Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 328 - Press Statement (Unedited)

Chapter 328 - Press Statement (Unedited)

Aria and Ian blinked at each other in shock for a second, before they started to panic. The situation had turned all of a sudden and now, even their lives were in danger. But there was one thing that was bugging Ian. "What do you mean by inhaled, Doctor?"

"The test reports show that the victims have inhaled the gas. Their food was not poisoned, but the air around them was poisoned." The doctor sighed trying to appear he was fine, while in fact, he was panicking from within. 

Sarin was a highly lethal poison, exposure to which even at low concentrations was led to the death of the person in just a few minutes, sometimes. It mainly attacked the nervous system and even just a minute of consumption would lead to the victim to coma. But that was not the reason why Ian and Aria were panicking. The reason they were anxious and scared was that sarin was a highly volatile gas and even a person's clothing that had come in contact with the gas had the ability to release the gas for about thirty minutes. Now, everybody who had come in contact with the victims had the chance of being a victim themselves, including the doctors and nurses and the other hospital staff. Now, they had to check if their lives were at risk or not before treating any other patients. 

Aria and Ian looked at each other before they came to a decision. "Aria, inform everyone of the situation and tell Noah about it too. We need his help all the more now to save the crowd outside the hospital. There are high chances of them having inhaled the gas and we do and want any more patients. I'll prepare the antidote as much as possible. We can use atropine to calm the person for now and once the situation comes under control we can try and test other medications. I have tested for atropine and it works for now." Ian barked a series of commands for Aria to follow and Aria too listened to him attentively.

Many lives were at stake now and they had come up with a solution now as fast as possible. As Ian had said, they could not let anybody else come in contact with the poison, and the only way to stop it is to make the people wear masks. "I am on it," Aria replied once she received Ian's orders and sprinted out of the pathology lab.

Meanwhile, Ian too stepped out of the lab and made a call a call to someone. "I need as much atropine as possible within twenty minutes. Bring it to the hospital. It's an emergency." That was all he said before he too went to warn the people around him. Why did something like this had to happen right now, putting everybody's lives in danger? He wondered wh could be cruel enough to do such a heinous thing. Sarin was not easily available and it was banned under international law. So, there was no way it was unintentional. Somebody had to be behind the deadly plan, but who?

Aria warned all the doctors and nurses she met on her way, putting everyone into a state of panic. Although she did not want to be the one to do it, she had no choice. They had to be informed of the complicated situation so that they could be careful. She even informed the receptionist about it before she stepped out to see Noah and Ronnie trying to control the chaos outside the hospital, and they had done a good job at it. 

Noah saw coming towards him and he went her himself, a frown making its way on his face seeing her worried expression. "Is everything alright?"

"No. We have a problem. The poison used is sarin gas and now all our lives are in danger. We will have to perform tests on everybody whoever has come in contact with the gas and give them the antidote if they have been affected."

Noah's frown deepened. "Are we in that list too?"

"Yes, one's a person is affected, there are chances that his clothes can release the gas," Aria said and that was all it took for Noah to get anxious. He was not worried about the people who were affected by the chemical. No. The one person he was more concerned about Aria, followed by Ian and then Ronnie. These three people mattered more to him than the entire world. One was his girlfriend, the other was his best friend and Ronnie was his bodyguard who had been with him for a long time. How could he afford to lose any one of them? No way.

"What is Ian doing now?" Noah asked after a lot of pondering. He had know what Ian had in mind and he was the one who called the shots here. Noah could only follow him and assist him to save as many people as possible. 

"Ian is arranging for the antidote. We need bulks of it and there's a shortage here. I think he wants to speak to you about something."

"Let's go then." Noah turned to look at Ronnie only to see that the man had heard everything the couple had spoken.

"Boss, I'll monitor the situation here." Noah nodded at him before he left with Aria. Just as he had seen previously, there were many people whose health was deteriorating severely. Although the doctors and nurses were trying their best to help them, they had a shortage of manpower. Aria left him halfway when she saw a woman convulsing heavily while she was being unattended. So, Noah had to go in search of Ian alone and to his relief, he saw right outside one of the wards on the first floor. He was trying hard to save the patient who was twitching on the stretcher. But the man did not have the luck and he took his last breath in a matter of a few seconds.

Ian took a deep breath before he shook his head. "The man is no more. Send him to the lab first before taking him to the morgue." He ordered the ward boys when he finally noticed Noah waiting for him at the side.

"Were you looking for me?"

"Yes, we will have to inform everyone about the poisonous gas so that they would take precautions from now. Is there any media company outside?"

"Yes," There are many reporters as far as I have.

"Just allow one of them to come inside. We need them to inform the public about it. We cannot risk any more lives."josei

"What about the antidote?" Noah asked the question he wanted to since the time he had heard the complexity of the issue from Aria.

"We are not too sure how bad the chemical can affect a human body as it was banned before. But we can control its effect for now using one of the antidotes and study about it once we gain control of the situation. I have ordered a bulk supply of the antidote. It will be here shortly."

"Okay. I'll prepare everything. Please be careful and take care of Aria." Noah said in seriousness and Ian nodded at him in understanding. He knew the man's nature and he felt happy for Noah and Aria for having each other in their lives. 

"I'll have to leave now. You too take care of yourself." The two men parted running off the finish each other's work. Noah did not have much work to do. He had to select one of the reporters from the crowd that was trying to get inside and Ian would take care of everything. Given a choice, he would have released the public statement, not wanting to disturb Ian from his work. But he was no doctor and his words would not hold any value if it was not declared by a medical professional with substantial and valid proofs. So, he could not do it.

In no time, Noah brought one of the reporters inside along with the cameraman to meet Ian and they started to question him. Not wanting to hinder the treatment of other people, Ian led them to a secluded area before he released the statement. "My name is Ian Davis and I am the head of the cardiology department at Regal Medical Hospital. We have found the source of the poison that has affected a lot of people and it is a highly deadly gas, Sarin. It not only affects the people who have inhaled, it also affects the people who have come in contact or even been near the infected person. We are trying to find the best medicine to stop its effect. But my suggestion for all the people who have high chances to have inhaled the poison is to get yourself tested and take the antidote if infected. Also, from now one please cover your noses and mouth until the situation returns to normal."

Ian gave his statement and the reporters looked at him in shock, not because of the poison. But because there were high chances of them getting poisoned too. Seeing their expression, Ian held out two pills. "This is the antidote for the poison. I'll give them to you right now and they have very few side effects. Please do consume them only after you cover your nose and mouth with a mask. Once we find the perfect medication, we will inform you all."

The two reporters sighed in relief on hearing Ian's assuring words and smiled at him gratefully, before leaving the hospital with the pills. Noah and Ian smiled at each in appreciation when they saw a nurse running towards them in hurry. She stopped right in front of the two men and gasped for air. "Dr. Davis, emergency. Dr. Aria has fainted. It seems she had been affected by the poison."

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