Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 342 - Familiar Smell

Chapter 342 - Familiar Smell

The two burly looking men did not speak a word, but they straight away lunged forward to deal with Ronnie. Kaito who at the back pushed Ivy behind him and went forward to help his new friend, Ronnie. In front of those two hefty men, Ronnie and Kaito looked like school kids. Although neither of the two men were thin or seemed weak, in front of the two monstrous men, they looked tiny.

Ivy could not help fear for the two men now who were in danger because of her. "Be careful," She warned them from behind which went completely unheard as the fight had already started. 

Although Ronnie was not sure, he had a hunch that the fight would not be easy. It was not because the men looked hefty. No. He had dealt with hefty men before and it had been easy for him to defeat them. But these two looked different. They seemed to be trained and well versed at fighting, and he warned the same to Kaito who already had made his assumptions.

As expected, the fight was not easy. The men had strength and they attacked with full vigor. However, to Ivy what was more surprising was the way Ronnie and Kaito did not hesitate to show off their skills. They were equally strong, maybe even more as they had managed to injure their enemy while defending themselves. Ivy wondered where in their nimble was this immense power and strength stored. josei

The situation was dangerous, it was not a movie where Ivy could experience it with full thrill and excitement. But to her, it sure was thrilling and exciting. She kept her eyes on her men and wished them luck secretly. The fight took an unexpected turn when Kaito held the man in a headlock and the next second, he drove his fist at full speed into his neck and hit the vagus nerve. The man fell unconscious and Kaito wiped his fist using a tissue.

Ivy looked at the scene in horror, still unable to believe what she had just witnessed. The nimble looking Kaito had taken down the huge man just with his fist. How? 

Kaito did not stop there. He went to help Ronnie and used the same technique on the other man and in no seconds, the man was out. Now, not only Ivy even Ronnie was perplexed. He could not understand how Kaito had done that. "What did you do?"

"I just hit him on his vagus nerve," Kaito replied honestly and Ronnie understood. Making a person unconscious by hitting on the vagus nerve was one of the most difficult tricks to execute. He had tried to master it for some time but had ended up failing. Even Noah and Joshua did not know how to do it. The only man whom he had seen doing it was Ian and now it was Kaito. 

Kaito winked at the two before he went back to his position behind Ivy. "Shall we move? We need to be careful as we don't know how many more men are inside."

"What about these two?" Ivy pointed at the two men who were lying on the floor, her voice barely audible. She was still stunned by what she had seen.

"Don't worry, Miss. They will not be waking up for a few hours at least." Kaito said with pride and the trio continued with their quest.

However, before that, Ronnie took out a zip lock cover from his backpack and removed two pills from it. He made the two men swallow one each before he wiped his hands clean. "Done. Now, we can go."

"What did you feed them?"

"These are barbiturates in high concentration. This will cause short term memory loss and these people will not remember us once they get up."

Ivy was once again spooked by what she had heard. "There is something like that too?"

"Yes, Miss," Ronnie replied and did not go deep into it. He did not reveal that it was Ian who had prepared this pill and it worked in a different way compared to other barbiturates. He knew that Ian's other identity as the owner of the Royal Group was still hidden from the girls and he did not want to reveal it to the girls. "Let's go, Miss."

Ivy nodded still in disbelief. She only started to walk when Kaito called out to her from behind. The trio reached down and then, they saw a laboratory-like room. It occupied the entire floor and they could get a glimpse of the interior. However, they could not make out clearly what was inside.

Ronnie tried to get open the door to the laboratory which seemed to be sealed. But he could not. Even Ivy tried only to meet the same result. They wondered why they were unable to open the door when they noticed the passcode lock at the side. So, now they could not open the lock at all, not when they did not know the number combination. 

The three people gave up trying and started to go back. They had no idea how much time they had spent inside the factory. They had to leave before any more people discovered them. However, Ivy halted right in her place when she smelled something. "Do you guys smell it too?"

"Smell what, Miss West?" Ronnie enquired seeing her bizarre expression and he started to sniff around when he too got the smell.

"Doesn't it smell like how a hospital usually does? Like I smell formaldehyde, if that is what the disinfectant is called. Can you guys smell it too?"

"There is a faint smell, now that you mention it. I wonder why we are able to smell something like this?" Kaito added and frowned trying to come up with a possible answer.

However, they did not have much time. So, they gave up thinking and concentrated on escaping from the place. The factory was still empty and they closed the fake wall again before they went to the exit door from where they had come inside. Opening it from inside was easier and the three people left the factory with ease. 

However, they did not leave the premises. They chose a convenient hiding spot from where they could observe their surroundings as well as the entrance gate. Now, all they had to do was wait for the people to enter and there was still another two hours for the meeting to start. So, she took out her bag and opened a box of sandwiches and handed it to Kaito and Ronnie and kept a smaller one to herself. 

"Here, have it. Don't worry about finishing it. We are in a food package factory. We will not be starving at least." Ivy joked and smiled in merriment. However, the next second, she froze and her eyes widened in realization. "Package, that was it. Why didn't I think about it before?" She mumbled loudly gaining the two men's attention.

"Miss West, is everything alright?"

"Not at all, Ronnie. I now realized why we could get that weird smell in the basement. That is because this is the place where they deal with the organs they have harvested from victims and the laboratory downstairs is the place where they keep it temporarily. Oh my God." Ivy revealed her conclusions and her words stunned both the men and they stared at her horrified.

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