Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 331 - Noah's Declaration

Chapter 331 - Noah's Declaration

Aria opened her eyes slowly much to everybody's happiness. Her eyes looked dazed and it took a while for her to adjust herself to the surroundings. While Joshua went out to call Ian to have look at her health, Ivy and Noah stayed beside her, happiness evident on their faces. The time when Aria had been unconscious was the worst time they had ever undergone, especially Noah who held her dearer than his life. Now that she had gained consciousness, he could not control his joy. It was then he made up his mind to cherish her even more than he was doing now. She was too precious to him and he could not afford to lose at. No.

"Ari, can you hear us?" Ivy asked gently so as to not overwhelm her sister. She had just come out of her sleep and she did not want to frighten her. "Do you feel pain anywhere? Or are you uncomfortable?" She spoke with a soothing voice as she pushed back the stray hairs on her sister's forehead. Her behavior was so touching and filled with warmth that Aria could not help but remember her mother. 

Her eyes teared up a little as she was happy to have her sister in her life. But to Noah and Ivy, her tears meant something else and they misunderstood her to be in pain. They started to panic and they tried to coax her all the more. 

"Aria, do you feel uncomfortable somewhere? Tell us. Ian is on his way. He will take care of you." Noah assured her holding her hand in his. His heart was about to jump out of his rib cage seeing her cry. It was the worst feeling ever and he never wanted to go through it ever again. Her tears made him lose his mind and he would do anything to keep her happy and safe. With a lot of effort, Aria shook her head and Noah and Ivy relaxed slightly. 

"Then, why were you crying, sweetie?" Ivy asked her again, her hand patting her forehead gently as though she was lulling her to sleep. However, before Aria could speak anything, Joshua returned with Ian right behind him. Ivy cleared her way for him to take a look while Noah stayed at his spot, not budging even an inch. He had decided not to leave her side until she was completely fine. 

"Hello, Aria. How do you feel?" Ian too spoke to her gently lowering his voice slightly, completely different than the way he used to speak to her during working hours. "Are you in pain? Does it hurt somewhere?"

Aria shook her head again as an answer and Ian smiled at her as though he was speaking to a small girl. "Great. Let me check your pulse okay?" Now Aria did not say anything and allowed Ian to do his job. The man checked her pulse and her tongue to see if it was still blue. He inspected her health twice and only when he was confirmed of her condition did he pull away. "You seem to be doing great. The poison did not affect you much because you were given the antidote immediately. You will be completely fine once you rest for a few hours, okay?"

Aria smiled at him in understanding. She opened her mouth to speak to him but all that came out was a croak. Aria's pale face became red at once and she averted her gaze away from Ian in embarrassment. Ian chuckled at her, seeing her state. "Don't worry. Drink some water before you speak, okay? Your throat must be parched due to the effect of poison."

Ian then turned to the three people who were waiting for him to tell them the correct diagnosis. "Aria seems to be fine for now. We will keep her under observation for a few hours and if nothing happens, she can leave. I suggest her to get bed rest for at least a day. She is weak and sometimes, she might feel lightheaded and nauseous. But that's okay. That only means she is slowly recovering." Ian assured them, his voice now changing to a professional tone. The man behaved like a strict doctor in front of them even though they were all his best friends.

"Any questions?" Ian enquired after speaking and giving them assurance about Aria's health. When he did not receive any reply, he took his leave as he had other patients to tend to. Aria's absence had only increased the workload on the others. However, she was not the one to be blamed when she herself had become a patient. Also, he still had to repay his debts to her when she had taken charge of his patients during his absence when Noah was shot and also when he had undergone a bone marrow transplant.

Even if he was not indebted to her, he would not allow a patient to work when there was a high chance of her getting sick again due to low immunity. Ian took his leave from them and did not see Ivy's admiring gaze on him. But Joshua did not miss it. He saw her worshipping look when she was staring at Ian and he frowned lightly. "Ivy, are you alright?"

