even remembered her existence.

Hearing her audacious words, he smiled at her sweetly. "Miss Stevenson, thank you for offering your help. It's fine. I'll take these files to him. You do not have to worry about them."


"Moreover, I need to speak to him about certain important matters."

Mia huffed silently. 'What does this stupid man think of himself? How dare he stop me from doing my work? Doesn't he realize I am going to be the future madam of this company?'

If the manager had listened to her obnoxious words, he would have seriously puked blood. Her thoughts were highly amusing which would never become a reality. He was busy with his work. So, he did not notice her 'I am going to kill you' expression.

Mia noticed a bottle of water on the table and her eyes brightened with malicious intent. When his attention was not towards her, she unscrewed the cap and pushed it towards the edge. Just as he picked up the files to leave, Mia titled the glass of water on his table towards him and all the water fell on his pants.

"What did you do?" He seethed as he dropped the files on the table and tried to clean the wet area. But Mia had been cunning in doing her work. She had poured the water right at a place which could cause people to misunderstand. The manager could not go to meet his Boss in this condition. So, he left the files on the table and went to the washroom. He had assumed that Mia would not be courageous enough to pick them up. But he was wrong. She had picked them up and had sneaked out of the cubicle when nobody was noticing her.

She then went towards the general elevator. 

There were three elevators in the office. The two general elevators were used by all the employees and the other elevator was used by Noah and other VIP clients. Nobody else was allowed to use it. Though Mia wanted to use it, she did not have the permission. So, she had to wait for the general elevator.

When the elevator boy heard the floor number she intended to go, he gave her one weird look only to receive a smug in return. He sighed and pressed the number.

In no time, Mia reached her destination only to meet Shane on her way. 'How did I forget about this lowly man? Ugh, there are a lot of pests in this company.

Shane was waiting for the Manager, but on seeing Mia, he gave her a condescending look. "What are you doing here, Miss Stevenson?"

"I am here to deliver the files to Mr. Carter," Mia answered confidently with a proud look.

"If I am not wrong, the Manager was supposed to bring these. So, why are you carrying these files, Miss Stevenson?" Shane asked her politely, though his face was anything but polite.

"The manager had some urgent issues to attend to. So he sent me with the files." Mia answered, her expression not wavering even a little. She then smiled lightly thinking about the urgent issue he had to face.

Though she had been quick in hiding her smile, Shane had noticed it and her furrowed his eyebrows. The woman in front of him was upto no good. He knew about her intentions and it did not take him even a second to deduce that she must have done something to come here without any hindrance. There was no way a manager would allow a new employee to come to this floor.

"Miss Stevenson, hand over the files to me. I'll deliver it to Boss."

"What? No." Mia almost screamed when Shane tried to take the files from her. 

"What do you mean 'no', Miss Stevenson? Is there a problem?"

"Yes, I need to ask Mr. Carter some things related to a project. So it's best that I give these to him personally."

"What project? As far as I know, you have not been assigned any projects. So, what doubts would you have in mind?"josei

Shane's question made Mia curse under her breath. If she was given the opportunity, she would pluck out his observant eyes and chop off his wise tongue. He and Ronnie were nothing but a pain in the ass.

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