Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 340 - Food Packaging Factory

Chapter 340 - Food Packaging Factory

The next day, Ivy got up earlier than usual and noticed Joshua sleeping like a baby beside her. She smiled on seeing his cute face while he pulled the pillow closer to him as he continued to sleep. "I am going to miss you." She whispered beside his ear before she leaned in to sneak a kiss. However, before she could even pull back, the man had draped his hands around her waist and had pulled her closer.

"Why did you stop kissing? Please continue." He muttered with a hoarse voice as he blinked his eyes to chase away the drowsiness he was still having.

"How long were you awake? Why didn't you tell me?" Ivy was bewildered to find that the man had caught her while she was committing her crime.josei

"I woke up right at the moment you told me that you would miss me. And as to why I did not tell you is I wanted to know what you would do." Joshua winked at her making her roll her eyes.

"Let me go. I need to get ready." Ivy tried to wriggle her way out of his embrace but the man only pulled her closer.

"Wait, I am yet to give you a reply."

"What reply?"

"That I am going to miss you too and," Joshua pulled her flush and returned her peck with a deep kiss, not caring about their morning breath. Ivy did not even have the time to take a breather when she was kissed out of nowhere and when she was finally released, she could not help but take large chunks of air. "Now, you can go." Joshua patted her butt and released her, once again stunning Ivy. She stared at him dumbfoundedly until realization dawned on her and the next second, she scurried away from him like a rat.

The last thing she heard before she entered the bathroom was Joshua's charming laugh and the door closed with a loud thud. It was too early to have breakfast. So, Ivy just packed a small bag with some buns before she turned to face Joshua who at the time had decided to follow her footsteps all the way along until she left the house. 

"Are you leaving?" He pouted and held her hands in dismay.

"I'll be back soon," Ivy promised rubbing her thumbs on the back of his hands.

"Stay safe and don't forget to call me."

"You too. I'll miss you." Ivy hugged him all of a sudden and the man returned the hug.

"Me too. Please take care and abort the mission in case it becomes too dangerous. Kaito and Ronnie will always be with you. Okay?" Joshua kissed her hair consoling himself more than coaxing her. How could he not be worried when the girl he had come to like was going on a dangerous mission?

"Okay. I need to leave now." The couple parted from each other reluctantly and Ivy left the man alone. Unlike last time, she did not use her own bike. If what Tim claimed was true, then there were chances of other people knowing about her bike as it was not every day they could find a girl riding one. It would only be risky if people she was going to keep an eye on noticed her bike.

This time, she took one of Kaito's bike instead. The man had a collection with him and she chose the least striking model. It attracted less attention although it was not any less expensive. Ivy took off like a bullet with Kaito and Ronnie following her stealthily on their own motorbikes making sure that they would not be a hindrance to her.

Ivy knew the place where she would be going first. It was a small food package industry on the outskirts of the city. She wondered why the people had chosen this industry and how it was even related to the case. Since it was no use racking her brain when she would be getting her answers shortly, she gave thinking eventually and concentrated on riding her bike.

It was still early and the sun was yet to rise completely. The roads were still deserted. So, it was easy for her to spot her two bodyguards for the time being. They were following her from a distance, giving her the space she had asked for. Ivy smiled at their thoughtfulness and looked ahead following the route she had memorized the previous night. It took her more than an hour to reach the factory.

Except for the two watchmen who stood outside, guarding the gates, she could find nobody. For a second, she wondered if she had come to the correct place. The place did not seem to be extraordinary. It looked like a normal packaging industry, nothing significant. "How are those people going to meet here when the workers are going to walk in and out of the factory?" She muttered and stared ahead, trying to hide from the watchmen.

She had already parked her vehicle at some distance away and had walked on foot until the factory. She did not find anything suspicious about the place from outside. But as it was said, appearances were deceptive. So, she decided to go in and observe the area thoroughly.

Ivy had chosen to come here early as she wanted to inspect the place first in case if she were to find clues that could help her. If the information she had gathered was true, then the meeting would start at eleven. So, she still had more than three hours or at least some time until the factory workers started to enter. 

Ivy could not enter the front gate as the watchmen seemed to be guarding it with full attention. So, she walked around trying to find any hole for her to crawl in and get inside. Although she could not find any suitable hole, she did notice that there was no mesh above the compound that surrounded the factory. She could jump over the compound and reach the other side.

However, there was a problem again here. She did not know the art of climbing walls. What if she slipped and fell? It would definitely alert the two guards. Now, the only thing she could do was ask Ronnie or Kaito for help and she did just the same. She snapped her fingers, the code they had fixed for her to call them for help and the next minute, both the men were beside her.

"I need help. I need to get inside and I don't know to climb walls." Ivy said, without any shame. She had chosen the backside of the factory, far away from the watchmen. So, it was not that possible for anybody to notice her in case she jumped off the walls.

The two men nodded at her in understanding and the next instant, Kaito climbed the wall with ease, making Ivy gape at him in horror. He was as agile as a cat and she did not even know when the man had even reached the top. 

"Miss West, may I?" Ronnie asked her permission before touching her and Ivy nodded at him, her eyes still fixed on Kaito. The man then lifted her with ease and Kaito pulled her from the top. In the blink of an eye, she was sitting on the compound with Kaito beside her.

All that was running in her mind at that moment was, 'Where am I? What am I? And why am I even here?'

Ronnie too made his way beside Ivy and both the men helped her to enter the factory premises without alerting the guards. She was about to thank the two men when she noticed that the two of them had vanished into thin air. 'Seriously, how long was I lost in my thoughts to not sense them disappear? Are they ninja reincarnated? These two are so damn skilled. Thank you sweetheart for sending them with me.' 

She smiled thinking about Joshua before her thoughts broke and started to concentrate on her mission. 'Now that I am here, let me decode why I am even here in the first place.' 

With that Ivy started to walk towards the factory, trying to hide herself from any possible eyes, with the two men keeping a close look at her. She did not know if anybody was inside the factory or not and if there were, she did not want to alert them. So, she tried to be as careful as possible, until she faced her next dilemma. Now, how was she supposed to enter the factory when it was obviously locked from the outside?

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