Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 300 - Prison Visit

Chapter 300 - Prison Visit

Daniel drove towards the prison to meet the man who had once tried to harm him. However, before that, he had not forgotten to prepare breakfast for his beloved who at that moment was fast asleep. He knew she would be tired with the amount of exercise they had done the previous night and she would be in no mood to cook for herself. At least, he could help her in this matter for all she had to go through because of him.

Daniel smiled as he remembered his gorgeous girlfriend. Her gentle yet confident smile was what he liked the most about her and it was she who made him want to give her happiness in the world. And why not? She deserved it.

However, his expression changed as he approached the prison gates and a serious look masked his handsome face. He looked more serious than he would be in the court hall whenever he was fighting a case. The prison guards checked his identity and his belongings before they allowed him to go in. After making an entry in the register, he was led to the meeting rooms and was asked to wait for a few minutes.

It did not take long for Jack to come to meet him. The man was led by two guards, his handcuffs still intact. He was in his prisoner uniform and Daniel concluded that this uniform suited him the most. Though the man had been in jail for months, he did not look like he was leading a miserable life. There was no remorse on his face and it looked as though he was living a life of comfort and happiness. 

This did not come as a surprise to Daniel when he saw him after a long time. He had known his criminal background and he knew that this man was a frequent visitor to the prisons for the petty crime he had committed. So, there was no doubt that this was just like a home to him, a very comfortable home.

The man was smiling all the way from his cell this the meeting room. He knew that his little act the previous day would surely alert the guards and he would be allowed to do as he wanted. They would bring the man he wanted to speak and right now, all he wanted to do was speak to his nephew. His first attempt at getting his hands on his brother's properties had gone in vain. But he would not admit this easily, not when he had a trump card with him.

Jack knew that his good brother had not told the truth about his son's birth. The man must have hidden it thoroughly. But there was nothing to worry about when he was here. He would make sure all the secrets his awesome brother had hidden to come in front of his nephew. His main aim was to destroy the family that sent him to jail. It was all that he was looking forward to.

Daniel did not say a word when he saw his uncle in front of him. The man resembled his father a lot. They had the same facial structure and eye color. The only contrasting feature was their hair color. While Daniel's father, Arnold had dark brown hair, Jack had pitch-black hair. Also, the man who was sitting opposite to him had cunningness oozing out of eyes his face while Daniel's father was a very gentle and kind man.

Just like Daniel, even Jack observed his nephew and he smiled when he noticed his familiar features. His smile broadened when he thought about the plan he had in mind and how in just a matter of a few hours, his brother's family would be destroyed. He could not help but look forward to it.

Jack was always jealous of his brother for his wonderful personality and his ability to make money. The man was better than him in all aspects and had made a name for himself in the country while he had been nothing but useless. He had wasted his time gambling and losing the money he had received as his inheritance while his brother had used to build a law firm. Arnold had got everything in life, from riches to a beautiful wife and a filial son while he had nothing with him except was a good for nothing wife and daughter who knew only to spend his money. What he did not realize was that his entire family was the same with him being a leader at being useless.

Daniel waited for the man to start speaking but he sensed that he had no intention to do so even after a long time had passed. His patience was wearing thin now and all he wanted was to get out of this place. He never liked this wicked man. The two times he had met him had been a disaster to him. The first time, the man had tried to harm him and the second time he had tried to wreak havoc in his family. He hated this man who brought great grievance to his family. His patience was wearing thin and he realized that Jack would not start speaking until prompted.

"Why did you want to meet me?" Daniel spoke after some time.

"Ahh, the man speaks. And here I was wondering when my nephew would actually let out a word from his mouth." Jack said with a sarcastic smile on his family.

"If you are here to entertain me with your nonsense, then it's best I leave from here. I find you and your words highly annoying." With that, Danny stood up and turned to leave only to be stopped by the irritating man.

"What's the rush? Don't you want to listen to what I want to say?"

"No, I am not interested," Daniel replied curtly. He was done entertaining this nuisance of a man and he knew nothing good would come out in his presence. The man was a jinx to his family and it was best he stayed away from him.

"Hey hey hey." Jack stood up suddenly, stunned by his nephew's answer. He did not expect him to disregard his words just like that. He had things to tell him and he would not allow him to leave without listening to them. He had made up his mind to destroy the peace and happiness in Arnold's family and he would achieve it at all costs. 

Seeing him get agitated, the guards pushed him back to his seat and the man howled in pain. It was no joke that the guards here were horrible and he had experienced their strength first hand whenever he had tried to go against the rules or had demanded something from them. He took a deep breath, he had to remain calm if his plan to work effectively.

"Don't you want to learn the truth about your birth?"

This time his words caught Daniel's attention. He stopped in his tracks and turned slowly to face the man who was smiling widely at him. Daniel's face was filled with fury and if they were not separated by a glass window, he would have surely punched his face. This man was annoying as hell.

"Do you have amnesia or something? How many times are you going to use the same trick on me? I know that truth and I know I am an orphan. You do not have to rub it on my face every time we meet and even if you do, it will not affect me anymore. My parents love me more than you can ever imagine and that is enough for me." Daniel spat, his eyes turning deadly.

Seeing his angry face, even Jack was scared for a second. "Who told that you are an orphan?" He questioned with a slight glint in his eyes. They were shining with wickedness and Daniel was sure that man had become mentally retarded, or even worse a psychopath. 

Daniel did not answer his question, but just folded his hands and raised an eyebrow. Since he had already traveled this far, he decided to listen to what the man wanted of him. Jack smiled in glee seeing that Daniel was waiting for his words and he secretly rejoiced at his victory. He was close and all he had to do was give a push and Daniel would do everything he had in mind. It would not be him who would kill Arnold's happy life, it would be his own son.

"You are not an orphan nor are you unrelated to Arnold." Jack's statement made Daniel to scrunch up his eyebrows in confusion. The man was speaking in riddles and now it was getting on his nerves.

"Don't twist your words. Speak directly or else, I am going to leave right away." Daniel warned him and gave him one look before his eyes went to the guard who was looking at the duo. He gave them a nod that said everything was under control and it was only then did the guard turned to look away.

"Seeing your face and your honest reactions, I am sure Arnold has not told you about it. How wonderful! I wonder how your mother, my sister-in-law would react to this heartbreaking news. Will she divorce your father? I hope she does, there is nothing better than seeing your father lose the woman he loves." Jack said and laughed loudly like a maniac and this enraged Daniel all the more.

"What are you trying to say?"josei

"Oh Daniel, I pity you. Poor boy. You don't even know about your birth. But there is nothing to worry about when I am here. I'll tell you everything. You are Arnold's biological son but Pamela is not your birth mother. Your father had a lover before he got married to Pamela and it was she who gave birth to you."

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