Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 253 - Waiting And Watching

Chapter 253 - Waiting And Watching

Darkness covered the city and it was almost time for Ivy to reach home. When she went inside, she saw Joshua waiting for her in the living room, his expression serious. He was in deep thought as leaned forward with his elbows resting on his thighs and his fingers intertwined. He was staring into space without blinking with his eyebrows scrunched up. For a moment, Ivy thought him to have been angry with the way she had thrown him out of her room, which in fact was his room, and her heart skipped a beat. Her mind ran a hundred miles and she couldn't stop worrying about it. 

However, she was getting anxious over nothing. When he sensed her presence, he looked up and gave his enchanting smile, taking her off guard. It was a completely different scenario than she had expected and his face did not have even an ounce of anger. She sighed in relief and went to him and he took her in his arms affectionately before giving her a small peck. 

"Welcome home. How was your day?" He asked her gently as he caressed her face lovingly. He pushed back the strand of hair that had made its way out when she had removed her helmet. His touch made her feel at home and she let out a dazzling smile.

"It was good. How was yours?" Though Ivy answered him, her mind was fixed on the word he had said. Her mind kept repeating the way he said home and her heart unknowingly became happy.

"It was okay. Now that I saw you, I am sure the rest of the day will be amazing."

Ivy's smile widened hearing his sweet words. This man knew how to talk and he was an expert at cajoling women. Her heart would immediately go to him whenever he spoke such beautiful words. Ivy was feeling giddy inside her stomach when Joshua tried to gain her attention.

"Do you have your father's diary that has a lot of phone numbers and contact details in it?"

"I think so. I have to check if I have it here or if it is at home." Ivy looked at him in confusion, unsure as to why he was asking about it.

"Please do."

"Why do you want the diary? Is there something in it?" Ivy thought, her eyebrows furrowing and her confusion reaching another level.

Joshua smiled and pressed his thumb and index finger on her forehead trying to ease her eyebrows. "Don't furrow your brows. You will get wrinkles in the future."

"Are you calling me old now?" Ivy retorted back immediately, her confusion was replaced with rage.

Joshua gave her a helpless look. He wondered when he had even called her old or if she misunderstood him completely. "When did I say that?"

"Just now. You talked about me getting wrinkles."

"That was in the future."

"Does that mean you want me to get wrinkles in the future?" Ivy huffed and pushed him away and Joshua gave a defeated sigh. He did not know what to say to her. She was glaring at him like a hungry lion ready to pounce on him and have a good feast for the day.

Thinking about a feast, he got an idea in his mind and smirked which Ivy did not fail to notice.

"Why are you grinning now? What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing. I was just imagining something. Stop being angry, okay? If it helps you in any way, I am ready to apologize."

Seeing him apologizing, Ivy burst out laughing unable to control herself anymore. Though Joshua had realized long back that it was all an act, he still pretended to be shocked. He had to give his best if he wanted to have his feast thoroughly. "Were you acting right now?"

"What do you think?" Ivy looked at him proudly and gave him a wink. "If I am going to get old, you'll not remain young forever either. You will become a grandpa someday."

"Is it? You, my dear, are very good at acting. Where did you learn it?"

"It comes to me naturally. I was a born.." She stopped suddenly when she felt his hand caress her neck gently, just like a feather grazing her body lightly and it gave her tingles.

"What happened? Please continue." Joshua beamed at her response to his touch.

"I have to be care-careful in my pro-pro-profession." She stammered badly when his hands traveled down her neck and landed on her waist. She did not know when he had lifted her shirt and now his hands were on her waist as he fondled her thin waist.

Ivy bit her lip when his hand traveled upwards inside her shirt and it landed on the lining of her bra. Joshua was thankful that she was wearing a loose-fitting shirt and he casually ran his hands across her cleavage. She shivered and goosebumps formed on her skin. His touch on her body was too much for her to bear and she closed her eyes savoring the moment. Seeing her lost and the way she was reacting to him, Joshua smirked devilishly. He had got her just where he wanted. But now was not the time for him to continue, so he pulled back and watched her beautiful face while he waited for her to come out of the daze.josei

Ivy waited for a while. But nothing happened. She could not even feel his hands on her. Confused, she opened her eyes to see Joshua staring right at her with mischief in his eyes. His hands were folded and he was at an arm's distance from her.

"What happened to you? Where were you lost?" He asked her innocently and ended it was an evil grin.

"I got it," Ivy replied after some time of glaring at the man before her. She could see that he was enjoying the plight she was in. It gave him a different kind of satisfaction and delight to see his woman flustered and fidgety.

"Did you? That's great." Joshua applauded her making Ivy's lips to twitch.

"I know you are getting back at me for kicking you out of my room and also for running away without meeting you in the morning."

"Ouch. That's a serious accusation against me, but I accept it. Bingo." Joshua said and stood up suddenly. "What are you waiting for? Come, let's search for the diary." Without waiting for her, he walked away, angering Ivy all the more.

"I'll get back at you. You just wait and watch." Ivy simmered.

"I'll be waiting for it and I'll be watching you. Don't worry. My eyes will be on you, always." Joshua shouted back and her anger turned into shock. She had not said it out loud. So, how did he even hear it? Joshua turned to see her astonished face before climbed up the stairs with a mysterious smile plastered on his face. 


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