Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 298 - Become One (DaRa Couple)

Chapter 298 - Become One (DaRa Couple)



Read at your own risk.

Aria was still reminiscing the day's extraordinary events when Noah returned with a glass of milk. He saw her staring at the wall in front of her and smiled lightly. He could see what she was thinking and he too was perplexed with the turn of events. He had never expected Aria to forgive him this easily, although he knew she would eventually. It was a dream come true for him and he made a promise to himself to never lie to Aria ever again. Or else, the woman he loved the most would flip out and he would be the one at loss. Aria when angry was scarier than he had thought and he never wished to see her side again. However, angry Aria was such a turn on, but he did not want to be at the receiving end. Never.

Noah had decided to stay for the night as Ivy had already told him that she would not be returning home and the couple could do whatever they wanted. He thanked Ivy in his mind for her quick thinking and sat beside Aria, who was still oblivious to his presence. Noah finished half of the milk before he handed the glass to Aria and the woman drank it without even taking another look at it. It was only when the glass was empty did she realize Noah sitting beside her. Aria was startled for a second before she composed herself.

"What were you thinking?" Noah asked her after he took the glass from her and placed it on the table beside the bed. He then made her lie down and he himself lied down beside her with his left hand around her shoulder and her head on his chest. After a lot of time, he had found peace in his life and he wished time to pause right here right now. He wanted to relish the time he was spending with Aria as much as he could. His life right now was blissful and he was extremely exhilarated.

"Nothing much. Just some stuff." Aria answered as she yawned loudly and snuggled closer to Noah's body to get some warmth off him. She rubbed her head on his chest, it felt extremely cozy and she liked the fact that it felt nice to sleep in his arms. He was better than her pillow and now he had become her favorite personal pillow. Noah smiled at her warm gesture and pulled her closer by her waist. When he looked down, he noticed that Aria was deep asleep. Her breathing had slowed down and her eyes were shut tight. Even her hands around him had loosened and she was drifting towards the dreamland. 

Noah kissed her forehead and his lips remained there for quite some time before he released her. He hoped no other problems to come in their life, but he knew that it was impossible until the man who killed Theo and poisoned his father-in-law was still at large. He had to be dealt with before the man became a danger to his family.

Noah let out a deep breath, closed his eyes, and drifted off to a blissful sleep after a long time, completely oblivious to the upcoming storm in his life.

While the two couples were having a blissful time in their love lives on track, there a couple in the other part of the city where everything was not going well. Since the time Daniel had found out about Noah's involvement in Oliver's disappearance, he was giving a cold shoulder to Rachel. 

The day he had learned the truth from Aria, he had demanded an explanation from Rachel. He did not care if Noah was involved or not. What he wanted to know was if Rachel knew about it to not. He wanted to know if she too had lied to them just like her brother. In this aspect, Daniel was just like Aria. He hated people who lied to him, he found it even annoying to even stay in their presence.

When Daniel had learned the truth, he had been devastated. He had not expected Rachel to hide such an important matter from him. But he also knew she had her reasons. First of all, it was her brother, not she who had taken Oliver with her, and second, she had no control over this matter. She might have had her reasons to have kept it a secret. However, he was a little vexed and had told her that he would forgive her the day Aria got back together with Noah.

Rachel had tried everything in her capacity to make him understand her predicament, but the man was as stubborn as ever. He did not want to hear a thing from her until the matter between Noah and Aria was solved. Rachel was not at irked by his behavior, she had expected to meet such a day the day she had found out about Daniel and Aria's friendship. Her man was a good friend, he was quite protective of the twins. He was this caring and worried about his friends, her mood immediately brightened up when she imagined how good he would treat his woman.

Rachel was satisfied with her boyfriend. He was a true definition of a gentleman and she did all she could to pacify the angry man. She would visit him every day at his office and bring him food cooked by her personally. Though the man was not speaking to her, he did not humiliate her at least. He would eat everything prepared by her and behave the way he usually did when there were people around him.

Daniel saw her persistence and his heart melted a little. He saw the efforts she was putting to appease him and now, even if he wanted to he could not stay furious at her. She was his darling girl. How could he bear to see her suffer?

