Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 258 - Slip Of The Tongue

Chapter 258 - Slip Of The Tongue

When Ivy reached Max's house, she masked her sadness and anger brilliantly and mingled with them as though nothing had happened. So, nobody noticed any difference in her. They had already prepared everything for the meeting. Though they had not finished their complete plan, they had come up with a draft that they wanted to present before their future Boss today. 

Kira and Sasha were going bonkers again on thinking about meeting the handsome God. They had been swept off guard the last time they had met him and boy, he was more handsome than anything. Though their tongues and vocal cords would even dare make any sound in his presence, their eyes gave away their heart's desire. They would clearly become love-struck fangirls on seeing him. They were not the type to dream about him or obsess over him. They did not even want anything from him. They were quite happy working for him and admiring from far. It was a respect they had for a well-accomplished person, nothing more.

Max and Kira went through the draft carefully once again. They were the once to present it in front of Noah and Max wanted to make sure everything was perfect. It was a dream come true to get a sponsor like Noah and he did not want to lose this opportunity due to their carelessness.

Ivy saw her team fretting over everything and stared at them perplexed. He did not know why they were being overly anxious. It was Noah. What was there to be worried about? She did not know that the Noah she knew and the Noah they had seen was completely different. The one she had seen was Aria's boyfriend who was cool and friendly, who took care of her sister like a queen. While the one her colleagues had met was an emperor like a man who gave orders to his subordinates, who expected efficiency and perfection in work, and who did not even hesitate to fire people who did not do their job correctly. So, she could not relate to their nervousness.

Seeing her sitting silently on the couch, Cedric sat beside and offered her a cup of hot chocolate. "What are you thinking about?"josei

"Nothing," Ivy answered after accepting the cup with a smile.

"Aren't you nervous?"

"Why should I be?"

"Because we are going to present before Noah Carter."

"Not at all."

"You must be quite bold and strong to be able to stay cool in times like these. I am on tenterhooks right now just thinking about seeing the man again."

"Why? Is he that scary?"

"You do not know as you missed the last meeting. He is not scary but his presence is too overpowering that you start to sweat automatically. It was worse than the time we met the President, Luis Truman. Remember?" Cedric took a sip from his cup as his eyes landed on Sasha who was helping Max and Kira in their work.

"Why did I never feel that way whenever I met him?" Ivy asked out loud and Cedric choked on his hot chocolate and started coughing non-stop. He stared at Ivy, his eyes filled with questions while he continued to cough. Only then, did she realize her slip of the tongue and she frowned lightly. She handed Cedric a bottle of water that was lying on the table and then started patting his back.

As soon as Cedric calmed down, he fired his first question. "When did you meet Noah?"


"I asked when did you meet Noah. How did you meet him? Do you know him personally?" Cedric asked, his eyes burning with curiosity. His intense gaze put an unknown pressure on her.

"I don't know him nor have I met him."

"Then, what did you mean before?"


"Is it?"


"Ivy." He stressed. Before he could continue, Max intervened, much Ivy's relief.

"Guys, I think we are ready to go," Max said as he picked up his files while Kira nodded.

"Let's go then." Ivy stood up immediately trying to avoid Cedric's questions. 

Cedric gave her a look that said: We are not done talking yet. I'll get back to you later.

Ivy gulped and wanted to smack her head for her carelessness. The moment of thought had made her speak the truth and now she was being questioned like a prisoner. She thanked Max secretly for interrupting at the correct time. The group left the house and got in Max's car. Ivy did not use her bike this time as they were all going to the same location. Also, it would seem unruly and wild to ride it to Noah's office. She did not want people to speak anything bad about him because of her.

Kaito, who had been waiting for Ivy in his usual place, saw the group leave and followed them discreetly. He noticed Ivy getting inside a car instead of using her bike and now he started following the car.

Sasha as usual had prepared a lot of snacks to hog on during the journey. Whenever she was nervous, she would eat as it helped her calm down. Today too she was nervous about meeting her handsome Boss again. If she had known that she would also be meeting another handsome man, Joshua, she would definitely have fainted. She munched on her wafers happily as Cedric sighed in defeat seeing her eating habits. 

After finishing the wafers, she then pulled out a small sandwich and started hogging on it. 

"Sasha, you are so bad. Why didn't you offer us before eating?" Cedric chided her while Kira laughed.

"You guys just had breakfast before leaving. I thought you would not be hungry anymore. My bad. Does anybody want anything to eat?"

Ivy, Kira and max answered a no. Sasha gave Cedric a 'See I told you' smile.

"You didn't ask me." He complained when she was about to take her next bite on the sandwich.

"Fine. Do you want some?" Sasha held her half-eaten sandwich before Cedric as she stared at him. What she did not expect was Cedric to lean in to take a huge bite of her food. Ivy, who was watching everything from the side, smiled knowingly and turned to look outside, giving the couple their time.

Sasha gaped at him as soon as took a bite and she was momentarily tongue-tied. Cedric noticed her expression and smirked inwardly. "I am satisfied now. You can continue eating." 

Sasha narrowed her eyes. She could feel that something was different about him, but she could not make out what. So, she did not give a second thought and ate her sandwich happily. Cedric licked his lips and smiled thinking about the indirect kiss they had just shared, but the woman beside him was busy eating, highly oblivious to it.

After some moments of driving, they reached the Carter Enterprise, and this time they did not have to wait. They were immediately led to Noah's cabin directly.

Mia saw the group of unknown faces when she was returning after taking a coffee break and wondered what they were doing. They did not seem like any company executives nor did they have their identity cards with them that told them they worked here. Their attire too was normal. So, she couldn't stop herself from getting suspicious. She wanted to see why they were here. At that moment, her colleague called her not allowing her to find out more. 

The group went to the top floor and met Shane and Ronnie outside Noah's cabin. Seeing Ivy here, Ronnie gave her a small cutesy nod which she returned with a smile. The small exchange did not go unnoticed by Cedric and his suspicions rose.

Ronnie led the group inside Noah's cabin after knocking at the door. Sasha and Kira had readied themselves to be blown away again. But they were pleasantly surprised and starstruck when they noticed another man, they were all too familiar with, along with Noah. It was none other than Joshua Martin.

The person who was more chocked was Ivy. She gawked at him while Joshua gave her a wink. He was joyous with her response and his mood brightened like a sunny morning. 

Ivy too was happy on meeting him here. She had been distressed on not seeing him in the morning. However, the next moment, her happiness was replaced with anger. 'I was agonizing since morning on not finding you at home and here you are winking at me. How obnoxious!'

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