Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 249 - Brain Dead

Chapter 249 - Brain Dead

After hearing Noah's orders to come in, Mia opened the door and stepped inside only to be blown away by the luxury of his cabin. It was completely different than she had imagined. Even though it was painted in black and white, it was screaming rich. Every object placed inside seemed to be of top quality, not that the quality in the other cabins in the office was any different. But Mia found them to be more amazing and attractive as it was Noah's cabin. Just like how Ronnie and Shane had chided her, she was a fool to think so.

She had assumed Noah to be alone in his cabin. But she saw a man who she was very familiar with. He was the handsome and suave Joshua Martin and seeing his eyes on her, she blushed unknowingly. He too was as incredible as Noah and she had known about them being friends for long. But she had her eyes fixed on the Carter boy. So, she was not that well versed in to Joshua and did not bother about him much. But now, only after seeing him in person, did she realize how dashing he was. Both Noah and Joshua were just perfect. However, she preferred Noah more.

Just when she was fantasizing about him, the man in question turned his gaze towards the person who had dared to interrupt him. His assistant had informed him that the manager from the marketing department would be here and as far as he remembered, the manager was a man in his early forties. He wondered when he turned into a lady in her twenties.

Shaking his absurd thoughts out of his mind, he stared, which was nothing less than a glare, at the woman. How dare she barged into his office without informing before? He then wondered who the hell she was and why she was even here. In his eyes, she was nothing less than an unwanted woman to keep her at a high position or even remember her. He had no place for trash in his brain. So, he had long forgotten about her.

"Yes?" He asked still confused, but with a cold voice.

Mia was stunned for a while and she tried to speak. But nothing came out of her mouth. Her mouth had run dry and she coughed twice to hide her awkward situation. Joshua chuckled seeing her embarrass herself. Mia tried to speak, but she couldn't help stutter on meeting Noah's intimidating gaze. "S-Sir, these are the files th-that," She cleared her throat again. "need your approval."

If Ronnie or Shane had witnessed her behave this way, they would have laughed on her face. Outside the cabin, she behaved all haughty and arrogant and her tongue was running smoothly, arguing even with the two men. They had been so annoyed with the woman that they had sent her directly to Noah to avoid the headache. But the stupid woman had become a dumb mute on facing their terrifying Boss that she had lost her voice. This was hilarious.

"Do you work here?" Noah asked directly, not even giving her face again. His words shocked her to the core and she stared at him dumbfounded. Though this was a very shameful moment for Mia, somebody who was watching her did not feel the same. For Joshua, this scene was rib-tickling. Though he wanted to pity the poor woman, his heart could not do so. He could sense that she had come here with ulterior motives with just the way she had dressed. 

Though she was dressed in a professional blouse and pencil skirt, the attire was too sensual for the workplace. The top two buttons of her blouse were open and one could see the outline of her cleavage even if she bent a little. And the skirt, what the hell was with that skirt? It was too tight and one could clearly see her ass bulging out of the skirt, trying to break free from the confinement and get some air. Her look was very provocative, nothing less than a high-class prostitute who charged more than the low-class ones. 

Though Joshua had seen many women dress more openly than this, it was the first time he was witnessing such vulgarity in an office environment. She was here seduce her Boss and it was evident on her face with the way it was screaming loudly, 'Bite me.' He wondered if Noah even noticed the woman before him. He waited to see what would happen next, not wanting to miss the free and hilarious entertainment.

"Y-Yes Sir." Mia stuttered again. "I am Mia, Mia Stevenson. Don't you remember me? I started working here a week ago."

"Is it? I don't keep details of unwanted people in my memory. Sorry." Though he apologized to her, he was not one bit apologetic. His face was as expressionless as ever. Mia clenched her fists on being insulted in front of another man. But she did not retaliate lest she should appear uncultured in front of them.

Noah was getting a headache with the strong perfume she had poured over herself. It was too pungent and smelled horrible. He wanted to ask her if she had taken a bath in the cheap perfume instead of water. But he controlled himself. The effect was too strong that he sneezed twice when she came near his table to place the files on the table.

"Miss, whoever you are, could you please stay where you are? I am getting a headache with your strong presence. Hand over the files to Shane. I'll take it from him."

Joshua chortled when Noah thoroughly humiliated Mia. At one point he even felt sorry for her. But it passed the next second. He too loathed people like her. So, it was right what Noah was doing to her. If the woman had any self-respect, she would have left before being told. However, to their surprise, she remained in her spot. Joshua rolled his eyes. 'This woman is brain dead.'josei

"But Mr. Carter, I had to hand over these documents to you personally." She stressed the words personally, to indicate something else altogether.

"It's okay. I'll take these files from my assistants. You can drop them outside." Noah said, his voice coming cold and furious. He was losing his cool slowly. Seeing his friend's distressed face, Joshua could tolerate no longer. 

"Miss, it's best that you leave now."


"Get out," Noah shouted, scaring her in the process while Joshua sighed. He had given her a hint to save herself. But she was an idiot to ignore it. Now, she was bearing the consequences of her actions.

Seeing his daunting eyes, Mia left the room in a hurry not wanting to anger him any more. She wondered what she had done wrong for him to kick her out of his room. 

When she came out, she saw Shane and Ronnie deep in discussion. She wanted to escape without being noticed. But Ronnie had sensed her immediately as soon as she had come out of the room. He tapped on Shane's shoulder and pointed towards Mia who was trying to sneak her way out of the floor. Shane gave Ronnie a knowing smile and then stood up. It was time for some fun.

"Miss Stevenson, please wait."

Mia stopped walking on being called out suddenly. She straightened her posture and turned to face the man. She tried to mask her humiliation with her arrogant attitude, but failed miserably. Anybody could guess what might have transpired inside and the proof were the documents in her hands.


"Miss Stevenson, what did the Boss say about your project? Did he give you his approval?" Though Shane's face did not reveal anything, Mia could sense his mocking tone and her anger rose to an all-time high. She clenched her fists again and turned to leave the floor only to be stopped again.

"What?" She burst out and unfortunately, poor Shane was at the receiving end.

"Files." He held out his hand and asked her innocently.

Mia stuffed the filed in his hand and stomped out of the floor. She would get back at them for the humiliation she faced today. But first, she had to know what she had done wrong for Noah to treat her this way. 'Why did he not look at me when I was dressed this sexily? Was it not up to his liking? I need to come up with another plan to catch his eyes.'

Mia returned to her department only to face a raging manager waiting for her.


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