"I am. Why do you ask?" Ivy responded without even looking at Joshua. Her eyes were still fixed on the door even after Ian's back had vanished.

"Then, why are you staring at the door?"

"I was just admiring Ian's back," Ivy answered honestly still not facing Joshua which irked him to the core.


"I never realized until now that Dr. Ian was this handsome. Wow." She said patting her cheeks as though she was dreaming about an ethereal beauty who had just appeared before her and had vanished before she could even take a good look at him. She sighed lightly in disappointment. 

"What?" Joshua asked, his voice raising an octave.

"Yes, Dr. Ian sure is handsome and charming. But for the first time today, I found him to be very attractive especially when he was talking to Aria with that sexy voice of his. Oh my Lord. I would have definitely fainted if I was not concerned about my sister more." Ivy's answer made Joshua to grit his teeth.

"Ivy, you do realize that your boyfriend is standing right here, right?" Joshua's tone took a deadly turn and even Ivy could feel the anger in his voice. It made her shiver involuntarily and it was only then she realized what she had done. She was now scared to meet Joshua's terrifying gaze as she knew she had offended him severely. Ivy wondered what the man would do to her now that she had annoyed him.

However, she could not avoid him forever. Even if she ignored him now, she could not avoid him at his house. So, she turned to him slowly and let out a cheeky grin. "Are you angry?" She asked lowering her voice as if she was trying to make her way into his heart using her voice.

"What do you think?" Joshua did not change his expression and asked her indifferently, narrowing his eyes. He was unfazed by her smile as he had made up his mind to punish her for ignoring him.

"Ian is sure a charming man. But to me, my dearest boyfriend is the best. There is no other man better than him for me. He is the sexiest man alive." Ivy tried to pacify the angry man and to some extent, she seemed to be successful. Joshua's stance softened and his lips quirked up a little. But he was still not satisfied. He wanted to hear her praise him more. 

"Joshua, you don't have to be jealous. I will belong to you forever and what I have for men like Ian and Noah is just admiration and respect. Nothing more. Why do I have to look at other men when I have the world's most handsome man as my boyfriend? To be honest, I should be careful of other women who have a secret liking to you." Ivy uttered everything in one breath and this time, Joshua was completely satisfied. Although the man knew that she was just sucking up to him, he could not help but feel jovial hearing her words. They were honey to him, sweet and touching.

"Good girl. Remember what you have told me today." He said as he patted her hair affectionately with a smile on his face and for a second, Ivy was lost in his charms. She only came back when she heard someone clear their throat.

"How shameless you guys must be." She heard Noah's comment and her eyes widened. She had completely forgotten about him and Aria and the fact that they were still the ward and were listening to everything that she and Joshua were speaking. Now, she was utterly embarrassed and she did not know how to face them.josei

"We have a patient here and you two are more interested in displaying your love before us. How annoying!!!" Noah continue, displeasure evident in his voice. Now, Ivy wanted to dig a hole for herself and jump into it. 

'Why? Why did I forget about where I was?' She scolded herself mentally. Joshua noticed her awkward look and he smirked silently.

"We can't help it. Both of us like each other. So, it is a given that we will show off our affection to the world. Let them envy us and die of jealously." Joshua stated as though it was the truth and Ivy once again cursed under her breath, but this time it was all directed at Joshua. Why was this man so shameless? Can't he at least stay still until they reached home?

"Oh, are you provoking me now?" Noah asked, narrowing his eyes. It seemed as if Aria waking up from her slumber had revitalized the almost dead man. He was filled with newfound energy and all of it was directed at his friend, Joshua, and some at Ivy.

"What if I am?"

"Then, I'll challenge you. Once Aria recovers, I'll make sure that you guys will be suffocated by our display of affection." Noah's declaration not only shocked Ivy and Joshua, even Aria stared at him dumbfounded. All she had in mind was that she had just woken up and what nonsense this man was spouting.

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