As usual, Rachel had come to his house carrying the box of food with her and as usual, Daniel ate it without speaking a word. While eating, he had noticed Rachel dejected face and he had decided then and there to end the fight. The woman before him was innocent and it made no sense to punish her for things she had not even done. So, the next second, after he finished eating, he pulled her towards him and kissed her with all his might. His sudden action startled Rachel. She had assumed him to give her a cold shoulder for long. However, she was surprised to see that it had ended sooner than she had thought. Happy with the outcome, she too kissed him with all her passion.

Daniel did not waste any second and walked towards his bedroom without breaking the kiss. She tasted just delicious and he wanted more of it, more of her. His tongue was already playing with hers as they fought for dominance. He pressed on her waist eliciting a moan from her as he kicked the bedroom door impatiently. The door opened with a thud, but neither of them cared. They were so deep in their kiss that did even know when they had landed on the bed. 

Daniel stayed alone in his house while his parents stayed at a villa closeby. So, he did not have anything to worry about, nobody would disturb him. He had long wanted to take the final step with her and now the time had come for them to finally claim the other person as theirs.

Very quickly, the clothes were on the floor and they continued to kiss each other with their naked bodies pressing on each other. Rachel could feel the man's sexy body on her and her body could not help but shiver in delight. Though she was not a virgin, this was the first time she felt this thrilled to have sex as she was with the person she loved.

Daniel's lips left hers and he went down to the hollow of her throat. He kissed her throat and Rachel curled her toes in delight. She clutched onto the bed covers tightly relishing the wonderful feeling Daniel was bestowing upon her. He then lightly nibbled on her collarbone before his eyes fell on her well-developed breasts. His eyes darkened on seeing the two beautiful mounds and his semi-erect body part stood up with excitement. 

Unable to control himself, he kissed her breast while his other hand pinched her other nipple softly. His ministrations made Rachel's thoughts to go haywire and her body arched in pleasure. The man's hand and lips were doing wonders on her body and she was slowly giving herself to him. She was submitting herself to the pleasure and she was not even sorry.

The man continued to showers kisses on her breasts giving both her mounds equal attention. When he was satisfied with the work he had done, he then progressed to go lower. He kissed her navel before lips kissed her soft buds. Rachel could not control herself and moaned out loud. 'Why did this feel so good?' She wondered and concentrated on what Daniel was doing to her.

Daniel licked his lips before he licked her soft pink folds. He continued to latch onto them as he tried to control his urge to just thrust into her. Rachel covered her mouth using the back of her hand as she tried to control her breathing. She could feel the pool of heat that was forming in the pit of her stomach and juices were already running down her thighs. Her mind lost it when Daniel licked the juices clean. Rachel stared at the man and saw him lick his lips. The scene was too erotic for her already muddled mind. 

Daniel noticed that Rachel was ready. She was wet enough for him and he too was ready. His manhood with covered with precum. All that was left was for him to take the last step. He pulled the drawer by the bedside and pulled out a condom. He pushed it slowly with his eyes fixed on Rachel who was observing his every move. At this moment, Daniel looked so handsome to Rachel that she did not want anything but clench her muscles around his erect rod. 

However, before he could plunge his rod into her hot cavern, Rachel stopped him making him groan in frustration at being stooped at the wrong time. But he respected her decision and looked at her in confusion.

"I-I am not a virgin," Rachel confessed and averted her gaze away from him, unable to meet his eyes. She had expected him to be a narrow-minded person who valued things like and expected his woman to give her first time solely to him. However, his next words proved her wrong.

"I don't care. Rachel, I love you and it does not matter to me if you are a virgin or not, and let me tell you something now that we are on this topic. This is not my first time too."

"What?" Rachel was surprised. His reaction was completely contradictory to what Rachel had expected. Her reaction disappointed Daniel. He wondered if she was dejected by his words. What he did not know was that Rachel was surprised by the fact that he did not care if she was a virgin or not.

Just like Danny, it did not matter to her if she was his first or not. She saw his depressed expression and realized that he had misunderstood her. She chuckled lightly before she pushed herself and kissed the man she loved. "Daniel, it does not matter to me too. I love you and that is more important."

Rachel wanted to speak more, but the man stopped her by kissing her on her lips. He then dived to kiss her pink folds again, not allowing her to grasp the situation. He was very happy with her words and when he felt her to be ready, he thrust himself inside her with full force making her arch her body. 

"I love you too, Rachel." Now they had become one in every possible way.

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